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How to stay dropped from the Equifax Choppage block?


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My DW seems to have been dropped from the Equifax Choppage block. She was not chopped in September, and now again not chopped in October. Presently, she is pulling both EIDT and Alert Plus and just B* today an inquiry dated 9/23/14 on her second pull of the day which makes sense being around 42.5 days ago.


Has anyone else had the experience of getting off the choppage list? Should she stop pulling twice a day and go down to just one puller, EIDT? She did back door twice in September to confirm no choppage, but has not since.

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How is CreditSecure for this?

Since my DW does not have an Amex, we are not using C$, and thus only have two daily pullers.





Anyone else? The wife and I both have CreditSecure and after 3 months of pulls, I knocked off all my TU's and the majority of my EQ's, same case for the wife.


I recently apped a couple of TU pullers however, so It'll be a little time before I can knock those off.

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it either works or it doesn't.


and it doesn't.


you must be doing something else.


In that case i'm not sure.

I just wish there was a way to knock off EX inquiries. I'm pretty much redlisted from apping anything that pulls EX (12 INQ as of today), Which pretty much means EVERYTHING! :|

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In that case i'm not sure.

I just wish there was a way to knock off EX inquiries. I'm pretty much redlisted from apping anything that pulls EX (12 INQ as of today), Which pretty much means EVERYTHING! :|

You must have a TU puller in place, otherwise, what you are describing has never been seen before.


For Exp, I suggest putting it on ice, and if you app and they fail, ask creditor to pull EQ or TU instead, some will, some won't.

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I swear, CreditSecure is the only CMS we subscribe to!

Unless the Walmart, Discover, and Barclaycard free ficos, and CK are softing to the point of b*, there's no explanation for it except CreditSecure miraculously working for the wife on the TU front.


And even then, That doesn't explain my TU INQ's falling off. I only got Discover It 45 days ago and it's only given me one TU FICO.

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