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What Happened To The Spirit Of The Creditboards?


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I have been a member of The Credit Boards for 10 years, shortly after they became into existence. I have always been shy, probably more afraid of humiliation, so I did not post much. I read everything, I mean everything! Fellow members were respectful, tried to answer as best they could, had great advice and “The Staff” was outstanding. If LKH, Pam, Breeze, Pryan, Marv, Why Chat and the rest answered you, you felt special and knew they weren’t steering you wrong. Oh yeah , and George was a hoot, loved him.

Now, so many more people are rude, egotistical and treat people as though they are salamanders. They get snarky for someone asking a completely legitimate question. People are told to read the “Newbie section” before asking a stupid question.

The fact is most people do read the “Newbie section." For those who have never faced these challenges, it is foreign to them, and they need help clarifying certain aspects.

Then you have members shooting down other members on someone else's post and the OP is left hanging with no answer, caught in the gunfire.

It is not just limited to members but staff against staff.

There are still fabulous people, with great knowledge and respect on The Credit Boards who are a huge asset to the community.

More patience and understanding goes a long way. Respect was the spirit of The Credit Boards.

It still should be.

My two cents.
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I find most people here to be very helpful.


Spongenotbob, could you give some examples of this wrong info?


Sure, check out the signal-to-noise ratio in this one:






Nothing particularly malicious or blatantly false.


Just a lot of different tangents. It's to be expected when you're asking for anecdotal info.

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I have been a member of The Credit Boards for 10 years, shortly after they became into existence. I have always been shy, probably more afraid of humiliation, so I did not post much. I read everything, I mean everything! Fellow members were respectful, tried to answer as best they could, had great advice and “The Staff” was outstanding. If LKH, Pam, Breeze, Pryan, Marv, Why Chat and the rest answered you, you felt special and knew they weren’t steering you wrong. Oh yeah , and George was a hoot, loved him.
Now, so many more people are rude, egotistical and treat people as though they are salamanders. They get snarky for someone asking a completely legitimate question. People are told to read the “Newbie section” before asking a stupid question.
The fact is most people do read the “Newbie section." For those who have never faced these challenges, it is foreign to them, and they need help clarifying certain aspects.
Then you have members shooting down other members on someone else's post and the OP is left hanging with no answer, caught in the gunfire.
It is not just limited to members but staff against staff.
There are still fabulous people, with great knowledge and respect on The Credit Boards who are a huge asset to the community.
More patience and understanding goes a long way. Respect was the spirit of The Credit Boards.
It still should be.
My two cents.


Can you show me where you saw a situation of staff against staff?


There is now over 133,000 members. That is about 130,000 more than in 2004. With that many personalities, some things are bound to be interpreted differently than intended. Of course, there will also be those whose posting style appears to be rude, but once you come to know the member, it isn't that way at all.


We don't delete threads. We have at times moved a thread out of sight or edited something out, but we don't ever delete threads.

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Read your post and couldn't resist the temptation to reply. I'm kinda a newbie here. When I first came to this site I read and read and read the pinned topics and threads. And every now and again I would ask a question. Once, If I remember correctly, I got the "go read some more newbie cause you ain't ready". I just laughed it off and kept reading. Now that I am learning the ropes I appreciate the mentality of the members. Sometimes even I see a question and roll my eyes. It's very easy to pick out the people who have put in the work and post questions just for clarification. In my opinion however, most of the time this is not the case. While CB is not perfect, with 133,000 member's :yes2: how could it be, but I'll take it however I can get it. In the long run my family will be better off for all the advice I'm getting on this site. Between my DH and I we have almost 40 deletions since the 1st of this year! And I'm not going to comment on the other points you made. I'm a toddler at a dinner party for adults, and I'm not ticking off mommy or daddy! :blush2:

Edited by Emtmedic44
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Read your post and couldn't resist the temptation to reply. I'm kinda a newbie here. When I first came to this site I read and read and read the pinned topics and threads. And every now and again I would ask a question. Once, If I remember correctly, I got the "go read some more newbie cause you ain't ready". I just laughed it off and kept reading. Now that I am learning the ropes I appreciate the mentality of the members. Sometimes even I see a question and roll my eyes. It's very easy to pick out the people who have put in the work and post questions just for clarification. In my opinion however, most of the time this is not the case. While CB is not perfect, with 133,000 member's :yes2: how could it be, but I'll take it however I can get it. In the long run my family will be better off for all the advice I'm getting on this site. Between my DH and I we have almost 40 deletions since the 1st of this year! And I'm not going to comment on the other points you made. I'm a toddler at a dinner party for adults, and I'm not ticking off mommy or daddy! :blush2:

Hahaha...I like that last comment...cute! :D

Rather than saying, "While CB is not

perfect...," I contend that it would be

more accurate to say that CB may very

well be "perfect" -- however, not a single

one of its 133K human members can

be accused of perfection. :blush2:

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Read your post and couldn't resist the temptation to reply. I'm kinda a newbie here. When I first came to this site I read and read and read the pinned topics and threads. And every now and again I would ask a question. Once, If I remember correctly, I got the "go read some more newbie cause you ain't ready". I just laughed it off and kept reading. Now that I am learning the ropes I appreciate the mentality of the members. Sometimes even I see a question and roll my eyes. It's very easy to pick out the people who have put in the work and post questions just for clarification. In my opinion however, most of the time this is not the case. While CB is not perfect, with 133,000 member's :yes2: how could it be, but I'll take it however I can get it. In the long run my family will be better off for all the advice I'm getting on this site. Between my DH and I we have almost 40 deletions since the 1st of this year! And I'm not going to comment on the other points you made. I'm a toddler at a dinner party for adults, and I'm not ticking off mommy or daddy! :blush2:

Hahaha...I like that last comment...cute! :D

Rather than saying, "While CB is not

perfect...," I contend that it would be

more accurate to say that CB may very

well be "perfect" -- however, not a single

one of its 133K human members can

be accused of perfection. :blush2:

Now don't forget about BW! Surely he comes close. For CB standards anyways.. lol. Gives me something to aim for.


Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

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Read your post and couldn't resist the temptation to reply. I'm kinda a newbie here. When I first came to this site I read and read and read the pinned topics and threads. And every now and again I would ask a question. Once, If I remember correctly, I got the "go read some more newbie cause you ain't ready". I just laughed it off and kept reading. Now that I am learning the ropes I appreciate the mentality of the members. Sometimes even I see a question and roll my eyes. It's very easy to pick out the people who have put in the work and post questions just for clarification. In my opinion however, most of the time this is not the case. While CB is not perfect, with 133,000 member's :yes2: how could it be, but I'll take it however I can get it. In the long run my family will be better off for all the advice I'm getting on this site. Between my DH and I we have almost 40 deletions since the 1st of this year! And I'm not going to comment on the other points you made. I'm a toddler at a dinner party for adults, and I'm not ticking off mommy or daddy! :blush2:

Hahaha...I like that last comment...cute! :D

Rather than saying, "While CB is not

perfect...," I contend that it would be

more accurate to say that CB may very

well be "perfect" -- however, not a single

one of its 133K human members can

be accused of perfection. :blush2:

Now don't forget about BW! Surely he comes close. For CB standards anyways.. lol. Gives me something to aim for.

NOW we're ALL in trouble. :swoon:


Hehe... :angel:

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The signal-to-noise ratio has definitely dropped. Lots of simply wrong info here these days, unfortunately.


And I, too, miss GEORGE, he of the steak dinner and the Wal*Mart.

We try our very best to monitor all information. Fortunately we have extremely watchful and caring members who can correct misinformative posts before we can even manage to get to them.


If you ever feel something is quite simply wrong, all you have to do it click on the report button, and it will be addressed by staff.


We hope your stay with us will be long and prosperous.

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People are told to read the Newbie section before asking a stupid question.

The fact is most people do read the Newbie section." For those who have never faced these challenges, it is foreign to them, and they need help clarifying certain aspects.


I agree with your statement. I have read the newb section a few times, and yes I still have questions about it. Especially the HIPAA process. I haven't been criticised for it though.


Let me take this opportunity to say THANK YOU CREDITBOARDS!

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I am amazed and pleased at the personal responses I get when I hit the wall. Thanks to all. There seem to be a few people who go off but then there are those people in everyday life. I am still stressed at some of the initials used but I am slowly getting them. It would be great to have a system to highlight them and go to a spot on the page for definitions. That may be a software Mt. Everest but it would help a lot of people, no matter how much better we are than when we began.


Thanks Everyone. Liz

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I've been here almost as long as you, although I haven't been active for the last 7 years or so. Telling people to read the newbie forums is nothing new to this site or internet discussion boards in general. I've been using the internet almost as long as some of you have been alive and I learned a long time ago to dive into the pinned topics and FAQs to educate myself before asking any questions. You can usually tell the difference between someone who has tried to do some reading before asking questions and someone who hasn't. Now, some people are a little more abrupt than others at how they deliver that message. I feel the best thing to do is to post a link to some threads where the answer is. This shows a willingness to help as well as a a hint to the poster that if they do some reading they can find the answers to their questions without asking.


And for the experts who are more abrupt/curt in your responses, just remember that every expert was once a beginner.

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I am amazed and pleased at the personal responses I get when I hit the wall. Thanks to all. There seem to be a few people who go off but then there are those people in everyday life. I am still stressed at some of the initials used but I am slowly getting them. It would be great to have a system to highlight them and go to a spot on the page for definitions. That may be a software Mt. Everest but it would help a lot of people, no matter how much better we are than when we began.


Thanks Everyone. Liz


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Read your post and couldn't resist the temptation to reply. I'm kinda a newbie here. When I first came to this site I read and read and read the pinned topics and threads. And every now and again I would ask a question. Once, If I remember correctly, I got the "go read some more newbie cause you ain't ready". I just laughed it off and kept reading. Now that I am learning the ropes I appreciate the mentality of the members. Sometimes even I see a question and roll my eyes. It's very easy to pick out the people who have put in the work and post questions just for clarification. In my opinion however, most of the time this is not the case. While CB is not perfect, with 133,000 member's :yes2: how could it be, but I'll take it however I can get it. In the long run my family will be better off for all the advice I'm getting on this site. Between my DH and I we have almost 40 deletions since the 1st of this year! And I'm not going to comment on the other points you made. I'm a toddler at a dinner party for adults, and I'm not ticking off mommy or daddy! :blush2:

It should be pretty well-known that I, myself, (Joseph C,) love CB and have sincd discovering it in 2009. I am NOT the most knowledgeable on all topics, no, not by a long shot, but I really enjoy the spirit and openness that we can help out fellow credit enthusiasts. I also enjoy the humor.


I would say that, now, 5 years in and still growing, that we enjoy helping those that want the help. :ph34r:


Admin and staff is amazing, and I have learned respect for them and what they say. Same for most members... give respect, get respect.


I love that there was really very very minimal filter here, that also is unique among web boards (the rest of which suck, i've been on them, they are clan-ish) and as was posted about not creating a utopia. I really do like that


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

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It should be pretty well-known that I, myself, (Joseph C,) love CB and have since discovering it in 2009. I am NOT the most knowledgeable on all topics, no, not by a long shot, but I really enjoy the spirit and openness that we can help out fellow credit enthusiasts. I also enjoy the humor.


I would say that, now, 5 years in and still growing, that we enjoy helping those that want the help. :ph34r:


Admin and staff is amazing, and I have learned respect for them and what they say. Same for most members... give respect, get respect.


I love that there was really very very minimal filter here, that also is unique among web boards (the rest of which suck, i've been on them, they are clan-ish) and as was posted about not creating a utopia. I really do like that.


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

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You dont get straight answers when some one asks


What is *B* for millionth time,


who is the latest triple puller,


who pulls who.


Those are covered in-depth here and it takes little time to read about it.



What is it, down to one B* thread a week now? LOL


Newbies should not attempt B*, is the first piece of advice found In BobWang's series of Master Threads. :good:


We also get asked about things that aren't as you would say "legal" sometimes, but I love how our member base blows those that both are and/or support debt collectors, CAs and JDBs out of the water when they give advice that would impede someone uneducated.


I call myself an "active and practicing intermediate credit enthusiast." I have those that share my interests here.


Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

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It would be great to have a system to highlight them and go to a spot on the page for definitions. That may be a software Mt. Everest but it would help a lot of people, no matter how much better we are than when we began.


I am a member of some forums that have this feature. Abbreviations that show up in a post have an underline and you can hover over it to see the definition. It's a nice feature. :)

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