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Consolidation Loan - Impact to Scores?


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I'm currently sitting on about 20K of credit card debt and trying to purchase a home.

My current scores are sitting around the 675/680 marker and my mortgage officer indicated lowering my exposure on some cards would likely put me in a better position for a conventional loan (vs. FHA with higher PMI).

I was curious if others here have achieved this via taking a personal loan to reduce/payoff balances on revolving and shift to installment loan.

I have already burned the IQ and was approved for a consolidation loan with NFCU. Now, I am debating whether this will help/hurt me.


My hubby had a period of unemployment so we ended up in a position where we were "living" off of some cards, this situation has improved and now I'm looking for the best way to freeze it all without hurting my ability to get a mortgage.


Exposure on these cards range from 94% - 15% so would like your thoughts on what the target exposure amounts would be as well to get the highest score benefits.


Thank you for your time and consideration, I always find this board to be most helpful with these type of questions!

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I'm sure some experts will chime in as far as your best course of action... I've just got a question about your consolidation loan approval with NFCU. Did they require you to close your cards for the loan approval? I'm considering applying simply to only manage 1 payment.

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Is the interest rate lower on your loan than your credit cards?


If you have a lower rate and they don't require you to close the cards then it may be worthwhile. However if you are this close to your mortgage or you have a pre approval already you might want to talk with your LO to make sure adding a new line won't mess that up.

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