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Can I remove old student loans that have been paid?


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I opened two student loans in 2006, and over the years I placed them either in deferment or forbearance status. I finally paid them both off in October of 2019. Both loans are reported as closed accounts but reflect late payments from a few times over the years I did not renew the status. Is there a way for me to remove them from my credit file? Does the 7-year statute apply because the loans were opened in 2006? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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Any credit history for a paid installment loan that was closed in good standing (final status not default or collection) will continue to report as follows:


Any individual delinquencies noted on the reporting will be removed 7 years after that delinquency month.


All other positive monthly statuses will drop month by month when 10 years has elapsed.  The tradeline itself will be removed 10 years after the last date of reported activity.


Because it's feasible that the tradeline will continue reporting as a "positive" account for years after the last delinquency drops, in the big picture it can be very beneficial to be patient and not try to rush removal of the tradeline.

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