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CREDIT 101: The Ethics of Credit Repair, 9/8/2005



PsychDoc> Well, we'll start in a couple of



PsychDoc> Thanks everybody for showing up!


crazyfor8s> thanks for doing this!


PsychDoc> I'm seeing some wizened experts

and some newcomers too.


johnm160> Thank you!


missbee> i couldn't wait..glad to be here


Gryffindor> Glad I didn't miss it! Almost forgot.


KickingMyself> Thank you for taking the time!


PsychDoc> I hope I don't bore the wizened

among us.


meowcat> got my animal crackers and koolaid, right here wiating for

class to start :grin:


PsychDoc> <-- self-conscious... now you see

why I became a shrink


KickingMyself> lol


missbee> oops better get a snack before we start


PsychDoc> Go grab a snack.


johnm160> just don't shrink my credit score


PsychDoc> Ha!


ismism> miss bee thats her


Gryffindor> Speaking of being a shrink - there's a couple of

threads in the General Forum you should check out Doc.


PsychDoc> Gryf... do tell


ismism> i hope i dont owe you any mony too doc


ismism> that hippa letter is in the mail


PsychDoc> heh


meowcat> I was reading threads about spiders and insects

earlier...OOOH..I had a close encounter with a wolf spider myself this morning...ACK








PsychDoc> :D


PsychDoc> (great tactic)


ismism> i dont know what that is tho im a newbee


missbee> k


meowcat> the HIPPA letter, or the crossing of the arms :)


PsychDoc> ha, well you've been paying

attention to something!


PsychDoc> Well, let's start


PsychDoc> I've got some stuff I've prepared

... i.e., good old cut and paste...


PsychDoc> and some I don't...


PsychDoc> er, didn't prepare in advance




PsychDoc> :)


PsychDoc> CREDIT 101: The Ethics of Credit

Repair, 9/8/2005


PsychDoc> I'm Randy Padawer (PsychDoc)...

I'm seeing some old friends and some new ones.


PsychDoc> Thanks to breeze, Pam, LKH, and

radi8 for inviting me to facilitate. This really takes me back five years

when I first met breeze on a Yahoo hosted discussion board about credit

repair. Little did I know that half a decade later both of us would actually

be working full-time at this.


PsychDoc> I'd first like to tell you how

this course will proceed. There will be 8 sessions every other Thursday

evening, including tonight's. Each session will begin at 9 p.m. Eastern Time

(or 8 p.m. Central, 7 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m. Pacific) and will last about an

hour. We may finish early, or we may finish late. Some may want to stay

longer even after the session's done to chat. We'll have a mix of lecture,

group discussion, and Q&A.


PsychDoc> The 8 sessions are:


PsychDoc> CREDIT 101: The Ethics of Credit

Repair, 9/8/2005 (tonight)


PsychDoc> CREDIT 102: A Consumer Law

Overview, 9/22/2005


PsychDoc> CREDIT 103: Credit Reports &

Credit Scores, 10/6/2005


PsychDoc> CREDIT 104: Triaging Your Reports,

10/20, 2005


PsychDoc> CREDIT 105: FCRA Street Fighting,



PsychDoc> CREDIT 106: FCBA Street Fighting,



PsychDoc> CREDIT 107: FDCPA Street Fighting,



PsychDoc> and last but not least


PsychDoc> (tired of cutting and pasting!...



PsychDoc> ...


PsychDoc> CREDIT 108: Small Claims Lawsuits,



PsychDoc> Well hold your judgment until the

end... remember the movie Airplane?


PsychDoc> where the guy was talking and

talking and the elderly woman finally hung herself


ohnm160> Great movie


PsychDoc> :D


PsychDoc> let's hope you're all alive in 30



PsychDoc> if so


crazyfor8s> Here's hopin!!


PsychDoc> yep


crazyfor8s> :)


ismism> your teasing me


PsychDoc> First, when we talk about credit



PsychDoc> we're talking about a number of

things really


PsychDoc> Is credit repair about making your

credit report more accurate?


PsychDoc> Is credit repair about "fixing"

your credit report?


Gryffindor> Not exactly.


PsychDoc> What do you think, Gryf?


PsychDoc> What's credit repair?


PsychDoc> Is credit repair about getting

better rates on loans? Getting credit cards? Buying a car?


PsychDoc> Is credit repair about debt

negotiation? Debt reduction? Debt elimination?


PsychDoc> Learning tricks to improve your

credit score?


PsychDoc> I'd like to open this up for a few

minutes of discussion... what's the best way to define credit repair?


crazyfor8s> For me it is about the rates, the number crunching...


ismism> all of the above


missbee> credit repair is different for different people

situations..i just wanna house


missbee> lol


Gryffindor> It's about getting as much derog info off of your

report while at the same time creating/acquiring good TL's.


PsychDoc> good goal!


QPI> The ability to have open potions


QPI> options


cadicae> I'm going with "fixing", debt negotiation, reduction and

elimination to make it "better" = getting better rates/cards/loans



crazyfor8s> Cleaning once, maintaining for life


PsychDoc> (QPI... I was about to ask what

open potions were, ha)


meowcat> Making the report more accurately correct, and in the

meantime making the reporters and furnishers of information do the reporting

correctly and not just in a way to get you to pay more by making it more

negative on purpose


missbee> i like that crazy


johnm160> minimizing the impact of negative items


cadicae> Grtffindor said it very well!


meowcat> in the mean time ....trying to make it better at the same



PsychDoc> I think I agree with everything

that's been said so far!


cadicae> and crazyfor8s said it well, too!


johnm160> Learning how credit works and how important it is to



ismism> i want to be credit worthy


BlueGhost> Removing incorrect information, as well as learning from

past mistakes so as you dont repeat the cycle:?


OLeon> getting your life back in order


cadicae> ITA, BlueGhost!!


PsychDoc> When you talk about getting your

life back in order, I'm guessing that (like me at one time) bad credit has

caused some heartache for you!?


crazyfor8s> I hear ya blue ghost


PsychDoc> I remember when I couldn't buy a



cadicae> Most definitely, PsychDoc!!!


johnm160> I paid 18% for my last car


PsychDoc> We'll touch on all of these during

the next few weeks, but the emphasis will be upon removing negatives from

your credit report. When negatives peel away, your credit score typically

improves. And when that happens, you'll get better rates on loans.

Moreover, as a happy consequence of confronting what's on your credit report, you

may find that alleged (I'll explain that adjective in Lesson 7) creditors

may forgive alleged debts.


ismism> i had to put 20% down for a home


anchorman> Credit repair = "rehabilitating one's financial

reputation (creditworthiness) among creditors/ future creditors".


meowcat> Yes, 20 plus years of always on time..then poof gone in an

instant when your health goes for a while...


PsychDoc> But debt forgiveness is a possible



PsychDoc> My emphasis is about your credit



OLeon> so is there gona b some good tips in this chat ?


astucco> if a collection has been paid is there anyway to have it



PsychDoc> Everyone has to define their own

emphasis though.


PsychDoc> I've done some writing and seminar

facilitation for The Motley Fool (Fool.com), and I got into a bit of

trouble as a result of that involvement one fine autumn day a couple of years

ago. Equifax was (and maybe continues to be) an advertiser with their web

site, and they didn't much like it when I wrote stuff like this... to

quote... "There are a few hardball tactics which you can use with the bureaus

and creditors that will compel them to remove negative tradelines,

irrespective of accuracy, from your credit reports." Basically, Equifax contended

that I was breaking the law when I made that statement, and my Foolish

colleagues agreed. So we watered down my statements a bit. We gave in. We

caved. We sold out. QUESTION for discussion... Does anybody know how my

statements may have constituted lawbreaking?


astucco> Deleted from my report?


PsychDoc> astucco... sure... I'd like to

table the question while we do the class and then do an open Q&A


PsychDoc> anybody know why Equifax thought

I'd broken the law?


ismism> no


PsychDoc> k


Liangjie> trade secrets


anchorman> Are you a CRO?lol


cadicae> They don't want it implied that they're doing anything



PsychDoc> anchorman... all of us who tell

another human being is defined as a CRO by federal law... crazy huh


KickingMyself> Because they'd paid for advertising?


PsychDoc> Section 404 ("Prohibited

Practices") of the Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) reads, "No person may..."

Now before I say another word, note that CROA doesn't say, "No credit

repair organization may..." or even "No organization may..." Rather it says,

"No person may..." and continues "make any statement, or counsel or advise

any consumer to make any statement, which is untrue or misleading... with

respect to any consumer's credit worthiness, credit standing, or credit

capacity to... any [credit bureau]... or any [creditor]."


crazyfor8s> what candicae said


OLeon> cro ?????????????? ::tongue


PsychDoc> it almost seems to violate the

First Amendment!


anchorman> yep! thats why I laugh


PsychDoc> Nobody's ever challenged that in



PsychDoc> I think it would fall flat.


PsychDoc> But...


PsychDoc> As I sit here tonight


PsychDoc> I am a CRO of one person.


anchorman> They want us to be stupid, then they can do what they



PsychDoc> Equifax basically said that the

phrase "irrespective of accuracy" meant that I was advising people to

disregard the truth when making statements about themselves, that this violated

federal law, and that if I didn't revise my tune they might not be

interested in advertising with The Motley Fool anymore.


PsychDoc> Guess what? Equifax was wrong.


PsychDoc> There ARE some things which may

compel a credit bureau or creditor to remove items from a credit report


to happen. In fact, let me say it more plainly...


PsychDoc> I call these PSYCHDOC'S FIVE BASIC



PsychDoc> lol


PsychDoc> 1) You should always TELL THE

TRUTH when communicating with credit bureaus and those companies which report

to them.


PsychDoc> 2) Telling the truth is usually

more INTIMIDATING to those entities.


PsychDoc> 3) Telling the truth is almost

always more EFFECTIVE vis-a-vis your goals.


PsychDoc> 4) Credit repair involves

INTERVENTIONS which invoke one of three TRUTHFUL communication tactics: a) polite

requests, b} requests for information, and c) legal demands.


PsychDoc> Hi, breeze!


PsychDoc> and the last one...


PsychDoc> 5) breeze has entered the room.


PsychDoc> sorry


breeze> :)


PsychDoc> 5) Credit repair involves

leveraging your FEDERAL CIVIL RIGHTS in the service of improving your credit



PsychDoc> Another quick definition... I use

the word INTERVENTION a lot. Basically a credit repair intervention is

anything you do to intervene against the current credit status quo.

Interventions include credit bureau disputes, goodwill requests, escalated

information requests (which include creditor-directed communications like the

"Nutcase" series and other effective tactics), formal requests for validation,

and more. Such interventions usually take the form of things like

hard-copy letters [best], internet-based communications [sometimes ok, depending],

phone calls [iffy], smoke signals [forget it], etc.


crazyfor8s> hard-c?


PsychDoc> I've been asked... Well, gee whiz,

how can one dispute a negative that is accurate with a credit bureau

without telling a lie? As an aside right now, though, does anybody have any

ideas how one can dispute an accurate negative listing without lying?


PsychDoc> Discussion question...


PsychDoc> we'll definitely have a hard copy


PsychDoc> discussion


PsychDoc> ... how can one dispute an

accurate negative without lying?


PsychDoc> any old-timers care to chime in?


PsychDoc> well...


PsychDoc> :)


anchorman> not mine


PsychDoc> well, what if it's yours?


astucco> Is there such a thing as a b from your report?


crazyfor8s> accurate as negative,listed incorrectly


iH8cra> You can dispute account type, or DOLA,. etc.


PsychDoc> What if something is yours on your

report, and it is reported as late because it was truly late...


meowcat> If everything about the way the account is not listed

absolutely correctly, it is not correct and therefore cannot be yours


Liangjie> obsolete?


PsychDoc> We'll explore ETHICAL DISPUTING

examples more fully in the fifth lesson


PsychDoc> (CREDIT 105: FCRA Street Fighting)


BlueGhost> maybe it was late but only 28 days and reported as 30?


PsychDoc> For now, consider this:


meowcat> The furnishers are supposed to provide accurate

information...and if it isn't accurate it shouldn't be there


PsychDoc> In the case of credit bureau

disputes, it's the difference between saying, "The Sears tradeline (account

12345) is not mine" versus "Provide documentation that the Sears tradeline

(account 12345) belongs on my credit report and that my rights have not been

abrogated. Otherwise please delete this damaging data."


PsychDoc> When you say, "It's not mine" (and

it's yours), you're treading some really rough territory.


PsychDoc> The bureaus don't want to get a

letter from somebody who knows their rights


PsychDoc> and who can spell out what it is

they need to do.


crazyfor8s> so you don't say , not mine...but can you prove it is



PsychDoc> YES.


PsychDoc> Now, many people have achieved

great results saying, "not mine.


PsychDoc> "


PsychDoc> The problem comes later... if

indeed you wanted to take the bureau to court.


ismism> true that


BlueGhost> Just a few successes of the "low Laying fruit'


PsychDoc> You want your documentation with

them to be 100% honest and on the mark.


PsychDoc> I sued all three CRAs in small

claims court a few years ago.


Gryffindor> Doc: Would you recommend this tactic when disputing



PsychDoc> It wasn't as tough as that sounds,



PsychDoc> But that's not where this lesson

is heading.


PsychDoc> Gryf, DEFINITELY.


crazyfor8s> Sounds pretty tough to me...


astucco> Can you bump hard inquires


PsychDoc> We'll talk about small claims in

Lesson 8.


cadicae> Me, too!


badcredit_goodperson> exactly, that should always in the back of

your mind, what would a judge think?


PsychDoc> Will provide some letters,

templates, etc.


PsychDoc> With inquiries... I would say


SURFJ9009> good call ggodperson


PsychDoc> "Please show documentation that

the creditor gave evidence of their permissible purpose when


PsychDoc> requesting access to my report.

Otherwise you are bound by federal law to remove this inquiry now.


PsychDoc> "


astucco> Thank You


PsychDoc> I have ALWAYS contended that

truthful words are more intimidating than a simple lie.


PsychDoc> The CRAs read lies all the time.


PsychDoc> But a carefully written letter

that reveals the writer to be educated to their rights...


Gryffindor> They post them all the time too::biggrin


PsychDoc> is far worse for them potentially.


PsychDoc> The same logic applies to

creditors as with CRAs.


astucco> What about collections that have been paid/ can I get



PsychDoc> You're presenting yourself as

someone I like to term "a litigious nutcase"... but you're not shouting...

you're not being impolite... you're not making accusations... and you're not

telling lies.


ismism> huh?


SURFJ9009> be patient stuc


PsychDoc> In fact...


anchorman> So, your basically saying that the truth is in the

asking? Followed by legal demands if needed??


PsychDoc> YES YES YES, lol, anchorman


PsychDoc> The truth is in the asking


crazyfor8s> kill more flies with honey...


PsychDoc> If you look back over this

transcript in the chat window to where I talked about the types of interventions


PsychDoc> (my fourth basic law... :D )


PsychDoc> 4) Credit repair involves

INTERVENTIONS which invoke one of three TRUTHFUL communication tactics: a) polite

requests, b} requests for information, and c) legal demands.


BlueGhost> <save text buffer>


PsychDoc> Polite requests may be goodwill



PsychDoc> Or it may just be you begging

Lowe's credit to remove that 30 day late from 3 years ago (which they may do).


PsychDoc> b} "requests for information"


PsychDoc> ... those types of interventions



PsychDoc> original creditor "validation"

(so-called... we'll open that bag of worms in Lesson 7


PsychDoc> oops... Lesson 6


PsychDoc> or debt validation (Lesson 7)


PsychDoc> where basically you're asking the

CRA (in the case of the HONEST AND ETHICAL dispute I mentioned before) or

the creditor for more information


PsychDoc> that they simply don't want to

take the time to provide necessariliy


PsychDoc> necessarily


PsychDoc> They don't know where you're

coming from, and that's better.


PsychDoc> When you say, "This wasn't mine"

and they basically know different, the line is drawn in the sand.


OLeon> is there any way of saving this chat conversation.


OLeon> ?


johnm160> third icon from right on bottom


OLeon> i can use some of this info.


PsychDoc> When you say, "Pursuant to my

rights under the Fair Credit Billing Act, please provide documentation

regarding every transaction ever associated with this account."


PsychDoc> Then their heads spin (you hope,

and they often do, lol)


PsychDoc> Much more powerful.


badcredit_goodperson> they gotta do some digging lol


johnm160> You can ask that of the cra's?


OLeon> thnx John


johnm160> yw


PsychDoc> Some creditors in that situation

-- especially if the stakes are low -- will simply delete the negs rather

than fool with it.


BlueGhost> Hmm never thought of invoking the FCBA before


crazyfor8s> So this is good with CRA and OC/CA?


PsychDoc> That's the desired outcome for

FDCPA validation... and for FCBA escalated information requests...


PsychDoc> and for CRA disputes as well.


PsychDoc> crazyfor8s...


PsychDoc> yes


PsychDoc> CRAs don't provide account

information like that


PsychDoc> but they are compelled to provide

the information that federal law spells out in the FDCPA


PsychDoc> oops


PsychDoc> sorry


PsychDoc> in the FCRA


PsychDoc> FCRA compels credit bureaus.


PsychDoc> FCBA compels original creditors.


PsychDoc> FDCPA compels third party



PsychDoc> That's a very over-simplified way

to "map" it out in your mind.


anchorman> NIC!!


crazyfor8s> THANKS


Monika_Leila> thanks for that clarification


PsychDoc> I used to teach child psych at the

University of Tennessee, and I was famous for repeating myself... ha


PsychDoc> but


PsychDoc> I want to repeat one thing that

was a cut and paste from earlier...


PsychDoc> with respect to CRAs


PsychDoc> In the case of credit bureau

disputes, it's the difference between saying, "The Sears tradeline (account

12345) is not mine" versus "Provide documentation that the Sears tradeline

(account 12345) belongs on my credit report and that my rights have not been

abrogated. Otherwise please delete this damaging data."


PsychDoc> As you read the statute... and

interact with others on Creditboards...


PsychDoc> and become more familiar with the



PsychDoc> and become more comfortable with



PsychDoc> oops!


PsychDoc> :D


PsychDoc> Hi, LKH!


LKH> hiya funny guy lol


PsychDoc> Anyway, as you become more

comfortable with the material... :)


PsychDoc> You'll find yourself creating

variations on those kinds of interventions, and you'll


PsychDoc> likely share them with others!


PsychDoc> Then, a few years later, you'll

lead a class like this, LOL.


PsychDoc> (If you still find the material

interesting, ha.)


crazyfor8s> :blush:


PsychDoc> In other words... that sample CRA

dispute I just provided...


BlueGhost> may I interject a sec Doc?


PsychDoc> "Provide documentation that the

Sears tradeline (account 12345) belongs on my credit report and that my

rights have not been abrogated. Otherwise please delete this damaging data."


PsychDoc> would probably get OLD fast...

think of your own words


PsychDoc> but the point is the same


PsychDoc> ask them to prove it


PsychDoc> and don't you lie


crazyfor8s> got it


PsychDoc> Yes, BlueGhost, please do! :)


BlueGhost> Ok U said waht I was gonna mention :P


PsychDoc> uh-oh


PsychDoc> :D


ismism> good im a man of simple words


PsychDoc> To risk moving away from

psychology and entering the realm of the preacher... I just never understood those

consumer advocates who believed that they needed to advise others to tell



Gryffindor> But what if you have several disputes? Should you send

them separate then?


PsychDoc> The CROA notwithstanding... lies

just don't work as well.


BlueGhost> Plausable Deniability?


BlueGhost> LOL


PsychDoc> Gryf, you could send them

separate... you could group a couple together, etc.


PsychDoc> "Demonstrate that this material

appears correctly on my reports. Request ample documentation from these two

alleged creditors."


dan> holy crap


dan> hola


PsychDoc> "If these items appear in error, I

have a cause for action because my rights may have been abrogated in that



Gryffindor> Dan::biggrin


PsychDoc> See what you can do, ha?!


ismism> i like not lieing .this will not hinder my walk with GOD


PsychDoc> That's the truth!


BlueGhost> Last dispute I sent in was like 4 pages hand written

broken in sections for like 6 disputes..was that too many?


PsychDoc> Now, in real life...


PsychDoc> those words will have the same

impact as a "not mine" -- except more powerful because they don't know where



cadicae> Nice!


PsychDoc> hmm, Blue, having not read your

letter I don't know


PsychDoc> but... brevity is good


PsychDoc> Ok...


PsychDoc> So this brings us to the next item

on tonight's syllabus


PsychDoc> What are your credit repair goals?


PsychDoc> We did cover this a bit at the



PsychDoc> It's helpful in credit repair...


PsychDoc> as with just about any worthwhile

endeavor in life...


PsychDoc> to know your goals before you



ismism> 750 fico


PsychDoc> I think it was Missbee who said

she wanted a house.


PsychDoc> ismism.... 750 FICO


PsychDoc> exactly


PsychDoc> you just have to know what you



BlueGhost> <==House


BlueGhost> with good rate


crazyfor8s> I don't want to have to wonder if I'll be apporved...or

pay 27% int...


johnm160> New house, better mortgage terms


Monika_Leila> House at a good interest rate and all (3) major

scores over 670


PsychDoc> fantastic...


meowcat> To walk into a car dealer...like I used to do...and have

good enough credit to walk away with a brand new car...no money out of

hand at that moment


ismism> a card with rewards


cadicae> me, too crazyfor8s!


PsychDoc> Monica... I would typeset that in

a bold font and hang it above your desk until you're there


KickingMyself> <----Hybrid w/decent interest rate


PsychDoc> phenomenal, kicking, LOL!


PsychDoc> I love it.


Monika_Leila> :)


PsychDoc> Once you know...


PsychDoc> You'll be more focused.


PsychDoc> It's hard for me to get away from my background in psychology...


Monika_Leila> Doing just that with a sharpie and printer paper

right now.. thanks PsychDoc


johnm160> ability to finance a car with single digit intrest rates


PsychDoc> Finally, the last portion of

tonight's syllabus... A note about attitude.


PsychDoc> In this regard, a few suggestions

have worked for me...


PsychDoc> 1) Be serious.


PsychDoc> 2) Learn about the various laws

discussed on Creditboards.


PsychDoc> ... and I'll interject from my

prepared notes...


PsychDoc> those laws include... minimally...


PsychDoc> FCRA


PsychDoc> FCBA


PsychDoc> FDCPA


PsychDoc> and even the Truth in Lending Act

(which is a superset of the FCBA and a few other civil rights)


PsychDoc> HIPPA


PsychDoc> those are the ones you should get

to know if you can


BlueGhost> Adding FCBA to list to bookmark.......and suggest

looking closely at your States Credit Laws :P


PsychDoc> if reading law outright bores



PsychDoc> (I love it but I'm weird)


crazyfor8s> amen...


missbee> lol


PsychDoc> then there's a wonderful other way

to get it




crazyfor8s> do tell


Monika_Leila> lol


Monika_Leila> thanks


crazyfor8s> lol


PsychDoc> these people make it so



OLeon> lol


PsychDoc> "search" is good


crazyfor8s> that I can do, and have!!


KickingMyself> true that


PsychDoc> oops... getting back to my



PsychDoc> 3) Embrace your community. (In

this case, embrace your friends on Creditboards.com. They're your best



PsychDoc> 4) Retain all written

correspondence, credit reports, and any other written materials.




PsychDoc> 5) Make notes as if you're headed

to court, even though you probably aren't. Such documentation will likely

become very helpful during your journey.


PsychDoc> 6) Don't scream, yell, threaten,

or make an flowers of yourself.


PsychDoc> and I thought there was only 6


PsychDoc> but


PsychDoc> 7) NEVER insult breeze.


OLeon> lol @ foshizzle


PsychDoc> and there ya go


breeze> LOL


PsychDoc> :)


BlueGhost> and know who pam is LOL


PsychDoc> Those six things will keep you in

good stead.


PsychDoc> (Ah yes, that, Blue)


PsychDoc> one bit of controversy


PsychDoc> kindly don't guess...


PsychDoc> I was browsing the internet last

week and listened to some recorded phone calls between a credit consultant

and a few alleged creditors. I'm not going to tell you whose calls these

were, because I have much respect for this particular person (even when

some others sometimes don't). I've learned much from this individual.

Regardless, I disagreed with the consultant's attitude... In every case, the

phone call descended into a crescendo of conflict. The consultant was





UNDERSTAND, YOU salamander!!!!!???????????" And on and on and ON AND ON AND ON.


PsychDoc> This ultimately gets you nothing

that couldn't have been achieved without risking an aneurysm.


PsychDoc> Similarly, threatening letters can

be shelved in favor of ones which -- through ethical but escalated

requests for information to which you are entitled -- simply irritate the other

party into submission.


Gryffindor> lol


PsychDoc> lol


PsychDoc> I once wrote an essay on another

discussion board which included this suggestion: "Don't be a sonofabitch."

I'd like to quote myself here...


PsychDoc> "Some people think that embracing

a litigious mindset requires acting like a sonofabitch. (Can we say that

on this board, lol?) Nothing is farther from the truth. Whatever you do,

DON'T act like a sonofabitch. Here's why."


PsychDoc> "Sonofabitches aren't satisfied

with the tradeline deletion. Sonofabitches REQUIRE the tradeline deletion

AND a monetary award of $10,000 AND a formal apology AND admission of

wrongdoing AND a brand new credit card AND self-mutilation, etc. You don't want

your adversary to believe that you are a "crank" who could NEVER be



PsychDoc> "Instead, you want your demands to

be VERY clear right from the start -- whatever those demands are. And you

should state those demands politely. Potential consequences should be

stated politely as well."


PsychDoc> "Picture the stance most often

drawn by lawyers in a courtroom. They are matter-of-fact to a deadly degree.

They don't beg. They don't threaten. They don't scream at adversaries

unless they want to be admonished by the judge. They simply state their case,

as strongly and as seriously as possible,

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  • Admin

Tee, It hung right around 27 with people coming and going. When we did this before, it got a bigger crowd each time, til finally one night Doc couldn't get in there to present the seminar.


We have since upgraded chat to accommodate more people. :dntknw:


Clark, that's why we're loggin them all. When we're done, we'll put it all together (hopefully) and have it available to download.


As you can see, some of the principles of what we do can be clarified in a seminar - especially Doc's seminars - he's very articulate. Talks good too. :)

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Just have to add - thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this! I can't attend Thursday nights, but the information is sooooo good, so right on.


Thanks, and I'll be waiting IMpatiently for the next transcripts!


Kudos to PsychDoc for the talking, and Breeze for the transcripts!



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  • 4 weeks later...

My Cliff Notes for this Seminar:


For CRA disputes:

"Provide documentation that the Sears tradeline (account 12345) belongs on my credit report and that my rights have not been abrogated. Otherwise please delete this damaging data."


For CRA disputes for multiple TL’s:

"Demonstrate that this material appears correctly on my reports. Request ample documentation from these ____ (# of creditors) alleged creditors. If these items appear in error, I have a cause for action because my rights may have been abrogated in that case."


For disputes sent directly to an OC:

"Pursuant to my rights under the Fair Credit Billing Act, please provide documentation regarding every transaction ever associated with this account."


For disputing Inquiries with the CRA’s:

"Please show documentation that the creditor gave evidence of their permissible purpose when requesting access to my report. Otherwise you are bound by federal law to remove this inquiry now.


You’ll of course want to put these disputes in your own words and definitely read this thread before disputing with the CRA’s as a lot of good info is contained within:


Edited by Gryffindor
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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Psych Doc and breeze for putting this information out there (initially and in the transcripts) I have been working on repairing my credit on my own and I am happy to see that there is help out there for people like me from people who have been there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have been reading for hours...must confess my head is spinning with information. You guys are great! Did I say thank you? PsyDoc and Breeze THANK YOU for taking so much of your time to help others and for posting the transcripts. I can't wait to get through them and get started java script:emoticon(':(', 'smid_4') ok I need a reading break.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you for posting this! Very helpful info for a Newbie! This site is a GOD send!


I definitely have to agree on that comment... I'm just starting to fix my credit and just reading transcript #1 has given me a direction, what I want to do first...


DEFINITELY a God send.


Thank u to EVERYone.




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