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Dear CBers:



I recently reported a Macy's Charge Off (paid in full to CA) to the CFPB as the CA told me it would be a PFD and was never deleted from any TL. I contacted Macy's first and they were no help and wouldn't even give me the name of the collection agency who handled it!


This is the response I got from Macys:


"I am in receipt of your complaint filed with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and forwarded to Macy's Executive Office on February 10, 2014. As a liaison of Macy's Executive office, I was asked to review and respond to your concerns on behalf of Department Stores National Bank.


Your Macy's account was charged off due to serious delinquency on August 7, 2012, with a balance of 239.06. Your account is not currently assigned to a collections agency, but is was assigned to FMS Inc., when you paid 239.06 on January 23, 2013, bring your account to a zero balance, as reflected on the enclosed February 7, 2013, billing statement. The account is being reported accurately with a paid-in-full charged off rating. Because we do not remove accurate information from a credit report as part of a payment agreement; I must decline your request to delete your account from your credit report as you requested. Enclosed is a snapshot of what we are reporting to the credit reporting agencies. If you have anything in writing from us stating that we will delete this account from your credit report, please forward a copy to me for review. It would be against our policies to make such an offer to any customer.


Our records show that on April 12, 2013, we instructed the credit reporting agencies to update their records and report your account as "customer disputes reporting". If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at the telephone number listed below."


How should I best go after FMS?

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