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Library debt of all things


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If you have the book you should return it. A different book doesn't help because costs to prepare a book for a library generally are about $20 per book. I have even seen people arrested for not returning library books because in that particular city it was theft (but they didn't just have one book). I think returning the book may give you a better leg to stand on. After you have returned the book, you might find out who is the library director's boss. It will probably be the library board and/or the mayor. Write a letter about your experience and the library director's unwillingness to work with you.


I know you want this removed, but as a librarian I have also seen the problems the children have when their parents don't take care of the library debt. She may need books in the future for school.

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I feel your pain.


I had two books and three DVD's go late. I thought I returned them so I ignored the letters. When my car was totaled a bag was found with what I thought was returned. I returned the items they reduced what I owed and my debt went down from around 120 to 70 and my credit report reflected that. Earlier this week I had my bank send a check for 70 to the library. It shows it was cashed by the library under the name of the library .

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"IF" they don't WANT it relplaced...then do they have a real loss???


If they have lots of copies of the book or for some other reason don't really want a replacement copy, you are stuck paying the "lost book" charge, which is basically full retail, and the library can use the money for whatever they want.


Obviously if you can find the original it's far better to just return it. If you can't locate it though, a replacement might save you money depending on the item. When a Pride and Prejudice dvd got lost in our move last summer, the official replacement cost was $20-$30. I was able to get a new, sealed copy on ebay for about $7 including s/h. I still had to pay $3, which is the library's maximum late fee per item. (Bless them - I'm still up to my eyeballs with another library that will allow fines for each item to accumulate up to the price of the item.)

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The last post in this topic was posted 5423 days ago. 


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