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Student Loan History of lates + high balances


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Any suggestions on this? I'm trying to refinance my house and I have two big issues with my student loans. 1) they are dragging my scores down very low and 2) the balances are very high since I had them deferred for many years while the interest grew on the accounts. So the amount shows $70K owed but the loan is for $40K debt to credit ratio is 183% on this account (depressing). I've got 2 student loans with AES that have several (9-10) 60 / 90 /120 + lates over the last 3 years. I'm currently in good standing (12 months) and have never defaulted.


They won't delete any of the previous lates but the good news is that it's currently showing "pays as agreed". These line items continue to drag my scores down. (AES reports to Equifax and Transunion on my reports). any insight into what more I can do?


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Have you started repaying your student loans to try to decrease the debt to credit ratio? Are these loans consolidated? What has the refinance organization told you about the possibility and refinancing your home and the status of your student loans and the late payment history?

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