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Where can I liquidate a Sunrise bank GF? First time I've had one that was issued from sunrise.

Walmart or a grocery store.
Tried using it at Walmart today and csr saw the GC and said no way. She claimed it's illegal to buy MO with GC.

Good thing that's not my regular Walmart.

I have lost 2 of my local Walmarts in just the past 3weeks. Good thing going for me is I have literally 10 in a 15 mile radius. I did a 499.32 M/O at one that's not my regular and had no problem. Went back 2 days later and tried 1,000 and asked to see the cards. Walmarts policy clearly states that it has to be a pin based card with the word Debit on it. It says nothing at all having to have your name on it or it tied to a chk acct. That's what they kept telling me is it has to be tied to a checking account and that is not in there policy it's the CSR and they just got sent a email about g/c for m/o purchases stated not to do it!! I think it's just a matter of time before the system will not take it. Sucks



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I wonder if it would be an issue with Simon cards that have your name embossed on them, even though they are still gift cards?


I have a very good relationship with most of the people I interact with behind the money center counters at the walmarts I visit and most see that I am using gift cards so I honestly think that it will take a change in their system to stop the giftcard / MO transaction.....just curious, when they changed their systems to prevent us using vanilla cards, did they announce it or was it just found out after some poor soul tried.............even though I can handle it financially if I have 3 or 4K worth of GCs in my possession when the day finally comes when WM shuts the GCs down, I honestly don't want to be in possession of that amount because of the fraudsters......I mean even today, I will buy the GCs and drain them if not immediately, later on the same day.


I am guessing that if you go the simon card route to have your name embossed on the card you have to order them through the mail right?????


So does anyone have alternatives to WM to drain GCs? I have read that some people are able to drain mastercard GCs at the Post Office.....is that really true? I don't know how much longer WM will be available as an option for MOs so I guess I need to start looking for alternatives......any suggestions?

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I've used MasterCard gift cards at the post office.

Went to my regular Walmart yesterday and got MO with no problem after having a problem the day before.

The csr was surprised I still had a card without the chip.

Eventually, that might be the way for them to spot GF.

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I have no experience with W..M... From what I have read about it though I think some of the main GCs that work at W..M... don't work at the PO and the ones that work at the PO don't work (as well). at W..M...

My actual at register experience is all with Vanillas. I know that Vanilla MC and Visa work at the POs in my area.

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I have no experience with W..M... From what I have read about it though I think some of the main GCs that work at W..M... don't work at the PO and the ones that work at the PO don't work (as well). at W..M...

My actual at register experience is all with Vanillas. I know that Vanilla MC and Visa work at the POs in my area.

I think I might do some experimenting with MCGCs and my local POs...So when you buy MOs from the POs using the MCGC, they never ask to look at the card? Also how many MOs do you buy on each visit?. I am asking because if more than $500 it might increase the likely hood of them wanting to see the cards because you'll have to spread the payment over multiple $500 GCs cards........I don't know about using the PO as I always was a bit leery of going to them because even though I have nothing to hide they are technically part of the government.


..have never bought a MC gift card before.......always buy VGCs

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I have no experience with W..M... From what I have read about it though I think some of the main GCs that work at W..M... don't work at the PO and the ones that work at the PO don't work (as well). at W..M...

My actual at register experience is all with Vanillas. I know that Vanilla MC and Visa work at the POs in my area.

I think I might do some experimenting with MCGCs and my local POs...So when you buy MOs from the POs using the MCGC, they never ask to look at the card? Also how many MOs do you buy on each visit?. I am asking because if more than $500 it might increase the likely hood of them wanting to see the cards because you'll have to spread the payment over multiple $500 GCs cards........I don't know about using the PO as I always was a bit leery of going to them because even though I have nothing to hide they are technically part of the government.


..have never bought a MC gift card before.......always buy VGCs

I think asking for ID is highly dependent on region/ area.


I use 3 different POs depending on my morning route. Always do one 998.4 and ask for a split transaction between 2 cards / visit. Never had any clerk ask for an ID. Never had any issues inputting pin (set on first transaction) and draining both cards. I don't use One Vanilla but rather just the Vanillas... either MC or Visa doesn't seem to make a difference.


Again I have read that in some areas POs are different but things are very simple in my area.


I think I'd rather deal with the government than W..M... anyway. Except W..M... has better hours of operation.

Edited by mec
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I have no experience with W..M... From what I have read about it though I think some of the main GCs that work at W..M... don't work at the PO and the ones that work at the PO don't work (as well). at W..M...

My actual at register experience is all with Vanillas. I know that Vanilla MC and Visa work at the POs in my area.

I think I might do some experimenting with MCGCs and my local POs...So when you buy MOs from the POs using the MCGC, they never ask to look at the card? Also how many MOs do you buy on each visit?. I am asking because if more than $500 it might increase the likely hood of them wanting to see the cards because you'll have to spread the payment over multiple $500 GCs cards........I don't know about using the PO as I always was a bit leery of going to them because even though I have nothing to hide they are technically part of the government.


..have never bought a MC gift card before.......always buy VGCs

I think asking for ID is highly dependent on region/ area.


I use 3 different POs depending on my morning route. Always do one 998.4 and ask for a split transaction between 2 cards / visit. Never had any clerk ask for an ID. Never had any issues inputting pin (set on first transaction) and draining both cards. I don't use One Vanilla but rather just the Vanillas... either MC or Visa doesn't seem to make a difference.


Again I have read that in some areas POs are different but things are very simple in my area.


I think I'd rather deal with the government than W..M... anyway. Except W..M... has better hours of operation.



They ask for an ID on CC transactions not debit.


IME Vanilla's work at PO and Meta's work at WM

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The csr was surprised I still had a card without the chip.

Eventually, that might be the way for them to spot GC.


Good point, but I think the only bank debit cards with chips are those with Visa/MC functionality, (a card I personally wouldn't have under any circumstance). :blush2:


I suppose it depends if all banks refuse to issue debit cards without Visa/MC functionality, (the bank and CU I have debit cards with still give me the option of a debit + PIN card only).


I've always believed the ONLY reason for a consumer to have a debit card with Visa/MC functionality is if they're not creditworthy enough to have a major credit card. :swoon:

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I've always believed the ONLY reason for a consumer to have a debit card with Visa/MC functionality is if they're not creditworthy enough to have a major credit card. :swoon:


If you are in the MS game you need many bank debit cards.

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I've always believed the ONLY reason for a consumer to have a debit card with Visa/MC functionality is if they're not creditworthy enough to have a major credit card. :swoon:


If you are in the MS game you need many bank debit cards.


Why would you need many debit cards for MS? I have many bank accounts that I use for MS but I rarely use the debit cards attached to them

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I've always believed the ONLY reason for a consumer to have a debit card with Visa/MC functionality is if they're not creditworthy enough to have a major credit card. :swoon:


If you are in the MS game you need many bank debit cards.

Why would you need many debit cards for MS? I have many bank accounts that I use for MS but I rarely use the debit cards attached to them
If you're on the lam you can get cash.
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I've always believed the ONLY reason for a consumer to have a debit card with Visa/MC functionality is if they're not creditworthy enough to have a major credit card. :swoon:


If you are in the MS game you need many bank debit cards.



LOL,,,, so true.


Tomorrow I'm going to acquire 19 PIN-Enabled debit cards, (that also will function through the VISA network without the PIN). :wave:


And of course they will all be issued by an FDIC insured bank. ;)

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If it happens a lot I'm gonna glue a copy of my bank debit card onto the GC


When I first started, and I was paranoid about being asked to show my "debit" card, I used to put a large file labels on the cards, strategically placed to cover the big "Gift Card" . I'd mark the labels like they were identifying different savings accounts - "Xmas Club", "Camp Fund", "Soccer Booster Acct", etc. I've since learned that no one at my local Wally's cares about using GC's. But if it's an issue at your stores, labels might be your solution. I also make a point of avoiding the VGC's that have a card design that screams "I'm a gift card!", and specifically buy the generic-looking cards.

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  • 1 month later...

I've used MasterCard gift cards at the post office.

Went to my regular Walmart yesterday and got MO with no problem after having a problem the day before.

The csr was surprised I still had a card without the chip.

Eventually, that might be the way for them to spot GF.


There are reasons to find banks that issue non-chipped cards, debit or prepaid, so card swapping continues to work when you're asked to show one.

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Manufactured Spend Newbie here! :wave:


Is Amex Manufactured Spend friendly, and where is the best place to purchase the Vanilla VGCs? I tried to purchase at WM and the transaction didn't go through. Not sure if it is the WM POS or Amex that had an issue with the purchase.


Amex is most definitely M$ friendly. I would try a grocery store. The WMT stores around me only take debit for VGCs.

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Manufactured Spend Newbie here! :wave:


Is Amex Manufactured Spend friendly, and where is the best place to purchase the Vanilla VGCs? I tried to purchase at WM and the transaction didn't go through. Not sure if it is the WM POS or Amex that had an issue with the purchase.


Amex is most definitely Manufactured Spend friendly. I would try a grocery store. The WMT stores around me only take debit for VGCs.


Thanks get.randy! I'll stop by grocery store today. I can't wait to get started.

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????

No one here is dumb enough to $hit where they eat.

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????

No one here is dumb enough to $hit where they eat.

I did stare at a little rack of gift cards on the USPS customer mail prep table while waiting to buy a money order today. It was a little distracting to have them dangling there next to me in line.

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????

No one here is dumb enough to $hit where they eat.



Or at least not dumb enough to admit to it in public :)

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????

No one here is dumb enough to $hit where they eat.

I did stare at a little rack of gift cards on the USPS customer mail prep table while waiting to buy a money order today. It was a little distracting to have them dangling there next to me in line.

USPS hasn't taken CC for GC's for a while. There's probably some locations that will still allow it, but I haven't heard about any so they're few and far between if they're out there. Plus USPS doesn't accept Meta Visa for MO.

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????

No one here is dumb enough to $hit where they eat.



Or at least not dumb enough to admit to it in public :)


Well I have never tried it and never will but I am still curious how on earth Konrad you mange to rack up so many MOs in one day......for me I only have at the moment WM to get my MOs as I haven't ventured to the post office yet.

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????


No one here is dumb enough to $hit where they eat.

Or at least not dumb enough to admit to it in public :)

Well I have never tried it and never will but I am still curious how on earth Konrad you mange to rack up so many MOs in one day......for me I only have at the moment WM to get my MOs as I haven't ventured to the post office yet.

Actually my MS has been severely curtailed lately. Every retailer in the county has conspired against me when it comes to purchasing MOs.

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Just wondering.......has anyone tried to buy a VGC from a grocery store and then take it out of its packaging and use the VGC to buy a MO from the same grocery store or at the very least come back later to the said grocery store and buy a MO with the VGC????

No one here is dumb enough to $hit where they eat.

Or at least not dumb enough to admit to it in public :)

Well I have never tried it and never will but I am still curious how on earth Konrad you mange to rack up so many MOs in one day......for me I only have at the moment WM to get my MOs as I haven't ventured to the post office yet.

Actually my MS has been severely curtailed lately. Every retailer in the county has conspired against me when it comes to purchasing MOs.



Sad but glad to know I'm not the only one about this conspiracy theory. I went from 20+ places to 2.

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