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U.S. Bank Shows Love, First Prime Card in Years


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I had been receiving offers in the mail from U.S. Bank for the past year but I just blew them off even though they are my main bank and they are just down the street. Also, because I hear that they are conservative and offer low limits.


So I was using the US Bank pre-selected site this weekend even though I knew even my FAKO's were still not good (my best was EQ with about a 640). I sent off my information and it gave me a screen with three pre-approved cards, the FlexperksSelect+ AMEX, Cash+ Visa Signature, and the Visa Platinum. All were listed with a fixed interest rate offers at 19%. Middle of the road I guess according to their web site.


I was excited, but this happen to me before with Citi and I was ultimately denied. So, I said what they heck I haven't applied for anything in a while as I am trying to get my scores up. I asked to do balance transfers from my high interest Cap1 card  and clicked submit where I got the 7-10 day notice.  I also stepped on over to PSECU and figured if I was going to blow a couple inquiries I may as well do it on the same day and see what they have to say too. I again assume that they are conservative with collections based upon the reviews here.


So today I get an email from US Bank saying I was approved. Woohoo! Now I assumed it was just going to be for about $500 as this is what I consider my first retail bank card in a decade. So I call to see if they can tell me what my limit is and see if I can get that balance transfer for 0% started. This wouldn't cover the Cap1 balance but every penny counts. So I am of course asking the rep the details and she says I was approved at 18%. Cool, that's nice it came down a point. Then she tells me the limit...flippin $7500.00. Inside I was pretty happy. So now I can balance transfer everything to the 0% til 12/31/19.


So I hear from PSECU today and they too approve me for another $3500.00. This was a good weekend, my utilization just got better as I ended up with over 10k additional credit this weekend. 


I don't know how this happen but I am thankful.



Edited by frank92555
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5 hours ago, Konrad2012 said:

Kongrats on the approvals.


Why do you not consider CapOne a bank card? 



Its not that I don't consider Cap1 a bank card, and they do often give generous limits. They even gave me $3500 last year as a re-builder.


But, I do consider other banks (Citi, Chase, BofA, Wells, US Bank etc.) more reluctant to give out large credit lines if you are rebuilding. And I have always had a difficult time getting in with the banks. Eventually, I did years ago, but it was after many denials. 

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