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Need Help With Deletion


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I'm a newbie who seems to have slipped through the cracks. I had 2 credit cards with HSBC Nevada that were closed a number of years ago and reported accurately. I recently checked my credit reports (1st time in years) to find charge offs on two from HSBC and and additional 2 collection companies on all three reports. On the report that didn't have OC as HSBC, showed Cap 1.


I disputed all online before reading the boards to find out it was not the best decision. Also called Cap 1 because I have a CC with them and was confused. Cap 1 informed me that they now hold the other company's cards and could only find my current card. They told me to dispute. I then received a letter from them for each card stating:


"We have received your CB dispute regarding card services account. We have completed our investigation and the above-referenced account has been purged from our system. In addition, we have instructed all relevant major consumer reporting agencies to delete ANY reference of this account from your credit reports. Please allow up to 60 days for the info to be reflected on your reports. We apologize for any inconvenience."


My problem is that before I called them, 2 CRA's completed the investigation in 3 days and verified the collection accounts (Midland and Calvary). EXP noted the dispute as meeting requirements but never even acknowledged Calvary either way. I think they forgot to investigate it.


Also, one CA lists HSBC as the OC and the other doesn't list an OC at all. I don't know what I should do next. Any answers?





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<bump> I forgot to add that the closed cc's no longer exist on any CR. Midland was listed "open" under closed accounts posing as the OC with the following areas blank: CL, status, date of last payment, activity designator. The type of loan is Factoring Company Account, 35 months reviewed. Under comments, collection account but no place is there mention of an OC.

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The CAs maybe the legal owners of the debt now and they can report on it up to 7.5 years from the DOFD you need to ascertain the actual DOFD to see if they are still legally able to report it, you also need to know your states SOL before you contact them in any way as whether or not they can sue will determine your approach. SOL info can be found under WhyChats Credit Confusion button towards top of the page. Welcome to the board :)

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Thanks for the welcome! I just joined today and it's gonna take a little practice with the acronyms. Ha! The CAs, CAP 1 and HSBC all listed DOFD as 12/10. The only difference was CAP 1 listed as charge off, closed acct with past due of $19 for both accounts. When I spoke with CAP 1, they acknowledged their mistake, it has been removed and I have the above mentioned letter from them asking all CRA's to remove any reference.


I'm confused because date of first major delinquency all is 7/2011 which it also seems to be the same date as the JDB reported. Does that give merit to CAP 1 letter? Any comments/suggestions would help.

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Thanks for the welcome! I just joined today and it's gonna take a little practice with the acronyms. Ha! The CAs, CAP 1 and HSBC all listed DOFD as 12/10. The only difference was CAP 1 listed as charge off, closed acct with past due of $19 for both accounts. When I spoke with CAP 1, they acknowledged their mistake, it has been removed and I have the above mentioned letter from them asking all CRA's to remove any reference.


I'm confused because date of first major delinquency all is 7/2011 which it also seems to be the same date as the JDB reported. Does that give merit to CAP 1 letter? Any comments/suggestions would help.


The DOFD is the key date that matters for credit reporting purposes and states SOL the date of first major delin is irrelevant for legal matters and it indicated the account went 90 days or more past due. If there was a mistake made by the OC and they have canceled the CAs and either removed their reporting or updated it to a paid as agreed account then your job is just to be sure every one complies and removes their reporting.

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Thank gdale6. I really appreciate your response. I'm just finding out about all of this and I'm literally SHOCKED by what happened because I haven't checked my reports in years. I've been researching day and night like a mad woman w/out sleep, so I am grateful that this forum exists. So, the OC wrote me and the CRA's regarding the removal but they didn't specifically say they were canceling the CA's. I didn't even mention collection accounts in the concersation because I didn't know to reference in the conversation (at the time, I didn't know OC and CA had any connection because they were all errors). CAP 1 never mentioned CA's either, so does that mean they don't know?


Will the statement about "deleting ANY reference of the accounts" suffice? If so, will the CRA match the CA account # to the OC account #? Sorry for all the extra questions but I just want to be clear and know how to proceed. Admittedly, a bit frantic.

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Civiljudgments - I can't believe that someone else is in the same, exact situation. What a fluke! But...even if you get a toy card, how would it resolve the CA debacle? Are you willing to pay CA for debts that aren't yours or letting them sit on your report?


The debts are mine, and It seems that the CA accounts would remain on my reports for another 3 years as they will not PFD. I receive settlement offer from them almost monthly.


Since it is a very strong belief from the pros here that a $0 balance collection is no better than a $balance I would probably just let them sit the way they are. These 2 cards are my only remaining baddies with a balance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to give a rather interesting update to my situation. After all CRAs "verified" the CA's as accurate and closed their investigations, I received a letter (1st one) from Midland stating they opened an investigation concerning my recent dispute and have requested appropriate documents. About a week later Midland voluntarily deleted from all reports. Woohoo!


This is really confirmation of everything I've been reading on CB about the CRAs inaccurate methods of verification.


EQ and TU verified Cavalry. They verified an account that never existed. EX didn't bother to investigate even though it shows I disputed.

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Just wanted to give a rather interesting update to my situation. After all CRAs "verified" the CA's as accurate and closed their investigations, I received a letter (1st one) from Midland stating they opened an investigation concerning my recent dispute and have requested appropriate documents. About a week later Midland voluntarily deleted from all reports. Woohoo!


This is really confirmation of everything I've been reading on CB about the CRAs inaccurate methods of verification.


EQ and TU verified Cavalry. They verified an account that never existed. EX didn't bother to investigate even though it shows I disputed.

So glad to hear this worked out for you! :clapping: And I'm disappointed (but not at all surprised) to hear that CRAs and CAs are still doing such inadequate investigations on disputes. :angry:

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  • 1 month later...

Another update. I sent Cavalry a pretty strong debt validation letter after they were "verified" and received the following response:


This letter acknowledges receipt of your dispute and request for account validation. Please be advised that we have already ceased collection efforts for the time being in response to your communication.


We will contact you again, and either provide validation, or an update on the status within 60 days from the date of this letter. No further collection efforts will be made unless and until validation is provided.


Is the wording of this this letter standard practice? Can they actually reserve a future time and date to contact me? Just wondering if this is finally over .

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I disputed the above Cavalry account with the CRAs CMRR and today I received my first response from EQ in a letter dated 2/17. They stated that the item has been researched and verified, and that the account belongs to me. This is my 2n dispute, one back in Dec 14 and again 1/28/14 at the same time as the DV to Cavalry.


Cavalry's letter dated 2/9 stated they were unable to validate and have ceased collection but EQ claims to have verified it.


I haven't read anything on CB that mirrors this situation, so any help would be appreciated. Who is to blame? Most importantly, which of the is the responsible party for the deletion? Also, I requested a copy of my credit report to be mailed but they only sent the results summary. Is this because the report didn't reflect a change? Thanks

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I disputed the above Cavalry account with the CRAs CMRR and today I received my first response from EQ in a letter dated 2/17. They stated that the item has been researched and verified, and that the account belongs to me. This is my 2n dispute, one back in Dec 14 and again 1/28/14 at the same time as the DV to Cavalry.


Cavalry's letter dated 2/9 stated they were unable to validate and have ceased collection but EQ claims to have verified it.


I haven't read anything on CB that mirrors this situation, so any help would be appreciated. Who is to blame? Most importantly, which of the is the responsible party for the deletion? Also, I requested a copy of my credit report to be mailed but they only sent the results summary. Is this because the report didn't reflect a change? Thanks


The CRAs can delete, if they cannot verify a tradeline.

The creditor can also delete -- which is preferable if you can make it happen.


I did a similar 1-2 punch with Pinnacle, another JDB, in November.

The CRAs all verified the TL.

But it disappeared in January -- I think Pinnacle must have deleted in response to my letter.

So it is possible that Cavalry will still delete. and you could wait a month or so.



Is this a different Cavalry letter than "cease collections for the time being" in post 14?

If so, ignore my suggestion below.


If this is a new letter from Cavalry,

and you are positive that the Cavalry letter unambiguously says they can't verify the debt,

you might consider sending this Cavalry letter to the CRAs as evidence.


But wait for suggestions from others before doing this - I don't want to give you bad advice.

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Thanks. Letter from Cavalry IS the one from post 14 and I received it during the CRA dispute. Therefore, the CRA should not have verified. I am absolutely certain that the debt cannot be verified, as stated in the their letter. Actually, the account does not even exist with an OC.


If they truly contacted Cavalry, it would have been impossible to verify and deleted accordingly, right? And, as a result, I shouldn't have received a "it was verified" response. That is my confusion but maybe I can take the suggestion and send the letter to EQ. I'll wait for others to reply.

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I read your thread more carefully - ignore my post 16.


Send a letter to CAs with a copy of the OC letter "we can't find your acct" and threaten to turn them into the CFPB for false reporting. They will most likely fold.


Maybe do this with Cavalry.


Or, because you have already DV'ed Cavalry and disputed,

Just do a CFPB complaint.


It sounds like you have done all the right things,

and you have the documents and paper trail to prove your case.

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Yeah, but if I do a CFPB complaint against Cavalry, can they absolve themselves because they communicated with me in writing that they ceased collection?


It's kinda tricky because I also have docs from EQ stating it was verified. Am I chasing my tail? Or, should I file complaints against both and see what happens? I need to take some type of action. Thanks

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Can someone else please chime in?

I have never done a CFPB dispute myself.


Is Cavalry only reporting on EQ now?


Perhaps the CFPB complaint should be about EQ?

How could EQ verify it if Cavalry could not?

And the OC could not find the records either?

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I've been reading this thread, and somehow I have trouble getting the pieces all in place in my brain. But if I understand it correctly, you disputed w/EQ and it was verified. Then on a subsequent date, Cavalry says they're ceasing collection on it for he time being...


So I think you should be able to force the delete by disputing again, if the CA isn't deleting proactively.


I would try that first before I filed a complaint. IF it's verified again, I'd complaint to the CFPB twice -- once on each entity.

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My point EXACTLY! It's confusing. They are reporting on all three but I received the results from EQ first. I'm expecting results from the other two within a few days.


I wish someone else would chime in as well. Maybe the topic isn't interesting enough but I appreciate you trying to assist.


I'm in the process of writing a 1st draft letter to EQ telling them they're violating my rights under FDCPA because they twice verified an acct that could not be validated and therefore reporting inaccurate info. Also, that its my final attempt at a removal, that I I need the method of verification w/names, etc. so I can hold the appropriate party responsible for the damage. I was thinking that I would forward a copy of Cavalry's letter. Too much?


I don't know if that's a good idea but I might go with something along those lines if I don't get any other suggestions.

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Thanks. Ms. Lynn, I disputed 2x with EQ. The most recent time, I DV'd Cavalry and disputed days later with EQ. So, days into the investigation with EQ, Cavalry responded to me stating they have already ceased collection and they are unable to verify.


I received results from EQ dispute today stating that the account was verified that it belongs to me. ?

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