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I'm a long time lurker and reader of CB for many years and I have finally decided to take the plunge and tackle this credit monster finally. I have been reading reading reading and implementing the preliminary steps to begin this process. Here's where I am so far and I am a bit stuck as to what my next move should be.


1. Ordered all 3 hard copy reports (all 3 in hand and ready to go)


2. Opted out


3. Removed all old addresses from TU & EQ.........Experian is giving me a heck of a time and I need to know if I should move forward or continue to try to get the addresses removed? Experian is currently showing 8 old addresses plus my current address, 3 of the addresses are duplicates of 3 old addresses in different variations.


1 of the addresses is not my address at all, as a matter of fact this 1 address being reported as mine is actually the address of the company/plaintiff that filed a "judgment" against me in 2012 and there is also a Verizon TL attached to this same address opened 1/2012, reporting since 11/2012 & last reported 6/2014. It's a utility bill for $341 and is reporting on EX & EQ and Verizon is the OC.


My 1st order of business was the Paid Civil Judgment reporting on all 3 CR's that I looked into public records to see if it was on file and it is not. I was gonna tackle this first using WhyChat's method. Should I still move forward with this even though the address is not cleared from EX? Based on WhyChat's judgment method I strongly believe that if I get this judgment removed then I will be able to get the address removed and dispute the Verizon TL there after.


2nd order of business is my 7 Medical TL's using WhyChats Hippa method.


3rd is to DV 13 baddies


and last but not least I'm currently rehabbing my student loans and then there is a Repo I don't know where to even begin with but I'm choosing to work on that last.


Any suggestions? Thoughts? Opinions? or Advice? If you need anymore info please let me know and I will be glad to provide.



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Good strategy overall.


Sandscrit has a very valid point though, on the others. What are the 13 baddies?


The work you have put in so far, shows that you are serious about this and ready to do it correctly.


I think doing this in the order mentioned is a start, if you get to the 3rd step and reassess where you're at, and don't feel comfortable going forward, stop.


The judgment and medicals should be fairly easy, using WhyChats methods.


Good Luck, and welcome to the world of posting AFTER reading on CB. Congrats on your de-lurking.


You can do this :good: You have all the help you need :wave:

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If the old addresses you are trying to remove are not tied to a positive tradeline, try telling the CRA that with credit card fraud running rampant, you are worried that these additional addresses make you vulnerable to fraud. It worked for me and it's honest. Careful not to remove addresses tied to positive tradelines.

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Ok here’s the breakdown of the mess J



Paid Civil Judgment – TU, EX & EQ

CA: Express Check Advance (I Know, first and last time I did that)

AMT: $620

Date filed: 9/2012 Date Paid: 4/2013 Date Updated 5/2014


CA: AES/Suntrust Bank (Student Loan) TU & EQ

AMT: $10,051

Date Closed: 11/30/2011


CA: Direct Loan Svc Systems (Student Loan) TU

AMT: $17,284

Date Closed: 6/12/2013


CA: Sallie Mae (Student Loan) TU, EQ

AMT: $10,050

Date Closed: 9/29/2008


CA: United Student Aid Funds (Student Loan) TU & EQ

AMT: $14,225

Date Closed: 2/23/2012


CA: U.S. Department of Education (Student Loan) EX

AMT: $19,178

Date opened: 2/2012 Reported: 9/2013


CA: U.S. Dept of Ed-Direct Loan (Student Loan) EX & EQ

AMT: $17,040

Date opened: 2/2012 Reported: 9/2013


CA: Allianceone Receivables (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $358

Placed for collection: 2/21/2014


CA: Allied Collection Service (Food Processor J Don’t ask lol) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $82

Placed for collection: 3/15/2010


CA: Allied Interstate LLC (Public Storage) TU, EX

AMT: $293

Placed for collection: 1/24/2014


CA: Bcc Financial Management Sve (Medical) EQ

AMT: $351

DOFD: 10/2013


CA: CBE Group (Utility) EQ

AMT: $450

DOFD: 7/2012


CA: Credit Adjustment Board, Inc (Medical) EQ

AMT: $216

DOFD: 10/2013


CA: C-Tech Collections (Medical) TU

AMT: $597

Placed for collection: 9/08/2009


CA: Eastern Account System I (Cable) EX

AMT: $421

Placed for collection: 5/2011


CA: Hunter Warfield Inc (Apartment) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $1,143

Placed for collection: 7/16/2012


CA: Medical Data Systems Inc (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $989

Placed for collection: 9/20/2013


CA: MRS BPO (ATT Mobility) EX & EQ

AMT: $827

Placed for collection: 2/2014


CA: NCO Financial Systems (Directv) TU & EQ

AMT: $654

Placed for collection: 1/18/2014


CA: Paul Michael Marketing (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $142

Placed for collection: 1/15/2010


CA: Paul Michael Marketing (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $222

Placed for collection: 9/18/2009


CA: Paul Michael Marketing (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $131

Placed for collection: 9/18/2009


CA: Penn Credit Corp (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $451

Placed for collection: 11/18/2013


CA: RJM Acquisitions LLC/RJ (Book Club) This I have no knowledge of??? TU, EX

AMT: $102

Placed for collection: 11/28/2011


CA: Stellar Recovery (Cable) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $421

Placed for collection: 10/8/2013


CA: Comenity Bank/Jssclndn (I think this is an old Creditone Card) EQ

AMT: $0

Date Closed: 1/2008


CA: Verizon (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $181

Date Closed: 7/9/2012


CA: Verizon (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $231

Date Closed: 4/28/2012


CA: Verizon Wireless (Phone) TU & EQ

AMT: $1,562

Date Closed: 11/30/2012


CA: Verizon (Utility) EX & EQ This is the TL attached to the bogus address

AMT: $341

Date Opened: 1/2012 Reported: 11/2012



Satisfactory Accounts


Capital One Bank – AU TU &EQ

Acct Relationship Terminated 7/1/2009


7 Sallie Mae TL’s – Student Loan TU, EX

Closed – 6/2007 & 9/2006

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Nope none of them are

'Poking the bear' on 13 negative accounts isn't a good idea if they are still inside the state SOL. Are you getting calls or dunning letters?


I am not getting calls or letters. I have moved since and changed my number

Good strategy overall.


Sandscrit has a very valid point though, on the others. What are the 13 baddies?


The work you have put in so far, shows that you are serious about this and ready to do it correctly.


I think doing this in the order mentioned is a start, if you get to the 3rd step and reassess where you're at, and don't feel comfortable going forward, stop.


The judgment and medicals should be fairly easy, using WhyChats methods.


Good Luck, and welcome to the world of posting AFTER reading on CB. Congrats on your de-lurking.


You can do this :good: You have all the help you need :wave:

Thanks JayB27 :wave:

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If the old addresses you are trying to remove are not tied to a positive tradeline, try telling the CRA that with credit card fraud running rampant, you are worried that these additional addresses make you vulnerable to fraud. It worked for me and it's honest. Careful not to remove addresses tied to positive tradelines.

I have called EX 3 seperate times over the last month and a half and they wont budge.......I have no positive TL's that would be affected I dont think

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If the old addresses you are trying to remove are not tied to a positive tradeline, try telling the CRA that with credit card fraud running rampant, you are worried that these additional addresses make you vulnerable to fraud. It worked for me and it's honest. Careful not to remove addresses tied to positive tradelines.

Question on this: I understand that telling Experian that they should remove old addresses because of fraud concerns can get them to actually remove them, but they will likely place a fraud alert on your accounts for some period of time. How long do these fraud alerts last and is there any long-term negative effects to them doing so? It would be worth it to me to get this old data off my reports and I don't plan to app for anything in the next 12 months. Any comments on removing addresses, fraud alerts and the potential problems with having them place fraud alerts? Also, I understand if one CRA places a fraud alert, it goes to all three? And is it for the same period of time, like 3 months? Thanks very much. I have been trying to get old addresses removed from Exp and they won't budge.

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Ok here’s the breakdown of the mess J



Paid Civil Judgment – TU, EX & EQ

CA: Express Check Advance (I Know, first and last time I did that)

AMT: $620

Date filed: 9/2012 Date Paid: 4/2013 Date Updated 5/2014


CA: AES/Suntrust Bank (Student Loan) TU & EQ

AMT: $10,051

Date Closed: 11/30/2011


CA: Direct Loan Svc Systems (Student Loan) TU

AMT: $17,284

Date Closed: 6/12/2013


CA: Sallie Mae (Student Loan) TU, EQ

AMT: $10,050

Date Closed: 9/29/2008


CA: United Student Aid Funds (Student Loan) TU & EQ

AMT: $14,225

Date Closed: 2/23/2012


CA: U.S. Department of Education (Student Loan) EX

AMT: $19,178

Date opened: 2/2012 Reported: 9/2013


CA: U.S. Dept of Ed-Direct Loan (Student Loan) EX & EQ

AMT: $17,040

Date opened: 2/2012 Reported: 9/2013


CA: Allianceone Receivables (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $358

Placed for collection: 2/21/2014


CA: Allied Collection Service (Food Processor J Don’t ask lol) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $82

Placed for collection: 3/15/2010


CA: Allied Interstate LLC (Public Storage) TU, EX

AMT: $293

Placed for collection: 1/24/2014


CA: Bcc Financial Management Sve (Medical) EQ

AMT: $351

DOFD: 10/2013


CA: CBE Group (Utility) EQ

AMT: $450

DOFD: 7/2012


CA: Credit Adjustment Board, Inc (Medical) EQ

AMT: $216

DOFD: 10/2013


CA: C-Tech Collections (Medical) TU

AMT: $597

Placed for collection: 9/08/2009


CA: Eastern Account System I (Cable) EX

AMT: $421

Placed for collection: 5/2011


CA: Hunter Warfield Inc (Apartment) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $1,143

Placed for collection: 7/16/2012


CA: Medical Data Systems Inc (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $989

Placed for collection: 9/20/2013


CA: MRS BPO (ATT Mobility) EX & EQ

AMT: $827

Placed for collection: 2/2014


CA: NCO Financial Systems (Directv) TU & EQ

AMT: $654

Placed for collection: 1/18/2014


CA: Paul Michael Marketing (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $142

Placed for collection: 1/15/2010


CA: Paul Michael Marketing (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $222

Placed for collection: 9/18/2009


CA: Paul Michael Marketing (Medical) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $131

Placed for collection: 9/18/2009


CA: Penn Credit Corp (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $451

Placed for collection: 11/18/2013


CA: RJM Acquisitions LLC/RJ (Book Club) This I have no knowledge of??? TU, EX

AMT: $102

Placed for collection: 11/28/2011


CA: Stellar Recovery (Cable) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $421

Placed for collection: 10/8/2013


CA: Comenity Bank/Jssclndn (I think this is an old Creditone Card) EQ

AMT: $0

Date Closed: 1/2008


CA: Verizon (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $181

Date Closed: 7/9/2012


CA: Verizon (Utility) TU, EX & EQ

AMT: $231

Date Closed: 4/28/2012


CA: Verizon Wireless (Phone) TU & EQ

AMT: $1,562

Date Closed: 11/30/2012


CA: Verizon (Utility) EX & EQ This is the TL attached to the bogus address

AMT: $341

Date Opened: 1/2012 Reported: 11/2012



Satisfactory Accounts


Capital One Bank – AU TU &EQ

Acct Relationship Terminated 7/1/2009


7 Sallie Mae TL’s – Student Loan TU, EX

Closed – 6/2007 & 9/2006

Well, I'm not gonna lie here...you have a lot of work to do. But it can be done.


I will stick to my original advice, start with the judgment and medicals, see where you end up.


It can be done, but with all the different, separate CA's...it IS an uphill battle. I personally would never take no for an answer, though.

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Your plan is solid, so that's not the issue. Do not get discouraged.

While working on all of this, be sure to stay current on everything else.

Everyone hits a rough patch, that is why CB exists. :good:

Edited by JayB27
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Your plan is solid, so that's not the issue. Do not get discouraged.


Thanks JayB27 at this point I'm all in and ready for battle minus the helplessness I felt so many times in the past whenever I looked at a CR :ph34r: But now I am better aware and armed with a great deal of knowledge thanks to CB.

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I did this two years ago. EX did put a fraud alert on all three CRAs that "will normally expire within 90-120 days". I was not apping for anything, and it did not cause me any problems.

But the addresses tied to negative TLs stayed on Ex anyway. :-(


Search for the Master EX address thread - phone method.



If the old addresses you are trying to remove are not tied to a positive tradeline, try telling the CRA that with credit card fraud running rampant, you are worried that these additional addresses make you vulnerable to fraud. It worked for me and it's honest. Careful not to remove addresses tied to positive tradelines.

Question on this: I understand that telling Experian that they should remove old addresses because of fraud concerns can get them to actually remove them, but they will likely place a fraud alert on your accounts for some period of time. How long do these fraud alerts last and is there any long-term negative effects to them doing so? It would be worth it to me to get this old data off my reports and I don't plan to app for anything in the next 12 months. Any comments on removing addresses, fraud alerts and the potential problems with having them place fraud alerts? Also, I understand if one CRA places a fraud alert, it goes to all three? And is it for the same period of time, like 3 months? Thanks very much. I have been trying to get old addresses removed from Exp and they won't budge.


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