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I'm back...and not happy about it. :( after saving my home once...and more.


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It's a long story and I can't get into it all right now, but I will explain later. In the meantime, I just wanted to say I am back. I thought we had this, but not enough income from working and looking like we will loose our home for good this time. Worst part. No place to go, and my 11 yr old was just dx with Type 1 diabetes. (not Type 2) T1 is a life threatening auto immune disease, when the pancreas stops all together producing insulin. He is on insulin (insulin shots everytime he eats anything over 5-10 carbs, plus one long acting at night) blood checks about 10 times a day. He can eat what he wants (unlike diet restrictions of T2), but we have to count carbs and give an injection for it. It's scary enough to adjust to this disease, but now to be loosing our home of 16 years. It's just devastating. I don't know what we will do or where we will go. I am running out of options with PNC. I am for the record not that far behind. I owe August and Sept. I have to make a decision by Monday do I pay one payment that day, then what? Not much income coming in after November. Again, I will explain it all later. Just wanted to give an update. If any of you remember me.. that is. Thanks. PS: Anyone hear from Doodlebugger? She also had PNC, same issues with them as me with loan mod Chap7. etc..

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Oh BTW some dude showed up at my house today knocking on my door, only to leave a yellow note that tells me to call PNC. Scared the crap out of us, (here alone with my kiddos) I didn't answer the door, but watched out the blinds as he took photos of the front of my home. Guessing he was hired to make sure we did in fact live here. Do they really think I would care so much to save it if I didn't? Geeze :( Oh and thought that they couldn't do that after a discharge in BK7.

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Sorry to hear about that. Even after discharge, if you keep making payments they can't foreclose on the house, at least that is how I understand it. However, once you stop making payments they can foreclose you just won't be responsible for anything and the foreclosure won't show on your reports.


Ocwen eventually gave up leaving notes, but still sent someone to the house to see if we lived there. At least I think they did, or they just decided to charge us the fee which is entirely possible.


PNC doesn't want to even try and work out a mod with you? I remember your whole story and how they were being asshats over it.


Hoping that something works out for you.

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Discharged bankruptcy only means they can't sue you personally. They can still foreclose if you don't pay.


You will probably get to a point very soon that making one payment instead of the entire past due amount, won't work and they will send it back to you.


Sadly, your child's medical situation has no bearing on the situation. The cost with the medical condition MAY. Why aren't you working full time? Applying for a loan modification is a bit more streamlined today than even 11 months ago but, if I were reviewing your file, I wouldn't be too sympathetic if you are physically capable of working full time and are only working part time for a friend. Why isn't your husband looking for full time work? Especially if he knows he will have no work in November?


You have no options left if you don't get full time work other than to accept that you will lose your home. Get full time work. Yes, you can. You may not like digging a ditch but, if you have to, you have to. Demonstrate to the lender that you and your husband will do and are doing what's necessary to save your home. That or, save your money so you can hire a mover and get ready to leave your home.


Not trying to be brutal, just trying to show that this is how the lender is going to view your file. Emotions and sympathy and doing the right thing mean nothing. Numbers mean everything. You do have all of the control in how this turns out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't frequent the forums like I used to, but I was so disappointed to see this post!!! So sorry you are going through this, along with your child being diagnosed with diabetes Type 1. That alone is scary until you can get used to the treatments and understand how to deal with the day-to-day stuff. First, consider filing for SSI for your child, especially if you are having income issues. That could potentially get you some income that might help your situation.

Check out this link for information on that: http://www.disabilitysecrets.com/resources/disability/getting-ssi-disability-payments-a-child-with-j


As for the guy coming to take pictures and leave the little yellow hanging thing - it's just a formality. They will send someone every month to make sure that the house is not abandoned, and I think the picture is just their way of proving that someone actually went to the house and that it doesn't appear abandoned. Even after we abandoned our house, it still took more than 6 months for them to take possession of the house. Can you believe that they still haven't foreclosed? But, due to some medical problems, and other issues, I had to file bk7 again this year, and so that put the house back under the stay, and after the stay was lifted, they still haven't touched it.


So, there is hope that a foreclosure wouldn't be immediate necessarily. Also, check to see if they ever took the house out of National City Mortgage's name and put it into PNC Mortgage - that would be one way to hold off the foreclosure, as well as requesting that they provide proof of ownership of the house. Always respond to any court papers.


Have you tried contacting them to see if they will consider another modification? Also, don't be too embarassed to ask for assistance from local churches or organizations, as well as getting food stamps if you qualify. We all need a little help sometimes, and we shouldn't be afraid to get it if it's just to get us by until we can get back on our feet.


Worst case scenario - you need to start talking to family and friends. Maybe someone has a basement that they would be willing to rent to you? Or, an elderly family member who needs care that would benefit from your family living there and helping them take care of the house. Sell what you can, provide a service, have your hubby try to offer to do odd jobs around the neighborhood (raking leaves, cleaning gutters, etc.). Also, trying to find more full time work for your or your husband before his work runs out in November. It's not too late.....there is still time to get back on track. Thinking about you and your situation and hoping you find a way to keep going. I will be following your thread. Hang in there!

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Discharged bankruptcy only means they can't sue you personally. They can still foreclose if you don't pay.


You will probably get to a point very soon that making one payment instead of the entire past due amount, won't work and they will send it back to you.


Sadly, your child's medical situation has no bearing on the situation. The cost with the medical condition MAY. Why aren't you working full time? Applying for a loan modification is a bit more streamlined today than even 11 months ago but, if I were reviewing your file, I wouldn't be too sympathetic if you are physically capable of working full time and are only working part time for a friend. Why isn't your husband looking for full time work? Especially if he knows he will have no work in November?


You have no options left if you don't get full time work other than to accept that you will lose your home. Get full time work. Yes, you can. You may not like digging a ditch but, if you have to, you have to. Demonstrate to the lender that you and your husband will do and are doing what's necessary to save your home. That or, save your money so you can hire a mover and get ready to leave your home.


Not trying to be brutal, just trying to show that this is how the lender is going to view your file. Emotions and sympathy and doing the right thing mean nothing. Numbers mean everything. You do have all of the control in how this turns out.


Sorry to hear what's going on currently, jmw1212. Kuuner is spot on here though. I remember your situation originally. I was in my chapt 13 BK at the time to save my home. Unfortunately, things went south after Hurricane Sandy and my husband had a lifechanging accident that pretty much ended his ability to do the work he's done all his life. The key here is going to be income obviously. We had to convert to chapt 7 to discharge all the unsecured debt at least. We then used that time to apply for a modification. It's just a business decision for the banks. Unfortunately, things are going to happen in our lives that are catastrophic for us, but the bank is looking only at the numbers in the end. I did take on additional employment and am working 3 jobs. We were 21 payments behind at that point. Luckily, with the increased income, the numbers fit and worked and they agreed to modify. It took all of 3 weeks for approval (nothing like the fiascos a few years back). I also have a special needs child and although things are tight and even downright frustrating at times, it is the situation that keeps you fighting to hang on.


While you may feel devastation and defeated at the moment, you're not completely sunk yet. You're only the few payments behind. The key here is going to be income. You need to quickly find yourself full-time work . I assume your husband is and has been looking ALSO knowing his work will end in November? Will he at least get unemployment? Look around and see what you can sell. Your focus at this time along with your child's health issues will be getting income into the house and quickly. Do whatever it takes. Whether you keep the house or need to rent, you'll need this income either way.


Make the decision on how you want all this to turn out (keep the house or walk away) and then put into action what needs to be done to pull it off.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all, so I finally figured out how to get back into my account here. So I have some really horrible news, after some really good news. I need some support and advice ASAP. So yes my husband was in a deep depression after losing our company and then his next job. Things got really bad before they finally got better. So he was hired this past November 2015 fulltime, I am still working for my friend and not only got a small raise, but working more hours. During busy seasons, I was even making overtime. So we had our loan mod till December 2015, he was hired literally two weeks prior in Nov. So I had to reapply to get another loan mod after Dec 2015. That's when our mod expired. So I did. I've sent in all the new income. (not making as much, but now with both it's getting closer) Today they informed me we have a sale date. April 5th. (ironically the same month of my 50th birthday, as I always dreaded this year because my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer this year of her life (passed away at age 57), had a scare again a month ago too, but they say they will recheck in 6 months) So I am beyond devastated! Georgia is a non judicial state, they will evict us after the sale date. We built our home in 1998 and have that many years of stuff. Along with all my parents things.... No way to pack up and especially with no place to go. My son remember has the deadly disease of Type 1 diabetes and without his insulin, and carbs, he will die.... Please help us. Need advice asap!

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I am confused loan mods don't expire. They modify your original mortgage. Some have step rates built into them, but don't expire. Were you on a payment plan, not a mod? Have you missed payments? A mod makes you current again. Just need more clarification to help.


Sorry you are going through this. Any clarification will help.

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I am confused loan mods don't expire. They modify your original mortgage. Some have step rates built into them, but don't expire. Were you on a payment plan, not a mod? Have you missed payments? A mod makes you current again. Just need more clarification to help.


Sorry you are going through this. Any clarification will help.

We did qualify for the loan mod, and accepted the terms. We paid promptly for about a year or so, then my husband lost his job. He had been working for his friend and his son decided he wanted his job back, so it was my husband that was let go. After that my husband started working sub jobs again, this time for nascar teams (we have connections) The problem was they were only every once in a while. Here and there. So we got behind. I started working part time for my friend for her retail store and that got us barely through 2015. So I reapplied for a loan mod and was approved for a forbearance for a few months until he could find full time employment. He finally was hired full time with all benefits this past November 14th 2015. The loss of employment forbearance ended December 1st 2015. So we thought we only had to come up with one late payment but Jan 1st, when in fact, it all had to be brought back current. (we were not told that by the rep that approved our mod) So here we were back in default. We are now in full blown foreclosure with (for the first time) a sale date! I am freaking out!

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Sale date is in less than 4 weeks! We have raised our children in our home. We built this home. We have lived here for almost 20 years and now within 4 weeks we have to move out everything and have no place to go! With two young children, one is a type 1 diabetic, can die if he doesn't have his insulin. No fault of his own, an auto-immune disease. Just searching for answers and ways to save our home. Help!

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Okay that makes more sense you defaulted during your forbearance plan (that is not a loan mod). Unfortunately at this point the bank doesn't have many options but foreclosure or you fully reinstating your loan. Missing payments during payment (forbearance) plans really hurts your options.


I am very sorry to hear you and your family are going through this.



Do you know who the investor on the loan is (FHA, FNMA, FHLMC,etc.)

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Sorry to see you going through this. At this point it becomes a necessity to make tough decisions......


Find an apartment?

Fire sell personal belongings? Even the cherished items?

Which is more important, a roof over your head and meds for your son? Or to be straight up homeless?

It stings, but how about a part time/full time job at McDonald's instead of random sub jobs?


Again I hate seeing you through this.

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At this point, it's very, VERY critical that you formulate an action plan to put some sort of roof over your family's heads. If that's curing your mortgage, if it's even still remotely possible?, or saving up deposits for a rental or talking to every friend & family member that might help you out by letting you stay a short while. You REALLY have to DO something other than hand wringing.

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It stings, but how about a part time/full time job at McDonald's instead of random sub jobs?

He works union - and the union would rather have its members homeless and starving than working odd jobs trying to make ends meet.

Very true. There's a few good trade unions left......BUT----- They require their members to continually aquire the latest certifications and continually learn the latest techniques in a given field in order to stay relevant and keep the work coming in. <<<<<< You don't here much about those unions though in the mainstream media. All most of us see is the unions that represent the unskilled and learning deficient types.......you know.....the type that's been spot welding the same part for 30 years, then loses his marbles when he's replaced by a robot or job was sent south of the border.


Anyways back on track. Hopefully the OP keeps us updated. Stories like this can be an example to others......

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UPDATE: So before I tell you the update I wanted to say that the forbearance plan was that we don't make any payments so my husband could find a job, when it ended we had to reapply for a loan mod to bring the loan current. So I just got off the phone with PNC and they have sent a trial plan to Fannie mae for approval and I should know the answer by Monday, but she said it looked very good and that they didn't want to foreclose. She said they would postpone the sale date while I make three trial payments. Once completed, they will send me the final loan mod papers and at that point they will remove the foreclosure. I'm praying it all works out, as of now things are looking up. Praying hard for a final approval on Monday. I will update then. Thanks all :)

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Jmw1212 - So glad to see you on here and to hear your updates! Sorry for all the bad things that you have gone through, but I'm praying things are finally looking up for you now and keeping my fingers crossed you will get the loan mod approved today!

I am still waiting to hear final outcome, I will hear this week. Biting my nails, and praying hard.. <3 you ALL. Thanks for all the support. I will check back and let you know how it goes. I had to resend in something again today.

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UPDATE: WooHoo! I just got word we were approved for the 3 month trial payments, then after 3 months of trial payments we will be converted to a permanent loan modification. They are cancelling the sale date of our home :) Prayers answered. They also lowered our monthly payment by $200, so our payment went from $1440 to $1221. This will be our last loan mod so I really hope and pray we don't get behind again. I think we will be ok, Hubby just got a raise and so did I and we are both working extra hours, my part time is closer to fulltime (only when we are busy though) and he is getting overtime after his fulltime hours.

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UPDATE: WooHoo! I just got word we were approved for the 3 month trial payments, then after 3 months of trial payments we will be converted to a permanent loan modification. They are cancelling the sale date of our home :) Prayers answered. They also lowered our monthly payment by $200, so our payment went from $1440 to $1221. This will be our last loan mod so I really hope and pray we don't get behind again. I think we will be ok, Hubby just got a raise and so did I and we are both working extra hours, my part time is closer to fulltime (only when we are busy though) and he is getting overtime after his fulltime hours.


That is awesome news! Congrats!! So happy for you!


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