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Busted 800


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I didn’t think it would happen for a couple more years. Have a late from 2020 on a BMW card when it became an Elan card. Did the pay off most of an unsecured loan hack. Real FICOs popped up.  experian 794, equifax 809, and trans union 811. 

Couldn’t have happened without the advice from here (mostly lurching and reading, some under an old forgotten account).



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1 hour ago, shifter said:

You sure there's a 30DL reporting? I don't believe it's possible to clear 800 with any lates, let alone one 2 years old.



could depend on the model being used now that some are going to 900 and beyond...and we don't know that at this juncture in the thread...

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1 hour ago, shifter said:

You sure there's a 30DL reporting? I don't believe it's possible to clear 800 with any lates, let alone one 2 years old.


My recollection re what simulator @BobWang used for his charts is sketchy, but I suspect it was the mortgage model (FICO 2/4/5) which requires a near-pristine report vs FICO 8 to cut an 800 score.


FWIW, Bev has a single 30-day late from BA reporting Aug 2017.  It took approx 4 years post-delinquency for her FICO 8 scores to break 800,


FWIW, we're talking about strong metrics, aside from that delinquency:


Oldest account > 20 years

Average account age > 9-10 years

Overall utilization < 3%

Highest single account utilization < 30%.

A total of 4 mortgage tradelines (1 open); 2 installment tradelines (1 open).


As @centex suggests, OP may be reporting another FICO score model (e.g. FICO 9), or one of the industry enhanced models (auto/bankcard) which score on 250-900 rather than 300-850.


If these are base FICO 8 scores, suffice to say the report is "eye opening".  (no vested interest here in whether they are or are not)



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1 hour ago, hdporter said:

My recollection re what simulator @BobWang used for his charts is sketchy, but I suspect it was the mortgage model (FICO 2/4/5) which requires a near-pristine report vs FICO 8 to cut an 800 score.

True, but the basic metrics of how the lates hurt are similar. It hit you about 100-125 points and then you slowly build back up over time, but until the last day it falls off, you're still stuck at 775 range max.


Naturally the OP could be talking about a score based on 900, which would mean a 100 pt hit, lessened after 2 years could put you over 800.

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I did screenshots meaning to upload but can’t figure out how.  The three all came from the Experian site, so maybe that’s causing the issue? Appear to be FICO 8. Have a screenshot too of the late. It shows on the credit report for each agency. 


Regardless, still appreciate the movement north thanks to CB

if someone wants to give guidance, I’ll upload the screenshots. 


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Just now, ImBack said:

I did screenshots meaning to upload but can’t figure out how.  The three all came from the Experian site, so maybe that’s causing the issue? Appear to be FICO 8. Have a screenshot too of the late. It shows on the credit report for each agency. 


Regardless, still appreciate the movement north thanks to CB

if someone wants to give guidance, I’ll upload the screenshots. 


you can create an account at imgur or similar site and use the direct link option then "insert image from URL" option when posting on CB

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1 hour ago, ImBack said:

When I copy the link and then attempt to insert it the url box turns red and nothing happens. Using an iPad Pro. 

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 



I don't think the iPad use should be a problem.  This is a pretty basic copy/paste.


It sounds to me like you're trying to link to your image through an Imgur link option other than "Direct Link".  Use of the wrong link option can result in the red highlighted result you describe.


Here's what you should see when you click on "Insert image from URL", having copied and pasted the "Direct Link" from Imgur,  as you prepare your post




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13 hours ago, shifter said:

True, but the basic metrics of how the lates hurt are similar. It hit you about 100-125 points and then you slowly build back up over time, but until the last day it falls off, you're still stuck at 775 range max.


Naturally the OP could be talking about a score based on 900, which would mean a 100 pt hit, lessened after 2 years could put you over 800.


I must agree with you, @shifter.  FICO scores in buckets and one known bucket is for those with lates.  Sounds about right that the max score range for that bucket would be about 775.  

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29 minutes ago, hdporter said:


And Bev's 805/810/801 with one 4-year old 30-day late are bucketed where?


Not sure.  Which FICO version are you quoting?


All I know is that it is a published fact directly in FICO's technical data (and talked about extensively here before) that FICO never -- yes, never -- scores one against the other 100 million or more other people with a FICO Score.  People are scored in buckets.  hat exactly the buckets are is a FICO secret, but some have been revealed / discovered.  Bk is a bucket.  30, 60, 90-day lates is a bucket.  It is also a widely known fact that each bucket has a minimum and maximum score range that are not always the same as the FICO Score minimum and maximum range.  

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1 minute ago, PotO said:


Not sure.  Which FICO version are you quoting?


All I know is that it is a published fact directly in FICO's technical data (and talked about extensively here before) that FICO never -- yes, never -- scores one against the other 100 million or more other people with a FICO Score.  People are scored in buckets.  hat exactly the buckets are is a FICO secret, but some have been revealed / discovered.  Bk is a bucket.  30, 60, 90-day lates is a bucket.  It is also a widely known fact that each bucket has a minimum and maximum score range that are not always the same as the FICO Score minimum and maximum range.  


I grasp the concept of statistical segmentation (aka "bucketing")


The scores I quoted for Bev are FICO 8 from myFICO, dated Aug 2021 (last time I paid to pull 3 scores for her).






* Note, because reports for each CRA were pulled separately, account history is stated for only 1 CRA on each report.  The reports for all 3 CRA's reflect the 30-day delinquency in 2017.

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21 minutes ago, hdporter said:


I grasp the concept of statistical segmentation (aka "bucketing")


The scores I quoted for Bev are FICO 8 from myFICO, dated Aug 2021 (last time I paid to pull 3 scores for her).






* Note, because reports for each CRA were pulled separately, account history is stated for only 1 CRA on each report.  The reports for all 3 CRA's reflect the 30-day delinquency in 2017.


Then we know that the bucket for those with lates is either above 800 on the high end or else lates after a certain date time are not part of the bucket.

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6 minutes ago, PotO said:


Then we know that the bucket for those with lates is either above 800 on the high end or else lates after a certain date time are not part of the bucket.


Just to refocus, my original post was prompted by the assertion that an 800+ score wasn't possible on FIco 8 with a reported delinquency.  Plus, that the BWang charts don't likely reflect FICO 8 scores.


'Again, if the reported OP score of 800+  is FICO 8 (non industry) and reflects a 30-day delinquency of less than 2 years, I consider it "eye opening" (but not unfeasible).

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25 minutes ago, hdporter said:


Just to refocus, my original post was prompted by the assertion that an 800+ score wasn't possible on FIco 8 with a reported delinquency.  Plus, that the BWang charts don't likely reflect FICO 8 scores.


'Again, if the reported OP score of 800+  is FICO 8 (non industry) and reflects a 30-day delinquency of less than 2 years, I consider it "eye opening" (but not unfeasible).


A delinquency of more than two years I would say.  With a delinquency of under two years I would say it's virtually impossible.


In any event, the score means nothing.  No credit card issuer looks at your FICO Score until after they have decided to approve your application.  With a recent delinquency, you'd be hard pressed to find any but the bottom feeders that would approve you.  Hell, even B of A and US Bank shoot down secured card applications for some old delinquencies.  

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Late was April 2020. Over the past 12 months, I’ve applied for penfed and received a 15K limit, a second NFCU with 33K, a BOA with 22.5K, a SOFI with 20K, and a bank of Hawaii with 15.3K. So not sure the comment on “hard pressed to find any but the bottom feeders that would approve…”


@hdporter yup, following the instructions you and others provide. When I press submit, block turns red. Same from pc. Operator error I realize, but frustrating. Happy to email the images to anybody who’d like yo load them. 


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7 hours ago, ImBack said:

@hdporter yup, following the instructions you and others provide. When I press submit, block turns red. Same from pc. Operator error I realize, but frustrating. Happy to email the images to anybody who’d like yo load them. 


For additional guidance, paste the link into the body of a post so we can see from where the "fail" might originate.  (You may need to "space" the link in some manner so that it's not processed as such by the post editor.)

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23 hours ago, ImBack said:


here is the link


link:  https://imgur.com/a/gFTNEzL




This would not appear to be the link that is labelled "Direct Link" in imgur ...


Look at this example of an image stored on Imgur that I inserted into a post earlier in this thread:




The URL that you want to "Copy" and then past into the "Insert image from URL" dialog is the second one, "Direct Link".  Doing so should resolve your problem.

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  • 2 months later...

November updates:


Experian 800

Equifax 815

Transunion 818


All FICO Score 8


It’s been a long trudge. When I started all my scores were below 600. No bankruptcies, just stupidity. 

I do wish I could figure out how to post the screenshots…

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