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Credit Karma ( false flags )


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Hey all,


So this morning I get an alert from CreditKarma ( 5 am ), it stated that I had new derogetory information, a late payment or past due. So I am like what are you talking about there is no way! It states that the account is from Chase, the only two accounts I have ever had with chase were a first and second mortgage. This home was foreclosed on in 2008 and the first is listed as a foreclosure as it should zero balance, and the second is listed as settled for less than amount, charged off and closed zero balance. The last time anything on either account was reported was over two years ago, and that was because I disputed the trade lines because they were reporting incorectly. So I am thinking to myself, I just pulled all three reports four days ago and all was fine.


So I start to think, is there a re-aging going on here, but on credit karma they say the account was just reported as closed and with a late payment on the second mortgage... I laughed at that info, so for giggles I updated my score with them, and my score is way up from the last time I pulled, how can that be with this new adverse information? So then I start to think about it, I have not logged in in over 3 months.


So I decide just to be safe I go to TU and pull my report, guess what, all of the information is exactly the same as it was four days ago, there was no new reporting on either chase account.


So I am thinking that creditkarma used a false flag to scare me into loggin in and updating my score, because their info is so vague, it caused me to run to TU and pull a hard copy to veryfy what they were saying.


Is this a common practice? This seems very underhanded, fraudulent and deceptive.


Regardless, my reports are fine, just wanted to share my experience. I wil be closing my account with them because of this.



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Credit Karma can be days to weeks late with updates. Sometimes the update you get is something that you saw reported days or weeks ago as far as those alerts. For example, my new Barclay card hit TU within the third week of January - I got alerts on all my monitoring products within 24 hours. CK updated me about a month later for the opening of the card.


Also they are not too reliable with factoring credit - they have my auto lease factored into the personal loan section, and on TU the account is clearly designated as an Auto Loan/Lease. On CK for auto credit it has 0.

Edited by hrguy
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