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Good Run of CLI's


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I've had a pretty good run on CLI's recently that I like to share. My Lowe's card, started off with a $300 limit and then they auto raised it to $600 last month. I called yesterday and they raised it to $5k!


My Walmart card, started off with a $900 limit, was auto raised to $1k in December. Called yesterday and got it raised to $3k.


My TJMaxx card, started off with a $250 limit, then was auto raised to $350 last month. I called them today and they raised it to $2k.


My JCPenney's card, started off with $400 limit, then was auto raised to $650 last month. Just got off the phone with them and got it raised to $2k.


I also tried PayPal Smart Connect before I called TJMaxx and got declined. They recently auto raised me to $700 up from $500.


It was also a no go for my Amazon Store Card which started off with a $700 limit, got auto raised to $900 in December.


Overall it has been a very good run and I owe it all to this board! Thank you very much guys!

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Congrats Brad.


I can only imagine all the "aka's" you heard going through all those Synchrony calls. I'm guessing you ran across a "Kim" and "Alice".


And probably "Anthony" and "John".


Nice work regardless.

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Do you mind sharing what amount you were asking for when you called? Did they counter or give you what you asked for?



Learning a little (sometimes a lot...) more every day! On my road to 850!

All the increases I asked for is what I got. They didn't counter any of them. I probably asked too low for Lowe's but I didn't want to get completely denied without any counter offer.

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Good run.


Next time ask for 25k , they'll counter with the max they're going to give you at that time anyways.



Congrats on your CLIs!!


I thought about asking for 25k but was afraid that I wouldn't get a counter offer if I shot too high. I'll probably go for it next time.


Good progress!! Congratulations on the CLIs


When did you open Amazon? I started at 300 with them and I called every 2- 3 months :) 300 (May)-> 600 (July)-> 1,200 (Sept)- 2000 (Nov)- 6000 (Feb). Their online luv button is useless.


I opened my Amazon back in September of last year. They only gave me that one increase back in December but you are right about the luv button, it hasn't done a thing for any of my accounts that Synchrony services.

Edited by BradS
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Did you use one call speaking to one underwriter for all of the CLI's or did you hang up and start a new request for each one? Just not sure how to handle requests for multiple Synch increases.


When I called for the CLI on Lowe's which was my first call, I didn't think about asking about any other accounts. So after I hung up, I thought about it and then called about Amazon and got the denial and then immediately asked about my Walmart card and got the approval. Today, I called about the PayPal Smart Connect and then asked about my TJMaxx. I done a separate call for JCPenney's.


You can probably do them all in one call if you wanted to depending on the underwriters mood. They would put me on hold for about 2-3 minutes between accounts but it saves time from answering all the questions all over again for each one if you called back.

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IMHO Its probably more straightforward if you inquire about CLIs on 2 or 3 accounts at a time.


They probably sit right next to each other and have a good laugh or at least smile if they field calls from same customer in succession.


Anyway, they'll do it for you if your profile warrants the CLI(s).


Best wishes to Synchrony-card holders !!

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