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morpheus0327 on his journey


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I am starting this thread to thank CB at current and future milestones.

I joined CB way back in 2012, but lurked and delayed for life's reasons. I learned a worthy lesson of keeping reports derog-free then, due to a great friend who introduced me to CB.


However, I never got back on the boards until early June of 2017.

Started with a staggering 95% utilization on revolvers (CL ~$24K), I was buckled-up to begin my journey.

My scores were then 702 (EX), 685 (TU) and 692 (EQ) and . No prequalifiers ever knocked on my door.


Today, almost three months later, thanks to CB, scores are 703 (EX), 718 (TU) and 712 (EQ), utilization is ~33% (CL ~34K). Every other day I get some or the other prequal, with companies like Barclay's, :-) which I never thought would happen.


I got my first ever sign-up bonus (SUB) few days ago from 'AMEX Blue Everyday', same for DW too.

I was expecting $100, but they gave me $250 for some reason (DW got $100). We only did regular spend.


So, thank you CB!

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Thanks for sharing your journey with us. What's your current and long term goals?

Hi LB. Thanks for going through this thread.

In fact that is the question I ask myself several times daily.

For now I only have short term goals. You can read about progress of those in another thread: https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=595565&hl=

I am reading, learning (and reading more) here at CB to form a decent list of long term goals.


On a related but different (rather bit humorous) topic, if you search credit boards for this string:

long short term goals

and click on a particular search-result entitled

Redemption - The LadyLunis story - Credit Forum - CreditBoards


every time you'll get a different topic when you click on that link :-)

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Try for yourself... maybe a 'CB techie' could 'chime in'

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  • 2 weeks later...

Waving a thanks at CB yet again.

This time - FICO 8 of 707 on Experian. The highest Experian FICO I could remember was 706, which lasted only one day in June this year :D.


I remember that CCT used to give a 'plus' scores thingy... of which my highest ever went to 722. Of course they were FAKO's.


Last I checked earlier this month, FICOs on TU and EQ were 718 and 712 respectively.

I'll get my 3's at month end... so hopefully TU and EQ will see newer horizons too.


UT at 29.3% (can't believe it... seems like it was 95% yesterday!)


You all bear credit to the progress of my scores!

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Oh... hold on a second.

When it rains it pours!


I hit another CLI request, now on CITI Thank you. Guess what - they gave an increase of $3500. CL now $11,430. My first 5-digit CL ever (hitherto the max was $7930 on this same card).

Which, my friends, brings the overall UT to...



Total CL: $40,880.


CB, you rock! Sincerely.


New horizons indeed!

Edited by morpheus0327
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