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Soliciting business

Brian B The Loan Professor

The last post in this topic was posted 4785 days ago. 


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To all Mortage Professionals that frequent this forum. Your advice and imput is greatly appreciated and desired. However, it is important that you please not violate the TOS. Here is the appropriate part of the TOS that deals with, among other things soliciting of business:


6. Content of Messages


You alone are responsible for the content of your messages, and the consequences of any such messages. Creditboards.com reserves the right to terminate your registration if it becomes aware and determines, in its sole discretion, that you are violating any of the following guidelines.


Any use by you of any other subscriber's information, personal or otherwise, for any commercial purpose or to obtain direct financial gain (e.g. mass marketing) is prohibited. Any such use shall be deemed to be a violation of these Terms of Service. Creditboards.com is to be used by you for your personal use only. Commercial uses of Creditboards.com are strictly prohibited unless prior written consent from Creditboards.com has been granted. You agree that you will not use Creditboards.com for chain letters, junk mail, 'spamming,' solicitations (commercial or non-commercial) or bulk communications of any kind including but not limited to distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a list.


All members of the forum - Please do not suggest to people that they contact you (even though normally that is probably a completely innocent request). comments like - Contact me for the name of my agent...will be removed as solicitation............If you are not sure if something is appropriate, it most likely isn't, but you can PM me or one of the other forum moderators with a request for clarification. If someone has a question based on what you have posted they are free to initiate contact with you.

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Welcome to Creditboards!

Our community is built on members helping other members, we are very appreciative of industry professionals who take the time to answer questions and provide advice.


As a Thank You to those professionals, we allow limited advertising (in your signature area) of lending-related services or business under the following conditions:

1) a 100-post threshold has been met, and

2) our staff has reviewed the content of those posts and granted approval.


This provides a certain level of security for our members, who know that brokers/lenders with their personal services listed are not here merely to spam or collect leads- but to offer real assistance.


We hope you'll take advantage of this unique opportunity and enjoy our community.

If you have questions, please direct them to Admin@creditboards.com, or PM one of the site owners or staff.



Thank you!

CB Admin

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Here are a few examples of things that are NOT ALLOWED.


Anything that points towards you as a professional or towards someone you know as a professional.

Comments like " I do this type of loan all the time", ...." at my bank we...."

You cannot tell someone to contact a banker for the best advice when you in fact are a banker...... If you in any way set yourself as a specialist on a certain type of loan you cannot tell people to consider that type of loan........

These sound obvious but they are challenged all of the time........

Lastly as a reminder NO PROFESSIONAL on these boards may ever initiate any contact with a poster..........if this happens you will lose your posting privilege......


Thank You

Brian B

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The last post in this topic was posted 4785 days ago. 


We strongly encourage you to start a new post instead of replying to this one.

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