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Need advice on this medical collection account


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I have a medical collection account on my credit reports to the tune of $330. It is out of the statute of limitations. PFD letters go unanswered. So I began emailing the owner of the collection company back in February. Flash forward to three weeks ago. I get an invitation to connect with the owner of the collection company of LinkedIn. I have not accepted the invitation yet.


Its not quite 5 years old. My ultimate goal is get a mortgage in a year. This is one of two collection accounts that I have not been able to get rid of.


I'm wondering if I should start over with him on the PFD. Would it be much of a score boost to get this off my report now? Or should I just let it ride and pay it if it comes up during the underwriting process when I finally go for a mortgage?


I have some high utilizations that will be paid all the way down next week, and I would still have money to PFD this in full.


My current scores if it matters:


EQ- My Fico- 633

TU- My Fico- 620

EX- FAKO- 610



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I'd post this in the medical forum. Why Chat has a process that has worked for many people. He likes people to start their own thread with the specifics of their situation, and then to just update that one thread, rather than starting another (it's easier for him to follow). Before you start, he recommends that you opt-out, get hard copies of all three reports, and to remove old addresses. If you read several of the threads over there, you'll get the general idea.

Edited by Second Chances
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I followed whychats HIPPA method up through the point of getting validation (copy of the hospital bill) from the collection agency. Then I moved and I cannot find that bill copy anywhere :swoon:


I will cross post there too

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The last post in this topic was posted 3817 days ago. 


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