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Credit Score CU vs. CK


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Hello All,


I took a break from writing, just reading daily. The last update was that I had 3 CO... Since then First Premier gave me the option to re-apply for a new card and transfer the balance, which I did. Was that a wrong move? I also received my Capital One Secured Card in the mail. Two things maybe three things I need help with...


1. I opened an account with my local credit union and they informed me that my score is a 640 TU score... However, CK is stating 577.. Which one is accurate? I will be pulling my scores and reports to see how First Premier is reporting.


2. As I mentioned my Cap 1 just came in the mail with a $200 limit. How should I use it to show activity? Charge $2 then pay it off???


3. How can I get my other 2 CO to work with me (Macy's and Victoria's Secret)?


As always your help and advice is thoroughly appreciated!


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both are accurate.


but CK is useless since nobody uses it.


you'd have to find out what model the CU uses in order to know whether it's really useful for anything.


it could be a standard FICO score or it could be a proprietary score that nobody else uses.

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Thanks Shifter, I have to find that out... They are both giving me scores for TU though. That's a big difference to me 63 points, is that possible? I would really like to know my actual score, I'll be applying for a mortage soon and need to get my score to at least a 650.

Edited by credithelp823
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you have lots of scores and they quite often can differ by 100-150 or more points.


as far as a mortgage goes, you'll want your FICO 04 score.


it's possible the CU score they gave you is that. or it could be a FICO 08 or something else entirely.


you'll have to ask them to find out what model they use.

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