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Preparing for HIPPA disputes

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Hello WhyChat and everyone.


I have been on the path to restore my credit for some many months/years. I have obtained paper copies and have cleaned my reports of almost all baddies except for medical collections. All three reports are clean of addresses, names, phone numbers, etc that are not current. Also, I'm opted out.


After reading a post about how soon obsolete tradelines/collections could be taken off, I recently disputed an old non-medical tradeline (only showing on TU) as obsolete, which it was (and was deleted). With the quick success of that, I also have one medical tradeline which is around the 6 year, 6 month time that I figured I'd attempt to get taken off early. It's in the dispute stage right now; and I should hear something no later than the 15th of the month next month.


Other than that, none of my other medical accounts have ever been disputed before - but I'm wondering if I should be patient after the results come back regardless of results. Will this change anything?


I know WhyChat says wait 3 months since any previous disputes, but even if this fails the longest this will take to be removed will be Jan. 2015. If I could get everything else taken care of and simply have to wait for this to age naturally; I'd be fine with that.

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These are what I have on the reports right now. I've redacted some names, amounts, etc so it doesn't come up in a search if these creditors decide they want to look for it. I'll give what information I have right now; and what I know.

Current Balance $72X
Original Balance $72X
Opened 08/XX/2013
Remains Until: 1/15

Current Balance $50X
Original Balance $50X
Opened 09/XX/2013
Remains Until: 12/15

Current Balance $52X
Original Balance $52X
Original Creditor MED1 02 MEDICAL CENTER
Opened 09/XX/2010
Remains Until: 3/17

Current Balance $25X
Original Balance $25X
Opened 12/XX/2010
Remains Until: 3/17

Current Balance $9,XXX
Original Balance $9,XXX
Original Creditor MED1 02 MED CTR
Opened 03/XX/2012
Remains Until: 8/18

Current Balance $8,XXX
Original Balance $8,XXX
Original Creditor MED1 02 MED CTR
Opened 01/XX/2012
Remains Until: 4/18

#1 Was not on my paper copies from TU last year, and also not on my updated reports I got a few months ago. Through the backdoor; this has not shown up on TU at all. I did dispute this as obsolete on EQ and EX (the dispute I'm waiting on right now) but if for whatever reason it comes back my next step is to proceed with the HIPPA disputes. Obviously; this will age off in the next few months.

#2 This was on TU as "Allied Collection" in 9/2013, but it appears as soon as I got my reports last year they turned it over to Commonwealth. I'm imagining this would disappear easily with a dispute.

#3 This one I am almost positive should have been covered by workmans comp. Filled out all the paperwork for this to be covered and for whatever reason it showed up on the reports. On my recent EQ, it appears to have changed to "Syndicated Office Solutions". I'm guessing this was recently sold.

#4 Seeing as this one is was opened in 12/2010 (EQ shows DOFD as 7/2011) I know this will definitely be hitting SOL within the next 5 months.

#5 & #6 These were inpatient stays in the hospital. I found some letters from Holl0way stating "Services rendered on 7/11 & 11/11".

5/6 So, because of this I'd imagine the SOL would be up in November of next year. This is my most daunting collections I have right now; and I'm not too sure what relation these collectors have to the OC. I did not have any insurance at the time; and I'm scared that if I dispute these I'll end up getting sued. In 2012 I was getting a number of collection letters/payment offers from these JDB but I cannot recall the last time I received one. I'm tempted with going through the steps of a HIPPA dispute; and could probably pay off all the other accounts in the next few months.

Thoughts, ideas, solutions, questions?

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Follow the guides:






Opting out and deleting old addresses ( if you have moved since the dates of medical services) will make it much easier to get rid of ALL your old accounts and help prevent them from coming back if you are refinancing or seeking a new mortgage, JDBs mine the data files that are SOLD to data miners by the CRAs and love to poison reports at the worst possible time.


If your recent disputes were successful, then there is no reason to wait to send the initial dispute letter to the CRAs.


If you were going to be sued, it would have been done already, it is very unlikely the larger accounts are still with the original assigned CA,.


On those larger accounts, were you offered any assistance by the hospital?? Did you fill out any assistance forms??


The amounts claimed are likely the "gross" fees charged, in the meantime, look up what the correct (discounted) charges would have been if you had been insured.


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I have read over the guidebook and also the program. Right now, I'm simply at a standstill while waiting for that obsolete dispute to come back.


I cannot find my original paperwork from the hospital stays (I'll continue looking), and they were for psych stays in regards to an adverse reaction to medication I was taking at the time. (Which has since been recalled; perhaps another avenue I've considered). I cannot remember if I filled out assistance paperwork or not as I was a bit out of mental capacity due to the reactions of the medications. I did look through the HealthCareBlueBook and didn't find anything related to psych stays.


One thing I did find though; was these accounts were originally with Midland and Holl0way is collecting on their behalf. I know that I have heard to not attempt to dispute medical unless at least 2 years old. These are slightly over that; and I haven't been sued. What's to stop the agencies to attempt to sue now even though it's still within SOL.


Worst case scenario is that I find I am liable for all these charges; and would pay them (in time) after having concrete proof that I do owe them.



Follow the guides:






Opting out and deleting old addresses ( if you have moved since the dates of medical services) will make it much easier to get rid of ALL your old accounts and help prevent them from coming back if you are refinancing or seeking a new mortgage, JDBs mine the data files that are SOLD to data miners by the CRAs and love to poison reports at the worst possible time.


If your recent disputes were successful, then there is no reason to wait to send the initial dispute letter to the CRAs.


If you were going to be sued, it would have been done already, it is very unlikely the larger accounts are still with the original assigned CA,.


On those larger accounts, were you offered any assistance by the hospital?? Did you fill out any assistance forms??


The amounts claimed are likely the "gross" fees charged, in the meantime, look up what the correct (discounted) charges would have been if you had been insured.


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Well, I have some updates.


I found the financial form for one of those services rendered, #6. You were completely right Whychat. Seeing as how I was uninsured and also unemployed at the time; they reduced many of the charges. I'm guessing when it got to Midland; the simply used the gross total hoping I'd pay that; and when I didn't they passed it on to Holloway. The actual bill I was responsible for was 5% of what they were trying to collect.


I'd assume the other charge was discounted the same way as I was in the same position at the time.


Very glad I didn't listen to advice of another (Non-CBer) and blindly "pay $10 to them and they can't sue you".


Still waiting on those disputes to come back though to take the next steps forward.

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Federal Bond came off with the dispute. Commonwealth dispute came back with a "Account information disputed by consumer, meets FCRA requirements" notation changed. Since it was one of the medicals I could include with the HIPPA disputes; I should 100% wait 3 months? Would it be okay if I dispute all the other medical without including that one?

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Thanks Whychat.


I have been waiting off a few days to find out results from Experian and Equifax on the "obsolete" dispute on Federal Bond collection. I just got a response back from TransUnion and it was DELETED. There is 10 days left for a response from Equifax. I'm hoping and assuming it will also come off of Equifax, and if it does it begs this question.


While I could send the reporting CA a medical DV (on the CommonWealth account ONLY) now and then the CRAs the follow up disputes; could I dispute all the other medical accounts (5 accounts) "medical" on all CRAs... then wait for the response and include CommonWealth (6 accounts) in a single round? Would this change anything or mess up anything?


If I did this the amount of length between dispute response and DV would be 37 days or so.

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Excellent. I know you almost ALWAYS mention using paper copies and rarely allow people to online dispute. The only paper reports I have right now are almost a year old. I'm due for free copies in ~3 weeks. Should I wait for those? (Does that change dispute to 45 days with medical as well?)


I could pay for all three if needed Friday if needed.


Or could I simply dispute all "medical" online (through actual CRA websites) and then send paper DV and follow ups?

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Excellent. I know you almost ALWAYS mention using paper copies and rarely allow people to online dispute. The only paper reports I have right now are almost a year old. I'm due for free copies in ~3 weeks. Should I wait for those? (Does that change dispute to 45 days with medical as well?)


I could pay for all three if needed Friday if needed.


Or could I simply dispute all "medical" online (through actual CRA websites) and then send paper DV and follow ups?

Wait for your free copies of your REAL reports,


DO NOT EVER EVER EVER dispute online or by phone/fax or e-mail. That would put you into the automated computer system runaround which is handled 100% by offshore CSRs.

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  • 1 month later...

Just thought I'd update.


I received EX and EQ hard copies earlier than the original date, but TU denied me (requested 2 weeks early or so). Had to wait for that... now I have free paper copies of all reports.


I constructed my HIPPA disputes to the CRAs, and sent them off certified mail on the 25th. (No return receipt requested)


As per the tracking, all have been received.


Equifax - Arrived Saturday, Sept 27th

Experian - Arrived Saturday, Sept 27th

Transunion - Arrived Monday, Sept 29th


Checked the backdoor of all with the new report numbers, no changes or markings anywhere mentioning investigations have begun. Guessing they will be processed in the next few days and my (up to) 45 day wait will begin.

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Waited a few days since I've last checked the backdoor, Experian has finally started the investigation process on 2 of the 3 accounts. Commonwealth was not put into investigation and says "This item remained unchanged from our processing of your dispute in Jul 2014."


When the time comes for validations should/can I include this account even though it will have been approximately 4 months since the original dispute? Should I do it now by itself (at 2-3 months since coming back verified?) What's your thoughts on this WhyChat?


Also, my account for Transunion has ended a few days ago. I knew it was about to charge me the $17.95 again so I went ahead and attempted to call in hopes they would offer me a cheaper rate through retentions, but as soon as I said I wanted to cancel the CSR simply stated it would be canceled (and has been). Is there a new way to backdoor TU I'm not aware of without logging into account? Lower cost solution?

Edited by Rebuilder12
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When was the last time you got your free reports??




The "back door" has NOTHING to do with any ongoing "service"


You go to the CRA website, click on new dispute, ( do not actually enter a new dispute)

For this to work, you need a recent report with an individual report #, that is NOT available if you have not obtained your reports directly from each CRA as the monitoring services, either with TU or Ex or anyone else do NOT have individual ID #s.

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"Error: 151-Your access to the TransUnion Online Investigation Service has expired. If you believe that information contained in your TransUnion Personal Credit Report is inaccurate and would like to request investigation or change of information, please visit www.transunion.com to learn how to submit your request by mail or by phone."

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"Error: 151-Your access to the TransUnion Online Investigation Service has expired. If you believe that information contained in your TransUnion Personal Credit Report is inaccurate and would like to request investigation or change of information, please visit www.transunion.com to learn how to submit your request by mail or by phone."

If you have a direct link to TU that you have been using your "cookies" have undoubtedly been linking you into your expired membership account.

Go in through another Portal, like



Click on the TU logo


If you know how to "clean your cookies" do so.

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Tried that. Also tried to log in in a "private window" (no saved history/cookies). No such luck.


Trying an install of Opera browser. Never used it before. It will be a complete fresh browser with no importing. It did get me through but only asked me to agree to online delivery of results. I'm at a loss at what to do with TransUnion right now.


As for the other CRA's, I do have some updates.


On EQ only 3 of the 5 say "This item is currently under investigation. You should receive the results of our investigation soon."


Syndicated changed the comments to "Consumer disputes after resolution, Medical"

Northeast changed the comments to "Consumer disputes this account information, Medical"



2 of 3 are still under investigation.

Commonwealth changed to "This item remained unchanged from our processing of your dispute in Jul 2014."

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Wasn't sure if it was to change the disputes I have already in progress to be changed to online delivery. Thanks for clearing that up.


Now, should I start taking the next steps (verification from the CA's) now or wait until all results are back?

Wait until all results are back as you may only need 1 medical DV to the CA instead of 3.

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Well, now I know what the law of unintended consequences is.


All disputes are now done. All disputes remain and are updated and notated "Consumer disputes". (On EQ and EX, I cannot get into TU).


I'm getting a number of phone calls daily (all have gone unanswered by me so far).

EX has now included the two largest ones (#5 and #6) which were not there before.


I will begin preparing my medical DVs, and in the next few days find a way into TU to make sure all disputes are finalized there as well.



(Spoke too soon on TU; I've gotten further than I have been able to get recently).

Dispute Status: 3 of 6 Items Completed

Estimated Completion Date: 10/29/2014


Guess I am stalled until next Wednesday to see what TU does.

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Within the medical DV, it does include a limited C&D. I do have a tape recorder and also a phone microphone which I could keep handy for the times when they do call me (if they do continue after receiving my letter).


I know you advise against this normally; but once it is in effect could I begin taking the phone calls and record them for court purposes? Is there a thread somewhere on do's and dont's doing this. I would imagine I'd get some leverage IF I did this...


On the flip side; I could see how continuing to ignore the phone calls could also be benefitial... as my phone records would reflect them breaking the limited C&D.

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