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The Master "Which Issuers Will Combine Limits?" Thread


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American Express

  • Revolving Cards ("donor" card must have 13 or more closed statements; you must leave $500 - $1,000 on "donor" card)
  • Call the number on the back of your card, or use the self-serve link in this post:  http://creditboards....24538&p=5225137
  • Note that in order to use the self-serve link, both Amices must be linked to the same login.
  • You must wait 30 days after reallocating limits before doing another reallocation.  https://creditboards...04506&p=5693230 



https://creditboards...24538&p=5450462(only one limit reallocation permitted per month)


Bank of America 


https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=613343CLIs/combos no longer require a hard inquiry  <---- updated May 2018

May require a new inquiry.

https://creditboards...24538&p=5466743(recent reports suggest that B of A is using SPs. Previously, HPs were virtually guaranteed) 




Regular CSRs may not know this is possible, but the credit department can combine limits. Call them directly at 866-408-4064.










Capital One - WATCH LIST - Soliciting Recent Detailed Firsthand Accounts - Feb 2019


Multiple recent anecdotes have suggested that Capital One has eliminated the ability to shift/combine limits. 


Initially, limit combos resulting in "high" limits appeared to be impacted, but more recently it it has been suggested that Capital One may have completely eliminated the ability for customers to move limits between accounts..  


Please post your recent firsthand experiences (or recent firsthand experiences posted by others) in this thread.




Previous updates:


Maximum new combined credit lines are now $50,000 (personal) and $100,000 (business) as of December 2017


Lengthy previous disussion here.


Capital One (As of 7/9/15)



Capital One (As of 7/8/15) - Donor card must be at least 6 months old, in good standing and have $0 balance and no pending charges. Accounts can be linked and combined online. Donor card is closed automatically upon completion. 



(Older "no" threads):



http://creditboards....24538&p=5089146 (even through the EO)



CSRs can do this. Call the number on the back of your card.


https://creditboards...20#entry5650606CSR indicated that you can move the full limit on a co-branded card, but must leave $500 on the donor card if it's a Chase-branded card.

https://creditboards...73133&p=5516733Had to leave $1,000 plus the unpaid AF when closing a card and moving the limit. 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5216420 ($500 must remain on donor card; limit > $35,000 on the "receiving card" must be approved by a senior credit analyst)

http://creditboards....66509&p=4884063 Call to backdoor number [(888) 298-5623] got the entire credit limit moved, with no residual required on the donor card.




May require HUCA, and expect a new inquiry.




Commerce Bank




See Woodforest Bank (below) 




https://creditboards...00935&p=5674836Sep 2016 - no luck with frontline CSR; success via backdoor number 






US Bank - Move to YMMV Category is Pending (See first link below)


https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?/topic/524538-the-master-which-issuers-will-combine-limits-thread/&amp;do=findComment&amp;comment=5762049 <-- Recent NO (Dec 2018)


https://creditboards...24538&p=5361490 Detailed chronology of the 30-60 day process

https://creditboards...24538&p=5321390"Line swap" results in an inquiry. 



Wells Fargo

Excludes co-brand cards like Dillard's; need to leave $1,000 on donor card.





Woodforest Bank (Elan)


https://creditboards...24538&p=5524983Moved limit from one business card to another 





Citi - Reclassified from "Will" to "YMMV" March 2017


https://creditboards...24538&p=5676795September 2017 - success with EO

https://creditboards...24538&p=5676069- September 2017 - success with EO

https://creditboards...24538&p=5616527- March 2017 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5552165 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5552447 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5494316(three cards into one via regular CS, had to leave $2,000 on each donor card)

https://creditboards...24538&p=5510284 ( cannot transfer personal lines to business, or vice versa) 

https://creditboards...24538&p=5326379Four cards into one via regular CS, resulted in inquiry

https://creditboards...24538&p=5264492(Via regular CS, with persistence)

http://creditboards....24538&p=5237895 (Via AA Exec CS) 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5246949 (Via Citi AA CS) 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5179546 (Via Citi EO)


Previously only at approval:








https://creditboards...24538&p=5719906Report from another forum of a success <---- updated February 2018










https://creditboards...24538&p=5713852Report from another forum with a detailed account.  <------ updated January 2018

https://creditboards...67295&p=5475684 (rep says Discovery doesn't do this) 

https://creditboards...67295&p=5485607 (report of successfully combining two consumer cards) 

https://creditboards...67295&p=5485967(report of successfully moving a line from a Discovery business line to a personal card) 


PenFed <-- Reclassified from "Will" to "YMMV" in September 2017 


New August 2018

https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=524538&p=5687489 (conflicting experiences moving limits between Amex and Visa cards) 


https://creditboards...24538&p=5552488 via customer service 



Will Not:






Fifth Third Bank


https://creditboards...67921&p=5571776(attempted in person) 

https://creditboards...67921&p=5571453(attempted by phone) 














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  • 4 weeks later...

On 2/8/2019 at 3:45 AM, cv91915 said:



American Express

  • Revolving Cards ("donor" card must have 13 or more closed statements; you must leave $500 - $1,000 on "donor" card)
  • Call the number on the back of your card, or use the self-serve link in this post:  http://creditboards....24538&p=5225137
  • Note that in order to use the self-serve link, both Amices must be linked to the same login.
  • You must wait 30 days after reallocating limits before doing another reallocation.  https://creditboards...04506&p=5693230 



https://creditboards...24538&p=5450462(only one limit reallocation permitted per month)


Bank of America 


https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=613343CLIs/combos no longer require a hard inquiry  <---- updated May 2018

May require a new inquiry.

https://creditboards...24538&p=5466743(recent reports suggest that B of A is using SPs. Previously, HPs were virtually guaranteed) 




Regular CSRs may not know this is possible, but the credit department can combine limits. Call them directly at 866-408-4064.










Capital One - WATCH LIST - Soliciting Recent Detailed Firsthand Accounts - Feb 2019


Multiple recent anecdotes have suggested that Capital One has eliminated the ability to shift/combine limits. 


Initially, limit combos resulting in "high" limits appeared to be impacted, but more recently it it has been suggested that Capital One may have completely eliminated the ability for customers to move limits between accounts..  


Please post your recent firsthand experiences (or recent firsthand experiences posted by others) in this thread.




Previous updates:


Maximum new combined credit lines are now $50,000 (personal) and $100,000 (business) as of December 2017


Lengthy previous disussion here.


Capital One (As of 7/9/15)



Capital One (As of 7/8/15) - Donor card must be at least 6 months old, in good standing and have $0 balance and no pending charges. Accounts can be linked and combined online. Donor card is closed automatically upon completion. 



(Older "no" threads):



http://creditboards....24538&p=5089146 (even through the EO)



CSRs can do this. Call the number on the back of your card.


https://creditboards...20#entry5650606CSR indicated that you can move the full limit on a co-branded card, but must leave $500 on the donor card if it's a Chase-branded card.

https://creditboards...73133&p=5516733Had to leave $1,000 plus the unpaid AF when closing a card and moving the limit. 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5216420 ($500 must remain on donor card; limit > $35,000 on the "receiving card" must be approved by a senior credit analyst)

http://creditboards....66509&p=4884063 Call to backdoor number [(888) 298-5623] got the entire credit limit moved, with no residual required on the donor card.




May require HUCA, and expect a new inquiry.




Commerce Bank




See Woodforest Bank (below) 




https://creditboards...00935&p=5674836Sep 2016 - no luck with frontline CSR; success via backdoor number 






US Bank - Move to YMMV Category is Pending (See first link below)


https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?/topic/524538-the-master-which-issuers-will-combine-limits-thread/&amp;do=findComment&amp;comment=5762049 <-- Recent NO (Dec 2018)


https://creditboards...24538&p=5361490 Detailed chronology of the 30-60 day process

https://creditboards...24538&p=5321390"Line swap" results in an inquiry. 



Wells Fargo

Excludes co-brand cards like Dillard's; need to leave $1,000 on donor card.





Woodforest Bank (Elan)


https://creditboards...24538&p=5524983Moved limit from one business card to another 





Citi - Reclassified from "Will" to "YMMV" March 2017


https://creditboards...24538&p=5676795September 2017 - success with EO

https://creditboards...24538&p=5676069- September 2017 - success with EO

https://creditboards...24538&p=5616527- March 2017 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5552165 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5552447 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5494316(three cards into one via regular CS, had to leave $2,000 on each donor card)

https://creditboards...24538&p=5510284 ( cannot transfer personal lines to business, or vice versa) 

https://creditboards...24538&p=5326379Four cards into one via regular CS, resulted in inquiry

https://creditboards...24538&p=5264492(Via regular CS, with persistence)

http://creditboards....24538&p=5237895 (Via AA Exec CS) 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5246949 (Via Citi AA CS) 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5179546 (Via Citi EO)


Previously only at approval:








https://creditboards...24538&p=5719906Report from another forum of a success <---- updated February 2018










https://creditboards...24538&p=5713852Report from another forum with a detailed account.  <------ updated January 2018

https://creditboards...67295&p=5475684 (rep says Discovery doesn't do this) 

https://creditboards...67295&p=5485607 (report of successfully combining two consumer cards) 

https://creditboards...67295&p=5485967(report of successfully moving a line from a Discovery business line to a personal card) 


PenFed <-- Reclassified from "Will" to "YMMV" in September 2017 


New August 2018

https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=524538&p=5687489 (conflicting experiences moving limits between Amex and Visa cards) 


https://creditboards...24538&p=5552488 via customer service 



Will Not:






Fifth Third Bank


https://creditboards...67921&p=5571776(attempted in person) 

https://creditboards...67921&p=5571453(attempted by phone) 















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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...



American Express

  • Revolving Cards ("donor" card must have 13 or more closed statements; you must leave $500 - $1,000 on "donor" card)
  • Call the number on the back of your card, or use the self-serve link in this post:  http://creditboards....24538&p=5225137
  • Note that in order to use the self-serve link, both Amices must be linked to the same login.
  • You must wait 30 days after reallocating limits before doing another reallocation.  https://creditboards...04506&p=5693230 



https://creditboards...24538&p=5450462(only one limit reallocation permitted per month)


Bank of America 


https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=613343CLIs/combos no longer require a hard inquiry  <---- updated May 2018

May require a new inquiry.

https://creditboards...24538&p=5466743(recent reports suggest that B of A is using SPs. Previously, HPs were virtually guaranteed) 




Regular CSRs may not know this is possible, but the credit department can combine limits. Call them directly at 866-408-4064.










Capital One - WATCH LIST - Soliciting Recent Detailed Firsthand Accounts - Feb 2019


Multiple recent anecdotes have suggested that Capital One has eliminated the ability to shift/combine limits.  


Initially, limit combos resulting in "high" limits appeared to be impacted, but more recently it it has been suggested that Capital One may have completely eliminated the ability for customers to move limits between accounts..  


Please post your recent firsthand experiences (or recent firsthand experiences posted by others) in this thread.




Previous updates:


Maximum new combined credit lines are now $50,000 (personal) and $100,000 (business) as of December 2017


Lengthy previous disussion here.


Capital One (As of 7/9/15)



Capital One (As of 7/8/15) - Donor card must be at least 6 months old, in good standing and have $0 balance and no pending charges. Accounts can be linked and combined online. Donor card is closed automatically upon completion. 



(Older "no" threads):



http://creditboards....24538&p=5089146 (even through the EO)



CSRs can do this. Call the number on the back of your card.


https://creditboards...20#entry5650606CSR indicated that you can move the full limit on a co-branded card, but must leave $500 on the donor card if it's a Chase-branded card.

https://creditboards...73133&p=5516733Had to leave $1,000 plus the unpaid AF when closing a card and moving the limit. 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5216420 ($500 must remain on donor card; limit > $35,000 on the "receiving card" must be approved by a senior credit analyst)

http://creditboards....66509&p=4884063 Call to backdoor number [(888) 298-5623] got the entire credit limit moved, with no residual required on the donor card.




May require HUCA, and expect a new inquiry.




Commerce Bank




See Woodforest Bank (below) 


ICBC  <---- New (June 2019)






https://creditboards...00935&p=5674836Sep 2016 - no luck with frontline CSR; success via backdoor number 






US Bank - Move to YMMV Category is Pending (See first link below)


https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?/topic/524538-the-master-which-issuers-will-combine-limits-thread/&amp;do=findComment&amp;comment=5762049 <-- Recent NO (Dec 2018)


https://creditboards...24538&p=5361490 Detailed chronology of the 30-60 day process

https://creditboards...24538&p=5321390"Line swap" results in an inquiry. 



Wells Fargo

Excludes co-brand cards like Dillard's; need to leave $1,000 on donor card.





Woodforest Bank (Elan)


https://creditboards...24538&p=5524983Moved limit from one business card to another 





Citi - Reclassified from "Will" to "YMMV" March 2017


https://creditboards...24538&p=5676795September 2017 - success with EO

https://creditboards...24538&p=5676069- September 2017 - success with EO

https://creditboards...24538&p=5616527- March 2017 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5552165 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5552447 - difficulty with front-line reps

https://creditboards...24538&p=5494316(three cards into one via regular CS, had to leave $2,000 on each donor card)

https://creditboards...24538&p=5510284 ( cannot transfer personal lines to business, or vice versa) 

https://creditboards...24538&p=5326379Four cards into one via regular CS, resulted in inquiry

https://creditboards...24538&p=5264492(Via regular CS, with persistence)

http://creditboards....24538&p=5237895 (Via AA Exec CS) 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5246949 (Via Citi AA CS) 

http://creditboards....24538&p=5179546 (Via Citi EO)


Previously only at approval:








https://creditboards...24538&p=5719906Report from another forum of a success <---- updated February 2018










https://creditboards...24538&p=5713852Report from another forum with a detailed account.  <------ updated January 2018

https://creditboards...67295&p=5475684 (rep says Discovery doesn't do this) 

https://creditboards...67295&p=5485607 (report of successfully combining two consumer cards) 

https://creditboards...67295&p=5485967(report of successfully moving a line from a Discovery business line to a personal card) 


PenFed <-- Reclassified from "Will" to "YMMV" in September 2017 


New August 2018

https://creditboards.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=524538&p=5687489 (conflicting experiences moving limits between Amex and Visa cards) 


https://creditboards...24538&p=5552488 via customer service 



Will Not:






Fifth Third Bank


https://creditboards...67921&p=5571776(attempted in person) 

https://creditboards...67921&p=5571453(attempted by phone) 














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  • 1 month later...
On 10/8/2015 at 10:48 AM, cv91915 said:

Adding some data points while I go through this process:




8/24: If the resulting line on the recipient card is over $25,000, US Bank requires the first two pages of the prior year's 1040. Your tax return can be either mailed or faxed. If you take it in to a US Bank branch, they will fax it for you. I had a branch fax it for me, and when I called two business days later they confirmed receipt of the fax.


8/25: US Bank mailed me a letter telling me that my request for a CLI on the FlexPerks card was declined. Reason: "Conflicting application information." I didn't request a standalone CLI, but apparently the line swap request follows some alternate process that's based on how CLIs are handled.


8/26: I asked them to complete the line swap since they had the fax, but the AF had been charged on the donor card (which I was closing), so the donor card had a balance of $75. They were willing to move all but $500 from the donor card to the recipient card, but I wanted to move the entire line. I was advised to call customer service for options, since they couldn't refund the AF on the card I was closing.


8/26: I called the customer service number on the back of my card. They issued an AF refund, which they said should post in two days, at which time I can call back the underwriting department to complete the line swap.


8/27: I checked first thing in the morning and the AF credit had already posted. The card now has a zero balance. I called the credit card underwriter number again and they were able to submit the request to move the entire limit from the card I'm closing over to the surviving card. The process will take 3-5 business days, and I will receive a letter in the mail when it's complete. Obviously I will also be able to check online in the interim.


8/28: Hard inquiry on TU.


8/28: US Bank mailed me a letter informing me that I've been given a CLI to $47,000 on the FlexPerks card "...in recognition of the exceptional way you handle your account."


8/30 and 8/31: I used the automated customer service line on the donor card. The original limit for the donor card was still on record.


9/1: I used the automated customer service line on the donor card. The original limit for the donor card was still on record, however I also called the number for the recipient card, and the combined limits of both cards is the credit limit of record. The donor card still looks the same online.


9/2 - 9/10: Calls to the automated customer service system yielded identical results as they did on 9/1.


9/4: I received an alert that the new limit on the recipient card was reported to Experian on 8/31.




10/8: Calls to the automated customer service line for the Club Carlson Visa still indicate that there is $22,000 in available credit on the card that I closed. The card also still appears online. Previous data suggests that the entire limit was moved on or about 8/31.




Has anyone attempted to move limits around with US Bank lately?


I have $47,000 on my virtually-unused Cash+ and only $15,000 on my Altitude Reserve, which is now one of my most frequently-used cards.


Last time the process took numerous steps (including faxing tax returns)  and 60 days just to reallocate existing limits.

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Yep.....US Bank is definitely quirky! FWIW, a recent visit to my local US Bank branch had them pushing the Altitude Reserve card on me and I subsequently asked if I could transfer some of the CL from my REI card to whatever starting CL I receive on the Altitude Reserve and they stated "no problem" however I never trust frontline staff.


I think you can convert your Cash+ to an Altitude Reserve, which gets you the $47K CL, then attempt to close and combine the $15K CL of your current Altitude Reserve to the new one.  If this takes another months long ordeal, at least you will have the $47K CL on your "new" Altitude Reserve and IIRC your Cash+ card is also an older account so you retain the age.


How is the Club Carlson VISA currently reporting to the CRA's? Is it still open with a $22K CL reporting? If you can successfully get a $62K CL Altitude Reserve, then possibly try to move the $22K CL from your "open" Club Carlson VISA for an $84K CL Altitude Reserve, LOL!

Edited by Rogue
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22 minutes ago, Rogue said:

Yep.....US Bank is definitely quirky! FWIW, a recent visit to my local US Bank branch had them pushing the Altitude Reserve card on me and I subsequently asked if I could transfer some of the CL from my REI card to whatever starting CL I receive on the Altitude Reserve and they stated "no problem" however I never trust frontline staff.


I think you can convert your Cash+ to an Altitude Reserve, which gets you the $47K CL, then attempt to close and combine the $15K CL of your current Altitude Reserve to the new one.  If this takes another months long ordeal, at least you will have the $47K CL on your "new" Altitude Reserve and IIRC your Cash+ card is also an older account so you retain the age.


How is the Club Carlson VISA currently reporting to the CRA's? Is it still open with a $22K CL reporting? If you can successfully get a $62K CL Altitude Reserve, then possibly try to move the $22K CL from your "open" Club Carlson VISA for an $84K CL Altitude Reserve, LOL!

I don't remember the entire sequence, but the Club Carlson and the FlexPerks Amex were combined, and the surviving card was PCd to the Cash+. 


As of today I just have the Cash+ and the Altitude Reserve, but the relative limits compared to usage no longer make sense.


Now that the Altitude Reserve has been deemed a keeper (4.5% back on a $1,904.44 car repair yesterday alone), I need to make it more useful. 


Plan was to start with a CLI request on the Altitude, followed by a "line swap" (as US Bank called/calls them) to move some of the Cash+ limit over.


Of course nothing is easy with US Bank.  I can't even do step one (the CLI request) online on this card.

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Citi EO told me today (after I called them yesterday) that they could not "combine" credit limits but they could move some of my limit from one card to another.   I had to keep the "minimum" limit on the card I was pulling some of the limit from (to provide more info, I was taking some of the limit from a Citi Preferred Rewards card onto the Citi Double Cash card).   This request did result in a hard inquiry on my EX report.

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19 minutes ago, gerray said:

Citi EO told me today (after I called them yesterday) that they could not "combine" credit limits but they could move some of my limit from one card to another.   I had to keep the "minimum" limit on the card I was pulling some of the limit from (to provide more info, I was taking some of the limit from a Citi Preferred Rewards card onto the Citi Double Cash card).   This request did result in a hard inquiry on my EX report.

Thank you.  I will include this with the next edit of the master list.

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  • 2 months later...

On 12/31 the $89 AF posted on the infinitely tragic, ridiculous, Full Fecal Barclays Arrival+.  



I just called to move the nearly-worthless $5,000 credit line to my nearly-worthless Aviator Silver, and was told that the Arrival+ must have a zero balance in order to move any of the credit line.


So I have to pay the $89, wait for it to post, move the credit line, close the card, and then wait for the AF to be refunded.


The agent who helped me was woefully unprepared to handle my call.  She put me on hold three times (once for each of my three main questions).  Twice she simply didn't respond until I repeated my question, and only then did she put me on hold to get the answers.  


Barclays is trash.



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  • 6 months later...
On 1/2/2020 at 5:48 AM, cv91915 said:

On 12/31 the $89 AF posted on the infinitely tragic, ridiculous, Full Fecal Barclays Arrival+.  



I just called to move the nearly-worthless $5,000 credit line to my nearly-worthless Aviator Silver, and was told that the Arrival+ must have a zero balance in order to move any of the credit line.


So I have to pay the $89, wait for it to post, move the credit line, close the card, and then wait for the AF to be refunded.


The agent who helped me was woefully unprepared to handle my call.  She put me on hold three times (once for each of my three main questions).  Twice she simply didn't respond until I repeated my question, and only then did she put me on hold to get the answers.  


Barclays is trash.




Your new post to this thread managed to rub my face in the fact that I failed to post eligible charges to my dormant Arrival + sufficient to redeem the $800 in SUB I received from opening the card a year ago, prior to my renewal fee posting this month.


Life's busy, and this card is very easy to let slide under the radar ... what can I say?  So guess I'm going to end up biting the $89.  F*$@!  😕

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I recalled at the time the attraction of an $800 SUB was a popping eye. Initially, many applicants hope to obtain the card and ditch-it when the next annual fee arrives. Despite receiving a high score of 820+, because they are the outliers that Barclays indicates them as,  as an outlier as such, subsequently through their intentions Barclays treat them as the crooks and concoct some nonsense to denied them applying for the Arrival Card. Members of CB have received this treatment.

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21 hours ago, hdporter said:


Your new post to this thread managed to rub my face in the fact that I failed to post eligible charges to my dormant Arrival + sufficient to redeem the $800 in SUB I received from opening the card a year ago, prior to my renewal fee posting this month.


Life's busy, and this card is very easy to let slide under the radar ... what can I say?  So guess I'm going to end up biting the $89.  F*$@!  😕

Piece of garbage!  


(the card, not you 😛 )


Maybe call and see if Retention will refund the AF.  Some "travel" cards are doing that.


If you need a new travel charge, perhaps you could just buy some AA gift cards directly from AA.  You'll use the prepaid airfare eventually.

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9 hours ago, cv91915 said:

Piece of garbage!  


(the card, not you 😛 )

Hah hah! Nice humorous parody! 


As for now its seems more people interested in the Choice Privileges & the Ring Card as a practical tool, and of course, the no annual fee plays a big role in it.


So just to be clear, that "Sign Up Bonus" was the dominant factor for applying for the Arrival Card at the time. Needless to say, who would like to risk their health in today's environment along aboard a flight. It makes complete reasonable sense to treat the card as garbage, the Arrival Card is merely a temporary card in the first year, and in year two the card will not be renewed to avoid the annual fee.


FWIW -- Retaining the Arrival Card has two factors... (Just my views)  :)
If needed, it is used for utilization fill (padding), or the credit line is too large for any cardmember to get rid of it (Assuming $30K or more, but doubt Barclays be that generous.). If this demand meets the criteria of needs, the folks don't mind continuing on paying the annual fee. It's just common-sense intuition. Just my 2 cents.

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  • 9 months later...
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Barclay's - I combined my American AAdvantage Aviator (was $6,500) into my Barclay's reward (was $15,000, now $21,500).  I no longer had the need for the Aviator, travel is down so my Citi Advantage card will suffice for travel.  


I kept the rewards as there is no annual fee, and it was older.  

Edited by Glacier
Explain why I chose to keep rewards card
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