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bumbay da dogg

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Hi All,


I just received a Citi Double Cash card with and initial $3k limit and 740 Experian:


Citi won't do anything if you are approved, until you have the card in hand.


April 02, 2015:

Called Customer Service 1-877-640-3983:

  • Spoke with UW Virginia very nice
  • Located in Maryland
  • Told Underwriter's only for denials or if your application is on hold
  • Told to request CLI online or thru Customer Service


  • Filled out form online. Information requested:
  1. Income
  2. Mortgage/Rent amount
  3. CLI requested $25k
  4. Hard Pull necessary
  5. Supposedly 24 hour turn around
  6. Sent off request

APRIL 04, 2016:

I go online to check status:

  • CLI of $7000
  • Current line now $10k
  • Its cool but not $25k

I call Customer Service @ 1-855-473-4583:

  • I chat it up a bit.
  • I explain my situation and what's needed:
  • Customer Service Rep. attempts to brush me off
  • Tells me I didn't get $25k because my account was so new
  • Advises me to wait 6 - 12 months then apply for limit I want

I request to speak with an UW:

  • Customer Service Rep. places me on hold
  • Comes back with a message from UW basically same canned message

I request the Customer Service Rep. to notify the UW I want to speak with them directly:

  • Placed on hold
  • UW comes on line pleasant and cheerful
  • I explain my need

The UW starts to tell me the following:

  • Chat it up a bit
  • My credit is great
  • My account is so new
  • Build a history with us
  • Then we can look at a CLI in about 6 months
  • UW stated we can put in a CLI requested today which will be triggered for activation in 6 months?
  • I'm thinking what?
  • UW then states if you really want we can try a CLI today, but it might be another HP...I'm not really sure?
  • I'm thinking what? Another HP you just pulled an HP 1 day ago

I request to speak with the next level of authority in Kentucky:

  • UW is super nice about the matter, takes info and places me on hold
  • Chat it up a bit
  • I'm transferred to a super nice Lady Shay
  • Shay, listens intensely. Tells me she understands my request
  • Shay, tells me no HP needed because of recent pull
  • I'm placed on hold for about 2 - 3 minutes
  • Shay, comes back to line inquiring if I can hold just a little longer
  • I say, no problem since you are so nice and helpful


  • Shay, comes back online just as cheerful as ever
  • Shay said:

"I'm happy to inform you, we are able to increase your limit to $25K, effective immediately"

  • I thank Shay and attempt to not scream with joy


  • I thank Shay and tell here how great she is
  • I ask is there a Supervisor I can speak to or place I can write a letter to let them know how great you are?
  • Shay, seems overjoyed and surprised asking "You would really do that?"...If she only knew how much she just made my day!
  • Shay, places me on hold for a 1-2 minutes
  • A Supervisor comes on the line introduces herself and location in South Dakota
  • We chat it up for minute
  • I lay it on thick and heavy. Then I give it another coat of how great Shay is, the fantastic customer service, remarkable phone prescence and overall great assistance. It was all true.
  • Supervisor eats it up. Tells me Shay is new, only about 2 weeks on the job and this will be mentioned in the Supervisor's meeting and Shay will receive some of recognition for this.
  • I thank the Supervisor and ask her to thank Shay again.
  • I exit call with and additional $25K on a new Citibank card

​I'm happy, Shay is happy and the Supervisor is happy!





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I know I've never said you can't. I'm not sure where that came from.

Peace Mendelssohn,


Nothing personal or directed at you. Just choose an attention grabbing title.


You have been a tremendous help to me answering my questions directly or others, along with sharing your experiences.


So, no never anything but respect and gratitude to you and all your hard work.


Thanks, Mendelssohn again.

Very nicely done.


Thanks, Mec.


I'm really excited.

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I know I've never said you can't. I'm not sure where that came from.

Peace Mendelssohn,


Nothing personal or directed at you. Just choose an attention grabbing title.


You have been a tremendous help to me answering my questions directly or others, along with sharing your experiences.


So, no never anything but respect and gratitude to you and all your hard work.


Thanks, Mendelssohn again.

Very nicely done.

Thanks, Mec.


I'm really excited.



Nice job on the recon!

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Congrats, my citi double cash is stuck at my starting credit line of 500, they won't budge


Thanks, Shane.


I don't know if you tried the online CLI or calling Customer Service. But if they tell you no ask for the next level of authority and the next level and the next. I would do that until I exhaust options, get what I want or a livable offer.


Good Luck!

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I know I've never said you can't. I'm not sure where that came from.

Peace Mendelssohn,


Nothing personal or directed at you. Just choose an attention grabbing title.


You have been a tremendous help to me answering my questions directly or others, along with sharing your experiences.


So, no never anything but respect and gratitude to you and all your hard work.


Thanks, Mendelssohn again.

Very nicely done.

Thanks, Mec.


I'm really excited.



Nice job on the recon!



Thanks, Mendelssoh.


That mean a lot coming from one of the knowledge leaders on the board.

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Great job Bunbay, can we get some data for future knowledge. Of course if you don't mind.


How many Citi products, AAOA, other credit lines and any other vital info? Thanks!

Hi Rich,


No Problem. Here goes:


​Citibank products:

1. The Double Cash Card is my only product



1. I don't know

2. They pulled a EXPERIAN at 740

3. I would guess 8-15 years


Other Lines:

Do you mean with Citi or Other Institutions?


Lowes $35k


Citi $25K

Boeing Employees Credit Union $10K

Pen Fed $6K

Cap 1 $3k (I'm taking this to $25k or more later this year)

Barclay Apple $1K since like 2010 I need to work on raising this

Chase Freedoom $800 (I'm taking this one to $25K later this year)


No late payments


IRS Lien from 2007. Being worked on for clearance and repayment. This is my only bad mark.


If you need more info just ask

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Thank you very much for posting this & including so much detail.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hi Trackids,




Yeah, I posted the detail on purpose. So CBer's could see how it all unfolded.


Maybe follow this form or tweak it to their own situation and specifications.

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great job, even greater patience, i would 've grabbed my gun on the first "NO"!



Hi Rysher,


Thanks. I wasn't so frustrated because everybody was pretty nice and pleasant. The last 2 the UW and Shay the Level above the UW were super nice, professional and helpful.


I just had the feeling if I continued to make my case something good was going to happen.


I'm stoked.

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Total baller move(s) with style mixed in. Congrats on the determination and running the angle to the max. How much do you charge by the minute?

Hi Who,


Thanks, for the kind words.


I charge nothing if I can help just let me know. I would not consider myself an expert or aficionado at all.


I just tried to examine what has worked for Kats and emulate it with my own personality thrown in.


But again if I can help let me know.

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I was denied the double cash due to a BK in 2011. The lady said there was nothing they could do, that it is company policy. Any advice?




Thank you.


I'm not an expert at all but let me give it a try. I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable CBer's will be along in a bit.


1. Depends on When you last applied to Citi?

2. Not sure how BK sensitive they are?

3. What did you apply for?

4. What other negatives do you have besides the BK?

5. What cards do you have?

6. What are their limits and balances owed?

7. Was Citi on that BK?

8. What state are you in?

8A. Some CC pull different bureaus for different products in their portfolio...sometimes

8B. They also pull different bureaus for different states...sometimes


That might be enough info to start and get some feed back?

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Total baller move(s) with style mixed in. Congrats on the determination and running the angle to the max. How much do you charge by the minute?

Great timeline layout too :clapping:



Hi Astro,


Thanks, for the kind words.


I laid it out that way so others could see how it unfolded. And maybe this could help someone.


And how sometimes gatekeepers tell you no. And sometimes we have to keep pushing until we get to the person who can say yes.


I'm glad you like the way its laid out. Hopefully, it helps.

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Hi All,



  • I exit call with and additional $25K on a new Citibank card

​I'm happy, Shay is happy and the Supervisor is happy!







Nothing short of An explosion of unparalleled satisfaction across the boards!


Well done bumbay da dog. Well done.


Mind if I ask: Is your income in the 6-fig range?

Edited by Crackedcredit
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OP, congrats! Persistence is the key!





I was denied the double cash due to a BK in 2011. The lady said there was nothing they could do, that it is company policy. Any advice?

Daddy, the earliest we have reported getting Citi after BK if you did not IIB them is 4.5 years. If it has been that long, try the recon strategy recommended.

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