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Discover luv button fixed: Your credit line has been increased.


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22 minutes ago, steelers1 said:

Hit it today and got the "2 day message".


I have had the card since December 2015 and NEVER got the 2 day message or a cli over $500.


Could this be the BIG ONE? I guess time will tell.


I ALWAYS get that and, sure enough, within a day or so I get my whopping $500 CLI.


Good luck...hope your experience is different.

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Here's a Disco datapoint.  24 year old who works for me had never had a credit card or had any credit.  Used her debit card for everything. 


I had her apply for Disco and inbranch @ Chase for a Freedom.  Both approved for $1K limits.  This was around 1 JUL. 


Disco yesterday gave her a $500 CLI through the luv button.  It has to be less than 90 days from her approval. 

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