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Sent a DV before finding hipaa letter method....now what?!?

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I have a $4000 medical bill showing up on all 3 credit reports that is only 4 years old. Sent a DV letter, but not a medical DV letter before I found the Hipaa letter method..The CA sent a verification sheet yesterday with the appointment dates, names of who was seen, the doctors names and the amount that is owed. So should I just dispute the amount with CRA now or send a medical DV to the CA next?? Does the generic DV just take the place of the medical DV? What's my next step? Please help...



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You need to start from the beginning:




You will be using the HIPAA letter program:



Yes, you need to start with the dispute letter to the CRAs



Meanwhile, get your records together for this medical charge-- were you insured?? If so, do you have your EOMBs ( explanation of medical benefits) from your insurance Co.?? If not, get them. If you were NOT insured, were you offered any assistance?? Are these from a Dr or a hospital? What are the circumstances of the bills?? Are they in any way valid?

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Yes, I had insurance. Yes these were deductibles left over. The amount is the total amount that accrued over the course of years from myself and two children seeing several different doctors in the same clinic. It also includes the deductible from a CT scan that I had at the same clinic. So the answer to your last question is yes.


Now the question I have is should I include the following in my prehipaa letter?


Please take notice that your Credit Reporting Agency falls within the purview of subtitle D of the ARRA , SEC. 13407(1) BREACH OF SECURITY.—The term ‘‘breach of security’’ means, with respect to unsecured PHR identifiable health information of an individual in a personal health record, acquisition of such information without the authorization of the individual.

You are therefore now subject to the jurisdiction of the OCR for HIPAA violation and the penalty rules of the HITECH Act as issued 11/30/2009.

Please note that your Credit Reporting Agency is now subject to Federal consumer financial laws, including, among others, the FCRA and Title X of the Dodd-Frank Act, and related regulations including a ban on “Abusive” Acts or Practices. ( Section 1031 of the Dodd-Frank Act)


Next question, Should I dispute all of the medical accounts now with the pre hipaa letter to the CRA, or just the ones I can pay now?


Thanks so much for your help, you are awesome!!

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Ok I have opted out..Waiting for my letter that I should be receiving to make it permenant.

I have 3 letters ready to go out to each of the 3 CRA's requesting address deletions. Each letter includes: letter stating I am concerned about fraud/identity theft, copies of ss card, copy of Drivers License and copy of recent utility bill. And for good measure I printed out a copy of a email that I received from Target stating my info may have been stolen in the recent scare..Think I have that covered..

I already have my Prehipaa letters all ready to go when the addresses are deleted.

Am I doing it right so far?

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Yes you are doing OK, although the Target letter is "overkill".


As to including any of the language in any of the letters. DO NOT DELETE OR ADD ANYTHING to ANY of the letters.


The initial dispute letter is designed to be read by a HUMAN BEING in the US, not a computer program "offshore".


If you add anything to it that is designed to be in FOLLOW UP properly printed letters, you are defeating the purpose.

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After reading ALOT of threads I decided to put my bestest, sweetest, I'm just a silly girl that don't know how to use the internet pants on and called TU to try and get addresses and phone numbers deleted. It worked!!! After every address and phone number he would say "ok, that's deleted which one next?" Husband was laughing at me doing the happy dance at my success. I know its a small victory, but I'll take what I can get. Going to try and hit up EX and EQ tomorrow. We'll see. Will mail out address delete requests after lunch if its a no go. Also on a side note...had a CC that was listed as individual account instead of AU. Account DISPUTED AND DELETED!! Score increase =5 pts :) LOVING ME SOME CB!!


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Ok so I'm getting ready to send out my PreHipaa letter to the 3 CRA'S.

Should I only the list the account that I'm able to pay right now, the big $4000 one, or all the medical accounts that are on my credit reports. All accounts are within SOL, but this account is the only one at this particular CA. I didn't want to poke all the bears at one time.

In addition, I have 2 student loans that are currently being disputed right now for late payments. Should I wait until those are completed before sending out the Prehipaa letters?

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Ok WhyChat..


I'm still waiting on my 60 days to send the preHipaa letters. But, i had already DV'd two of my medical CA's prior to finding your method.

1.) CA #1- Sent me a letter that was faxed from the Clinic that has all the dates listed, the doctor's we saw, and the amounts of each visit. The only problem-the fax was from 2011!! Whoops!

2.) CA #2-Sent me a 3 page bill summary (faxed recently) so they are in current relationship. But, the bill had multiple charges listed, then next to each charge they subtracted amount of insurance receipt, then in the next column they substracted patient paid amounts (copays), and then the next column subtracted an "adjustment" which equaled what what was left over on every charge. Leaving me with a zero balance! I'm not sure how they arrived at the amount of 455.78. So I thought maybe the adjustment column was a write off, but if you add up all the adjustments its well over 1000.00 nowhere near the 455$ balance they are reporting. So I still don't have verification even though they are in a current relationship.

Just holding onto these until I send my preHipaa letters, but just wanted to update.

3.)Had 2 CA's reporting from a hospital bill and ER doctor bill from a ER visit while out of state. Insurance didn't pay, they were waiting on verification from me, so they were turned over to CA. I have since verified with insurance and they are paying and sending me an EOB with my responsible portion. That way I will have it when the time comes to pay the OC.


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Opted out

Addresses Deleted

Experian: Waiting on a dispute to clear that was added by the CA that I sent a DV to prior to learning of WhyChat method.

TU and EQ are clear of disputes and ready to go.


I am receiving my requested EOMB's everyday.

Called the billing office at the clinic for CA#1 listed above. She states they had the wrong insurance on file for two of the visits and will attempt to refile-probably not going to happen (already talked to insurance company before I called the clinic). It's apparent that this was their error, as my son and I updated insurance policies at the same time and they filed his correctly (we share an account).

Secondly, there was a CT scan that was done and the clinic called my secondary insurance to get preauthorization and never called my primary. Long story short-my primary insurance only paid $60 for a $2000 CT. They cited "failure to preauthorize".

The billing rep I spoke to at the clinic said she will speak to her supervisor about the issues and call me back (2 days ago).

Should I continue my attempts in working out the bill with them (the OC) or am I doing more damage?

I had considered making the 45 minute drive to the clinic, and speaking to the supervisor myself face to face with EOMB's in hand.

Do I have any recourse for their billing errors?


On a side note, all 3 OC's that I have contacted to question about my accounts/insurance filing issues have confirmed that the reporting CA's are the original CA's they sold my debt to.

Edited by Emtmedic44
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Keep trying to get the accounts resubmitted. If they do NOT resubmit them and/or if your insurance denies payment, get something in writing from BOTH the OC and your insurance stating exactly who dropped the ball and why the insurance can't pay ( past the time etc.) At that point you send the OC the HIPAA letter insert "b" 2 with copies of the documentation.



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This is an open account for services rendered: SOL up 02/24/14. Last payment made on account-02/24/11


CA #1 - This is one account from a clinic with multiple charges/multiple visits. I received a letter from the CA in response to a DV I sent prior to learning the WhyChat method. Actually worked out for the best because now I can work on insurance issues while waiting on prehipaa letter to process with CRA. I have confirmed with the OC billing office that the OC and CA are in a current relationship.


The list of charges and issues:


DOS-05/23/08 Balance-$610.28 (Insurance can't find this EOMB. Will contact OC Monday to get date filed and what amount they filed.) Then request EOMB from insurance


DOS-09/21/09 Balance-$1999.04 (Primary paid $67.41-no preauthorization, Secondary pd $78.96- EOMB shows $1019.73 my responsibilty/deductible) Will pay OC with insert "a" when the time comes. They have been billing me $1999.04 this whole time, stating that my insurance never paid!! Liars!!


DOS-01/31/11 Balance-$272.00 (Not filed, OC states they didn't have my currect insurance, which is not true) OC states they are filing now, but I already have confirmation from insurance that it's too late. I will send insert "b" untimely filing and documentation from insurance when the time comes


DOS- 03/08/11 Balance-$441.00 (Not filed, OC states they didn't have my currect insurance, which is not true) Will send insert "b" untimely filing and documentation from the insurance company when the time comes


None of the balances are making any sense when comparing to my EOMB's. I'm assuming the CA has added interest? Thought that was a no-no when dealing with medical debt?


My questions:


Since these are all listed on one account, but each line has different issues, do I just send separate letters for each line with the appropriate insert/letter/payment to the OC?


And since I imagine I need to send separate letters, should I wait to have all documentation in order (all EOMB's/insurance documentation stating claims weren't filed timely) and send all of the letters at the same time?


And should I put them all in one envelope, so they don't stagger in, or would it be best to put them in separate envelopes to keep from confusing the obviously easily confused OC?


Again, you are awesome!!

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This is an open account for services rendered: SOL up 02/24/14. Last payment made on account-02/24/11


CA #1 - This is one account from a clinic with multiple charges/multiple visits. I received a letter from the CA in response to a DV I sent prior to learning the WhyChat method. Actually worked out for the best because now I can work on insurance issues while waiting on prehipaa letter to process with CRA. I have confirmed with the OC billing office that the OC and CA are in a current relationship.


The list of charges and issues:


DOS-05/23/08 Balance-$610.28 (Insurance can't find this EOMB. Will contact OC Monday to get date filed and what amount they filed.) Then request EOMB from insurance


DOS-09/21/09 Balance-$1999.04 (Primary paid $67.41-no preauthorization, Secondary pd $78.96- EOMB shows $1019.73 my responsibilty/deductible) Will pay OC with insert "a" when the time comes. They have been billing me $1999.04 this whole time, stating that my insurance never paid!! Liars!!


DOS-01/31/11 Balance-$272.00 (Not filed, OC states they didn't have my currect insurance, which is not true) OC states they are filing now, but I already have confirmation from insurance that it's too late. I will send insert "b" untimely filing and documentation from insurance when the time comes


DOS- 03/08/11 Balance-$441.00 (Not filed, OC states they didn't have my currect insurance, which is not true) Will send insert "b" untimely filing and documentation from the insurance company when the time comes


None of the balances are making any sense when comparing to my EOMB's. I'm assuming the CA has added interest? Thought that was a no-no when dealing with medical debt?


My questions:


Since these are all listed on one account, but each line has different issues, do I just send separate letters for each line with the appropriate insert/letter/payment to the OC?


And since I imagine I need to send separate letters, should I wait to have all documentation in order (all EOMB's/insurance documentation stating claims weren't filed timely) and send all of the letters at the same time?


And should I put them all in one envelope, so they don't stagger in, or would it be best to put them in separate envelopes to keep from confusing the obviously easily confused OC?


Again, you are awesome!!

You must first establish a CURRENT business relationship between the reporting CA and the OC in each instance. It will do NO GOOD to pay the OC or send them insert "b" if they are not in a current business relationship with the reporting CA.

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No, I received a summary of the account from the CA after my DV. I called the OC billing office to inquire about the account and asked them what CA they turned my account over to. They named the CA that was reporting to my credit report, the same CA that sent me the summary of my account. Is this not sufficient confirmation? If not I will send the medical DV to the CA after the preHipaa verifies.

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It would be better to get validation directly from the CA in response to the medical DV ( assuming that the accounts are not deleted with the initial dispute to the CRAs).


WHEN did you get this oral confirmation from the OC that the reporting CA is in a CURRENT business relationship with them??


For instance, if it was more than a year ago, the reporting CA may have had the ACCOUNT transferred to them, but not the HIPAA release.


As to your question about letters in envelopes-- If you are sending a medical DV to a CA and they have several accounts reporting, you list them all in one letter. You send seperate letters to the CA for each CRA they are reporting to in the same envelope. Make sure that you list the accounts exactly as they are reporting to the CRA as you will be sending that CRA a copy of "their" letter.

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I received oral confirmation last week from the OC billing department that they are in a current relationship with the reporting CA. They gave me the CA's name when I asked who they had turned the debt over to.


Secondly, this is one account with multiple visits listed that were accumulated over a couple of years. Each visit/line from the account summary has different billing issues. Example: line one- was not filed timely, while line 2 was paid by insurance so I only owe my portion that the EOMB says I am responsible for. So, when I send in the letter to the OC, do I just send separate letters for each line with the appropriate insert/letter/payment amount? Or only send one letter with multiple inserts? This would be very confusing..


And since I imagine I need to send separate letters, should I wait to have all documentation in order (all EOMB's/insurance documentation stating claims weren't filed timely) and send all of the letters at the same time?


And should I put them all in one envelope, so they don't stagger in, or would it be best to put them in separate envelopes to keep from confusing the obviously easily confused OC?

Edited by Emtmedic44
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Called the OC billing office today for CA#1 to get a filing date to help track down a EOMB..After getting the runaround I complained to the right person and got the administrator for the billing dept!! Explained what was going on with all the billing errors and stressed my desire to take care of my debt. After a moment on hold, she came back and stated that she actually had my account file flagged for her to review for an adjustment due to the errors. Sounds like I may catch a break!! She said I will be hearing from them by the end of the week..keeping my fingers crossed!!


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