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Did I screw up before I ask for CLI from Amazon & Walmart?


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I need some advice from the Synchrony Bank CB mafia (you know who you are on here).

I've been to use the correct credit terminology (gardening) come October 1st, 2015 39 months since I last did a credit application (I know I know don't have a panic attack on me credit app junkies...take a deep breath and blow into a paper bag).


Those two apps were Wal-Mart and Amazon store card.


In this entire time period, I have never (slaps himself in the face back and forth) asked for a CLI from either of these Synchrony backed cards (credit ignorance before I found CB and Myfico is expensive I tell you) and I was approved for the Wal-Mart MasterCard in late August. Before my Wal-Mart Cinderella slipper falls off on October 9th, which is my deadline to say no to the upgrade. I want to ask for $25K from Wal-Mart and hope they counter to at least $4K-$5K and so I will have an MC at that credit limit when it converts over. Same for Amazon ask for $25K and hope for a decent counter.


But I think I might've messed up from all the reading I've done on here.


I usually use both cards at least once a month for the most part and my last statements just cut (Amazon is tomorrow) and both are at zero balances. I had purchases showing on both cards from my last statements (August).


My question is should I buy something on (9/19 day after the Amazon statement cuts) on both cards and then pay them both off once both items post online in three or four days. Still knowing that my due date 10/7 and statement date 10/14 for Wal-Mart is going to be past when I ask for the CLI on October 5th. For Amazon my next due date is 10/10 and statement date is 10/18.


I don't want my current zero balances to not be zero the day I ask for the CLI, but I've read to make sure you use the cards every month and PIF at least 2-4 statements for maximum CLI juice before you ask for the CLI. I'm also going to use the ultra-aggressive "Mendy Method" and every 61 days (should I wait 61 days from the day I get the CLI or is it 61 days from the statement date of that month I got the CLI?) I will ask for a CLI on Amazon, Wal-Mart and Lowe's. My credit every month from now until next summer will see dramatic score increases every month from my remaining few baddies following off and I will be 100% baddie free by no later than August-2016.


Thanks for any help in advance and may the credit Gods bless you with massive BobWang credit lines. :D



Mr. CreditLuv

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I'd call today.


I think I only used my Walmart card a couple times a year. Probably had not used it in several months when I called for increase.


My history with Walmart card was that I had it for several years before reading about people calling. I called and asked for 10K...approved. I called again a few months later and asked for 25k...approved.


The hardest part of the whole process was getting the words out that I was asking for 25k on a Walmart store card. The rest is just sitting on hold for a few minutes while they go and check with someone. Good luck!

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Sync doesn't look at big usage when approving for a CLI.


I don't feel their is a need to go out and make a purchase before you call them. I don't believe that will have any type of factor in the decision.



Most of the decision is based on your credit report...


What other type of lines do you have ?

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Thanks for chiming in. I was hoping you, Mendy, Konrad and others of the CB mafia family would put your two cents in.


I don't have much for credit lines currently.


My credit profile is VERY thin hence why getting even a new Wal-Mart MC and applying for a Lowe's store card would help me so much in the short term. The sheer volume of accounts I need to get to build a decently deep profile is staggering and then start churning cards every two years as you and CB Mafia advice.


· 1-Hummer vehicle loan at 2.5% almost paid off, few thousand bucks left on the loan.

· 2-Cap1 cards with pathetic limits ($1,750 and $3,400) and I'm going to be asking the Cap1 EO for the first time ever in Nov or Dec for big increases (going to ask for $10K for each card) on those two card before I get advice from you guys on if I should try to merge the two cards or not since those two cards are both 10+ years old each).

· Amazon and Wal-Mart store cards that I've had for 39 months come October 2016, both with zero balances and I've never asked for a CLI before on either card.


My mother had a chronic illness and by my standards I considered her poor ($30K or less income) and no medical insurance. I tried to keep her afloat about 8-10 years ago and it destroyed my credit and life when I used to have really good credit. 100% of my baddies will be off by next August 2016 or sooner with some luck, I'm self-employed with a 6-figure income and I have almost 8 years AAOA.


Thanks so much for any and all help.

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  • 1 month later...

I've seen over and over on these boards that Synchrony gives very generous automatic CLI. Over a year ago I applied for the Walmart store card and was surprised to get the Walmart Mastercard in the mail. I was even more surprised to see it came with a whopping $150.00 limit (yes, one hundred and fifty). I called UW and asked for $1K and was declined. I pressed the "luv button" today and received "this account is not eligible for a credit line increase".


I don't get it. Since the limit is so low I pay it in full every month. Sometimes twice. What could possibly be the deal?

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