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Finally acceded to Amex request for financial data access to consider CLI request


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i've been stuck at an aggregate $50k CL on my Amex accounts for more than a decade. 


They had me pinned to $49.9k for some time between three accounts.  When I opened a 4th, the reallocation they imposed put me at $53k.


For the longest time they insisted on access to our tax return to consider a CLI.  Simply out of bounds and a disproportionate data grab (even though I grasp that they really just want to confirm income data).


Lately, they've just ask for checking/savings data.  Last night I basically said WTH and submitted a modest CLI request to bump my $25k Blue Pref to $29k.


An attempt two link via Yodlee (or some similar account aggregator) failed miserably with both CU's I attempted to link.  (One captures income deposits, the other reports savings balances.)


So I used the backup of downloading 3 months of statements for each account and giving Amex access to my drive.


CL in place less than 24 hours later.

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I haven't gotten a CLI from any of my card issuers in many years and I really don't need or want one. I figure they know enough about me, I will not give them more documentation. They know I pay my bill in fill each weekend as is shown by their own records. I figure that's all they need to know.

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I was experimenting according to folk's layout a depiction of clicking the link availability if color grey and blue outcome notation after clicking, the latter is approved and grey is denied, the outcome is blue and was approved for requesting.  


I have applied for a credit limit increase, but it is not possible unless I upload 3 months of bank statement documents or agree to allow AmEx to access my account, and I refuse.


My current total risk exposure is $60K and requests a $25K total line merely on a nominal $5,400 increase from the cash magnet card which sits at $19,600. Oh well, I'm not going to submit any mandatory documents for a small line increase.


I figured $60k of credit was the maximum AmEx would allow me to have without documentation, but rumor has it that asking for less than $5k would not trigger a request for a 4506T or bank statement. I went to BCE to proceed with the CLI request, but the screen said I had just requested an increase a few minutes ago and was denied access. LOL... :lol:

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