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Looking for advice on cleaning up CR!


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Longtime Lurker and now ready to get this party started and would love some advice. I've read the newbie sections and stickys many times, but would still like some guidance on my next step.


Had perfect credit from 1999 (age 18) when I got my 1st CC until mid 2007. As result of that I was in pretty deep debt. Close to 80K in installment loans, student loans, cc, and back taxes. Some worked with me and ONLY CRAP ONE and CITI (my one judgment) didn't and at the end of November I passed my states 6 years SOL on the CRAP ONE account. I have bank statements, CC statements, and copy of all letters sent to me regarding collections to prove this if challenged.


The CITI judgment against me 5 years ago which lead me to CB and the 1st thin I did was opt-out as directed on here. I haven't applied for any new credit either since then. I have zero hard pulls on my accounts currently. I have been once a year getting my free credit report and trying to get the companies that I have been paying to remove my 30,60, and 90 day lates, and remove my old address. Been using Credit Karma and Credit Sesame for monitoring as well.


Last week I sent in to get all three of my credit reports mailed to me, so I have hard copies and can do the next step, which i'm not 100% sure what I should do.


Some of my current open accounts are linked to a P.O. BOX or even the banks address as I wanted to keep a low profile and look judgment proof as possible. I want to have all my open accounts with my correct current address now, so the will be less likely to verify my old address when I try to remove them correct? I'm not too concerned with removing the negatives trade lines left on my report as most will fall off in the next 6 to 12 months by default, but I would like to getll all these bogus addresses off or should. Or should I wait until all those negative trade lines fall off to get them removed?


2nd question....This will be my only eyesore left from one year from now and I really want it gone so I have totally clean reports. My judgment has another year left on it and I know they have the ability to renew it. I haven't paid if off as I thought it would trigger the other companies that I didn't pay off to start filing judgments too. Remarkably they haven't been able to collect a dime which is amazing. I'm not sure how they haven't track my employer down as it's been the same for 5 years and my salary is public information as I work for the government. Sometimes even a simple google search of my name will show where I work and what I'm paid. I've done my best to get these removed on the web when they do show up. I've stayed off Linkden, and I don't give my employment info to anyone. They once tried to garish out of a bank where I didn't have an account (had credit pull there) and also one time tried to garnish at a place I was last employed at in 2004, which might have been on my original account application. These guys don't seem very aggressive or smart. The judgment was 4K and is about 6k with interest according to my calculation. I have the ability to pay if off; however I guess I would like something in return from them (reduced interest/ remove judgment from CR, which I know is tough) Ideas on how to proceed with this? My concern is if I contract them, I'm turning up this stone, paying 6K and not getting anything in return. I'm I better off taking my chances and leaving this on my report for another 24 months and hope they don't renew? Thanks in advance!

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The way I approached removing old addresses was to write each CRA saying I was afraid of ID Theft and asked them to remove all my old addresses, I sent a copy of my ID and a bank statement to prove my current address. All of the addresses came off EQ & TU, with EX only the ones not tied to a trade line did and I could not get them to budge. I was none the less happy with the results, the only thing that happened in addition to this was a 90 day FA was placed on all 3 of my files, this is not a big deal.


On the judgment you could contact them and make an offer to pay it off with a reduced amount, do not actually do it unless you have the agreement in writing. Once its paid it most likely will update to a paid judgement, to counter this you would file a motion in the court that granted the judgement to have it vacated based on the grounds that it has been paid. Now that you are past the SOL for suing its not going to be a problem to come out from the shadows and get somethings done.

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Did you read my post?! Been there and done that and I think you can tell by the steps I've taken already and the terms and I ideas I have....looking for specific advice.

if you post one or 2 questions instead of an entire novel, you're more likely to get someone to actually read and answer your question(s).

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Did you read my post?! Been there and done that and I think you can tell by the steps I've taken already and the terms and I ideas I have....looking for specific advice.

if you post one or 2 questions instead of an entire novel, you're more likely to get someone to actually read and answer your question(s).


I guess you didn't read the OP, because there was only TWO questions.


1- Send a simple letter to CRA's, include copy of ID and current utility bill that reflect the correct address you want listed on CR's.


2- I'll defer to others with more experience.

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One of the mistakes you made is not building any new credit since then. Half of credit repair is building new, positive tradelines. I suggest you open at the very least 1 card, even if is secured, to get something positive reporting. Ideally you would have at least 3 cards for FICO scoring purposes. If you skipped this half of credit repair, you aren't going to automatically qualify for prime cards and high limits once your reports are clean, and you might be disappointed in your scores.


Edit: I know this wasn't your question, but the fact that you haven't opened up any new accounts stood out when I read your post.

Edited by mendelssohn
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Did you read my post?! Been there and done that and I think you can tell by the steps I've taken already and the terms and I ideas I have....looking for specific advice.

Yes, I read it. Maybe someone here will take the time to outline step-by-step instructions for you so you don't have to research the vast information available on this board!

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1st off.....rough crowd in here sometimes huh?


2nd....@Mendelssohn. I actually have two credit unions where I have a RR LOC for my checking account, a personal CC, and student loans that I kept current during the 6 years and still have open. Also, AU on parents credit card that's dated back to 1999. Credit Karma is listing my Age of Account at 7 years and 4 months. I'm I ok then?

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1st off.....rough crowd in here sometimes huh?


2nd....@Mendelssohn. I actually have two credit unions where I have a RR LOC for my checking account, a personal CC, and student loans that I kept current during the 6 years and still have open. Also, AU on parents credit card that's dated back to 1999. Credit Karma is listing my Age of Account at 7 years and 4 months. I'm I ok then?

Having 3+ CCs is optimal for FICO scoring. Your AAOA is great, but it sounds like your file if pretty thin. I thought from your OP that you had no open tradelines.

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