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morpheus0327 on his journey


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Under 25%.... and heading towards 10% -- Woot! Congrats.

Thanks bud!


That's Wonderful!!!


Have you initiated your BT plan?

Thanks Kat for your guidance all along. Yes I initiated that as soon as Discover gave the extra $1k. It is underway.

The remaining plan is also same as before.


Admirable job.

Thanks - yeah, here's to better credit.


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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG - just checked CCT. Last week it was 729. I am speechless....

my heart almost skipped a beat... several beats rather.




Sincerely don't know what happened - all CCT parameters are same as before, (perhaps they need to update 27% usage to 24%...)


CB, you are unbelievable!

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Aye, those glitches make it look amazing...when I just transferred mine to the 0% cards, mine reported a nice 2%, and spiked up to 835. So I guess I know the general area I'll fall in once the paydowns are complete! :D Great job on yours!

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Haha... ok ok figured out.

It's nothing but a technical gliche..

Basically a balance transfer caused 0 funds to report across donor and acceptor. That brought down usage from 27 to 12%.


Nevertheless, that target looks really good and worthy to work on.


Not a glitch... just the way it works.


Some people do this on purpose prior to a new app.

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Crossed 50K point with overall CL today after approval of the 5.5k Amazon chase. Thanks CB.


I'll now wait to get to the $2 mark before denting my credit reports. Long road...


Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk


Congrats and a good plan! ;)

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A yet another milestone on Morpheus' journey.

After JCP's CLI, of 7K, total CL $58,380

UT = 18.8%.


If there were no CB's... I'd have never asked for CLI on website - (won't have been denied) and won't have courage to call Credit solutions then Underwriter - two times in 1 day, negotiate and confidently get approved.


I still remember, 3 months ago, I made my first call to recon a CLI and had no clue what I was doing. Basically I was stumbling over the phone, not knowing what to say.


CB, you are great!

Edited by morpheus0327
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A yet another milestone on Morpheus' journey.

After JCP's CLI, of 7K, total CL $58,380

UT = 18.8%.


If there were no CB's... I'd have never asked for CLI on website - (won't have been denied) and won't have courage to call Credit solutions then Underwriter - two times in 1 day, negotiate and confidently get approved.


I still remember, 3 months ago, I made my first call to recon a CLI and had no clue what I was doing. Basically I was stumbling over the phone, not knowing what to say.


CB, you are great!

Good job staying on it. Nice to see the results! :)

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The last post in this topic was posted 2115 days ago. 


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