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Help- Need to get Discover charge off removed for mortgage!


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I need advice and I need it fast!!


I've had excellent credit for years but around late 2009, I found that my credit took a hit. It took a hit because of Citibank and Discover. On both of these cards I was only an authorized user, but they were both reporting it as joint with an ex GF.


At the time, I contacted Citibank, and asked them to remove me off the card as I was only an authorized user. They researched quickly, and I was told that they would get me completely removed from the account and the account off my credit report. They stated they were doing it as a courtesy, but I know it was becasue there was nothing on application stating it was joint, becasue I was only an authorized user.


I contacted Discover and they played hardball... They wanted my SSN, stating they need it to verify I was who I said I was. They wouldn't even talk to me without me giving it. I told them the same that I was only an authorized user. They stated they would research and get back to me. A few weeks went by and I get a letter stating that the account was Joint and the proof they had was that I had called in on the account a few years prior... Yes, I did call ... probably to discuss getting the rate reduced, but at the time, my ex had authorized Discover to discuss the acct info with me... I also think I called at a time the card had a zero balance.... I don't have a copy of the old bills, but I remember, the bills use to come in my ex's name only.


After getting the letter from them, saying it was joint, I should have kept pursuing it, but I was expecting my 1st child, was stressed, and didn't want to take anything more on..


After that letter from Discover, I never heard a thing from them, that was until Nov 2012. I get a letter from an attorney with a copy of a request to a judge in the the circuit court of AR. My ex had moved to Arkansas a few months after we split. The letter includes a copy of a "Order of dismissal without prejudice", on a lawsuit filed against my ex and me. So then I figure, I'm good... and nothing to worry about.... Boy was I wrong.


So last week, I find that my job situation will be changing in a few months, and knowing that if I refi my mortgage, I can cover my child care costs, I go for a refi. My credit comes up with a Charge Off from Discover, still reporting... I contacted the attorney, Discover is using about the Dismissal, to see if the Judge had signed off. I was told the Judge did sign off and it was filed with the courts clerk in AR. I've requested a copy... Now my issue is how do I get Discover to stop reporting and get this off my credit report ASAP....


I did dispute the charge off, with the 3 credit bureaus, stating it was not mine and that I was only an authorized user.. I have a feeling that it will come back with Discover stating it's joint account, just like they did before... without any real proof. I also need to get this removed ASAP, so I can proceed with a refi... Is there anything I can do?


Can I contact anyone, within the State of MD where I am a resident, that can intervene in this matter ... basically force Discover to removed me and remove it from my credit report?


I called Cedit Plus, because the lender I am looking to use uses them... They stated the odds are, with just the "Order of Dismissal" they can NOT get it removed because all that does is removes me from their lawsuit. How do I go about getting everything removed? Could a company like Credit Plus actually get it removed by requesting a DV? I'm wondering what they would do, if Discover came back to them and said it was a joint account because I had called in...


Not only is this preventing me from getting a new mortgage, but it's hitting my credit score, forcing me into a higher rate... even if it were paid, so I need it removed.



Edited by crabjoe
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I'd contact Executive offices of Discover and ask for any and all documentation including account history showing it stated joint user. I would assume (someone can correct me if I'm wrong) you cannot go from an Au to Joint without filing out a new application or something with them.

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you can file a complaint with the CFPB against Discover. http://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/


you should get a copy of the dismissal first, and see what the whole deal was.


and you should wait on the results of the dispute proccess with the CRA's


the CFPB will take this on only AFTER you have exhausted all means at your disposal.


stay off the phone with Discover and send letters CMMR.

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