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Car colors/packages question


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Still thinking about the Kia Soul+ for DD.

Here is the question (and this isn't just for Kia, I am sure it is the same for other manufacturers as well).  Why the beep does the color of the car dictate what "packages" can be offered on the vehicle?  
She wants "blue".  They have a "Caribbean blue" (which is a custom color package) and they have a "Mysterious Blue" which is one of their standard colors.  
With the caribbean blue, you are not allowed the upgraded Audio Package or the "Primo Package" that has all the cool safety things like collision alert and blind spot monitoring.  (and for some unfathomable reason....a sunroof)

With the Mysterious Blue (again, which is one of their standard colors) I can get the upgraded Audio Package...but for some reason they will not allow the Primo package.   (which makes no sense at all)   Matter of fact, they only offer the Primo package with the "bright silver" (light grey) vehicle color.

Neither the base model or the Exclaim offer a blue car.  The base model also has no packages offered.  The exclaim (!) has the tech package, but again no blue (not to mention finding a used Soul! is almost impossible.)

I already know my options.  I will probably just find a vehicle that meets my minimum standards (blue and backup camera) then have an aftermarket blind spot detector added.  

The main thing I am asking is, why on earth do these packages not make any sense and why to they only offer it on certain color vehicles.  Most people (or I would assume) would be interested in safety packages.

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Any number of reasons...but often it boils down to some bean counter determining that the color was associated with the groups that tend not to buy certain packages.

There are similar decisions regarding take rates with every manufacturer.  Same thing applies to why DRIVERS cannot get a manual transmission in most vehicles.  Factor also that the various governmental agencies require certification of each and every powertrain combination and it again comes back to the bean counters.

I HATE the cramming practices and have seen exactly what you mean with the sunroof/moonroof options on some vehicles.  I looked at an ATS/V a few years ago.  Moonroof was a standalone option on the pricing BUT if you tried to add it, you had to get their high-dollar electronics package (that I had no interest in).  All of a sudden, that $1K moonroof was a $5K option.  No thanks. 

With respect to colors, we see it now on some vehicles where certain colors are charged an additional sum.  Several 'new' colors on the 2019 F-Type added anywhere from several hundred to a few thousand to the tab.  But they know that some people are willing to pay the extra money to have THEIR special car. 

I get the point behind the decisions to bundle, but it costs sales.  Unfortunately, the 'gotta have it now' crowd wins out since so few people are willing to spec an order out and then have to wait anywhere from several weeks to several months to get THEIR car.  Every now and then you can get lucky and find what you want by expanding the searches outside of the home area.  Did that with my F-Type...found it, got better than $30K off sticker AND they flat-bedded it to me from another State at no additional charge.

Something to look at if color is actually the sole deal-breaker is that many people are doing 'wraps' to get colors not otherwise available...have no idea what the cost is to wrap a Soul, but that would be something else to look at. 

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The wraps thing....wouldn't that devalue the resell value the same as a custom paint job?  

Oh, and off topic..... 
My ever so wise husband (read that as "blathering salamander") bought her the car yesterday. (Caribbean blue) ........
No, not the used car we went to look at....a brand spanking new 2019 Kia Soul +  
Who the eff does that for a kid that doesn't have her driver's license yet???!!!  (I am still pretty steamed about it)

I mean, I don't mind her having a new car....at some point...but not while she is still learning to drive.   

He used to joke that he was an salamander savant.....I'm starting to wonder if it isn't the truth.


*edited to add....
Salamander?  Really?

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I don't know that wraps devalue potential resale, although it IS a Soul, so I don't know what resale exists.  Those likely take a bath and struggle for air the moment they leave the lot. 

Some on the F-Type boards have indicated that the wrap can be removed without damaging the underlying original paint job, which makes it a far more viable option than the custom paint jobs that usually suck since the owner rarely pays to have all jambs and compartments painted in addition to the exterior.  A proper custom paint job would pretty much gut a vehicle and include even the things like the paint in the window channel where the weatherstripping and seals sit and would include insides of things like the engine bay and the trunk/hatch areas. 

As to buying a brand new car for an unlicensed driver...there are no words.  Personally, buying ANYTHING that was new in the past decade rarely makes sense for an unlicensed driver.  Insurance is going to be through the roof...older vehicle, you could pay cash and go liability only (or at least avoid collision- I always keep comp on the older ones even if I drop the tax for being stupid, err I mean collision). 

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:o ............


It is actually a nice little car.  I'd take it over a Chevy entry level car any day. (I don't know what their low end car is now days.....but I had 2 Cavaliers - neither made it over 70K miles, and I was limping them into the dealership to trade.)  Had a Ford truck that was in the shop more often than my driveway.  
Now I did like my Dodge Dakota....it was well over 100K (with only one visit to the shop for a repair the entire time I owned it)  before its untimely demise (and even then, it did its job and kept my son safe in a flip and roll)  I'm also quite happy with my Town and Country...pushing 130K and now is the first time I have had any problems with it. (occasional problem starting that isn't the battery, starter, or alternator - which means a trip to the shop is in my future to figure out what the issue is)  

But for American entry level cars...I'll pass.  

Note:  Quick google check and Kia is the 3rd most reliable brand after Toyota and Lexus.  (Consumer Reports) and other sites are also saying they are very reliable.
So why are you saying it is a disposable car?  Have you had a different experience?  

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9 hours ago, Konrad2012 said:

What part is more upsetting - That he bought his little girl a new car or that he didn't involve you in the decision? 

Yeah, well, it was go with the flow or watch an infantile melt down of massive proportions.  (sorry, I hate to say it, but my husband can be a bit of a donkeys rear end)  I was sort of blindsided when they walked it to start talking numbers.  

The worse part is...if I am planning on buying a new car, I research the heck out of it before walking onto the lot.  I know what to offer for the vehicle with any of the given packages.  
I walked in blind....and when my ever so smart hubby was planning on paying the sticker price, I found my voice.  A resounding  :stop:  

I was able to talk $2k off the price, but I have no idea if I made a decent deal or not...like I said, I walked in blind with no due diligence done beforehand because, again, who the heck buys a new car for a teen? I didn't even consider researching the price of the new vehicles. (and now I am afraid to look for fear of feeling sick if I didn't get a decent deal) 

As for what motivated him to do this, I have no idea....but I am sure some sort of nefarious intentions are behind it. 
As for him deciding he is going to do something (expensive) and not tell me....nothing new.

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2 hours ago, Tigz said:

:o ............

Note:  Quick google check and Kia is the 3rd most reliable brand after Toyota and Lexus.  (Consumer Reports) and other sites are also saying they are very reliable.
So why are you saying it is a disposable car?  Have you had a different experience?  

Read the number of people in Automotive forum complaining to Marv about the amount of negative equity they have in their Hyundai & Kia (same car different stickers)

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Well....lets just hope she has it for the next 10 years.  :lol:  
With exception to a vehicle being totaled, I'm not usually concerned with the depreciation because I tend to keep them for as long as I can before buying something else.  So any time after it is paid off, I consider it a monetary bonus  (sort of the "a penny saved is a penny earned" philosophy) 

But really, over the past few years Kia has made some vast improvements.  I sort of see Kia like the Toyota of the 70s.  (or more likely the reemergence in the 80s) Those first Toys were just that - toys that broke easily.  Then they pulled back and reassessed and recreated themselves...now Toyota is considered one of the most reliable brands (with exception of that fiasco a few years ago).  I see Kia attempting to do the same thing. 
But lets be truthful here, even with the + package, it is still a basic car.  (My rump can attest to that after driving it 110 miles home from the dealership).  Cars like that you should try to get all the goody out of it before it is traded up and be happy to get a few thousand in trade.  
Again, the downside is if the car is totaled....which is why it is wise to put down at least 20% (combined cash and trade) before you drive it off of the lot, that way you will rarely be upside down.

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We don't purchase anything over $200 (was $100) with household money without discussing it with the other first.  


We also each get a set amount of money each month that goes directly into our own personal checking accounts, and it's entirely discretionary.


In 9 years we have had zero arguments or bad feelings over money, and our respective discretionary accounts just keep growing because we end up just buying everything from household funds.

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15 hours ago, Tigz said:

:o ............


It is actually a nice little car.  I'd take it over a Chevy entry level car any day. (I don't know what their low end car is now days.....but I had 2 Cavaliers - neither made it over 70K miles, and I was limping them into the dealership to trade.)  Had a Ford truck that was in the shop more often than my driveway.  [/quote]

I would take a Yugo over almost ANY GM product.  Cannot complain about any of my FoMoCo products, and I have driven several ordered in the last 45+ years (many were spec'ed to order). 

15 hours ago, Tigz said:

Note:  Quick google check and Kia is the 3rd most reliable brand after Toyota and Lexus.  (Consumer Reports) and other sites are also saying they are very reliable.
So why are you saying it is a disposable car?  Have you had a different experience?  

I don't trust CR survey data as far as I can throw their little book or magazine.  Ever actually read their reviews?  They rag on some vehicles because of 'poor mileage' and 'suspension stiffness' when the car was never designed for gas mileage or soft rides. 


I know some that take umbrage with the Jaguar brand because of the stereotype that developed when they had Lucas electronics.  However, in the time since Ford had a controlling interest (since sold), they have put out decent vehicles, although some were a tad bland in the entry levels.  I've got three right now, including one that is pushing 200K miles.  The 4DR sedan did get a new clutch around 130K miles, but I don't know how the original owner had driven it (I bought it used with about 100K miles).  And the F-Type just absolutely rocks, even if the change to the rear O2 sensors did take away the overrun crackle and pops that sounded really cool. 


Toyota and Lexus are the same basic vehicle, just with a change of jewelry.  Bland and overpriced, but they get the job done for people.  You couldn't pay me enough to want a Kia....they just seemed cheap when I have been in them.  I looked at the hampstermobiles on a couple of occasions and the clutch was incredibly vague and the interior to plastic-y.  I would have concerns about their reliability down the road...they might very well remain mechanically sound, but cheap tends not to last when it comes to interiors and the various trim pieces.

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3 hours ago, centex said:

I would take a Yugo over almost ANY GM product.  Cannot complain about any of my FoMoCo products, and I have driven several ordered in the last 45+ years (many were spec'ed to order). 

I don't trust CR survey data as far as I can throw their little book or magazine.  Ever actually read their reviews?  They rag on some vehicles because of 'poor mileage' and 'suspension stiffness' when the car was never designed for gas mileage or soft rides. 

Suspension stiffness is a subjective analysis.  Days in the repair shop is an objective analysis. 


We brought 3 Kias for my business as my business partner is buddies with a Kia dealer owner.


2 Hybrid Optimas. 5yr/50K bumper to bumper, 100K powertrain warranty, 150K on the hybrid battery.  They weren't "nice", but they got great mileage and no real problems. 


1 Sorrento V6 AWD.  Same warranties sans hybrid battery of course.  Its OK but definitely cheap.  It got good mileage driving to Seattle when I was on the I-5 going 55.  Driving around on SoCal freeways at 80 it gets like 13mpg.  I actually kept the Sorrento as a 2nd car to "lug around business stuff"  but really its the family car that I leave a car seat in, take the family on road trips, take to Costco, take to the beach. 


I got rid of my M3 and got a Ford Fusion Energi PHEV Titanium or something because i wanted HOV lane access when driving solo.  While it's not an M3, it is a surprisingly nice, high-tech car.  And when I'm going 50mph in the HOV lane and the other 5 lanes on the 405 are going 20mph I a quite pleased with my decision to forgo another sports car. 

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1 hour ago, Konrad2012 said:

Suspension stiffness is a subjective analysis.  Days in the repair shop is an objective analysis. 


We brought 3 Kias for my business as my business partner is buddies with a Kia dealer owner.


2 Hybrid Optimas. 5yr/50K bumper to bumper, 100K powertrain warranty, 150K on the hybrid battery.  They weren't "nice", but they got great mileage and no real problems. 


1 Sorrento V6 AWD.  Same warranties sans hybrid battery of course.  Its OK but definitely cheap.  It got good mileage driving to Seattle when I was on the I-5 going 55.  Driving around on SoCal freeways at 80 it gets like 13mpg.  I actually kept the Sorrento as a 2nd car to "lug around business stuff"  but really its the family car that I leave a car seat in, take the family on road trips, take to Costco, take to the beach. 


I got rid of my M3 and got a Ford Fusion Energi PHEV Titanium or something because i wanted HOV lane access when driving solo.  While it's not an M3, it is a surprisingly nice, high-tech car.  And when I'm going 50mph in the HOV lane and the other 5 lanes on the 405 are going 20mph I a quite pleased with my decision to forgo another sports car. 

I looked at, pretty much, the same Fusion when commuting from the Riverside to LA.  In the end getting rid of the commute made more sense than a new plug in hybrid.  

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Access to HOV lanes based on the vehicle one is driving is yet another reason to NEVER live in California.  Too many stupid policies...to say nothing of their insane gas pricing and income taxes. 


Meanwhile, I continue to free-roll the HOT with my F-Type, often running 70+ -I don't really care about mileage, although I can get 24-25 in my day-to-day stuff.  It would NOT get that on a day at CotA though...might be more like 5, if that LOL!

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On 7/10/2018 at 8:23 AM, centex said:

Access to HOV lanes based on the vehicle one is driving is yet another reason to NEVER live in California.  Too many stupid policies...to say nothing of their insane gas pricing and income taxes. 

Texas property taxes and assessments are really smart policies.


Of course I guess it's non consequential when house prices in TX are like $100-$200/ sq ft vs $1000-$2000/sq ft around me. LOL

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Us in the auto biz, call those "the rat car"  And common joke in the car biz about colors is "no sale blue"  These resale values drop like a gold brick in the Titanic. 


Wraps are good.  We always wrap our courtesy vans, that way when we pull them out of service for sale and remove the wrap the underlying pain is pristine.


congrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on your daughter's new vehicle.

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4 hours ago, MarvBear said:

Us in the auto biz, call those "the rat car"  And common joke in the car biz about colors is "no sale blue"  These resale values drop like a gold brick in the Titanic. 


Wraps are good.  We always wrap our courtesy vans, that way when we pull them out of service for sale and remove the wrap the underlying pain is pristine.


congrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on your daughter's new vehicle.

Unless it's a BMW.  M Series and M Sport Package cars are the only ones available in certain blues are are coveted.


Kind of like Hugger Orange GM/Chevy's.

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19 hours ago, Konrad2012 said:

Unless it's a BMW.  M Series and M Sport Package cars are the only ones available in certain blues are are coveted.


Kind of like Hugger Orange GM/Chevy's.

But even there, book value does not always reflect it...I remember the same thing with the smurf blue first-gen Miata.  To the lenders and the value guides, it was a base model with next to no options.  But the smurf blue had a following that the Laguna Blue ('94 or '96, I forget which) never seemed to acquire.  There are still people getting nice sums on a pristine smurf...

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