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DOLA Confusion 6 Year removal - Equifax Canada (ONTARIO)


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DOLA Confusion 6 Year removal


Will this DOLA account be removed next month, I was surprised to see it wasn't removed on the first of May 1, 2020 which equals out to (6) six years. Appreciate everyone's insight.

Credit Information

This section contains information on each account that you've opened in the past. It is retained in our database for not more than 6 years from the date of last activity.

Note: The account numbers have been partially masked for your security.

Phone Number: ‪(800)000 0000 High Credit/Credit Limit: $2,217.00
Account Number: XXX...000 Payment Amount: Not Available
Association to Account: Individual Balance: $0.00
Type of Account: Open Past Due: $0.00
Date Opened: 2012-06 Date of Last Activity: 2014-05
Status: Bad debt, collection account or unable to locate Date Reported: 2016-04
Months Reviewed:
Payment History: No payment 30 days late
No payment 60 days late
No payment 90 days late
Prior Paying History: Three or more payments past due ( 2014-09 ) Three or more payments past due ( 2014-08 ) Three or more payments past due ( 2014-07 )
Comments: Written-off
Transferred or sold
Edited by PavedRoad
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 CB Admin:  Pam, MarvBear, radi8, LKH & 😇breeze😇


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