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  1. 1. I had a Midland (ugh) account that I dispute with Midland, they agreed to tell the CRA's to delete it. TU and EX did so promptly, it has been 5 weeks and it is still on EQ. 2. Verizon Wireless, after 2 years just mysteriously disappeared from TU, then a day later from EX. 1 week later it is still on EQ. Does EQ just not delete if they are told to by the creditors? And a side note wondering why Verizon deleted after only 2 years anyway?
  2. Hi everyone. I had a score of 727 and after a Verizon FIOS bill went to collection I dropped to 642. The bill in question was from 2.5 yrs ago. I had to walk away from my home but I did pay wells fargo $32,000 cash t relieve a $130,000 debt on a second so my credit score did not take a huge hit. When I walked away from the house I called Verizon and cancelled my account and asked them to send boxes for the three cable boxes including one DVR. They never sent the boxes and I received no bill for almost a year. The first bill was about a $1000. I must admit I ignored the bill. Now the bill has gone to collections and it has inflated to over $6000. My fault in this is that I never sent the cable boxes and they have been lost in 2 subsequent moves. I ignored the bills which was simply stupid on my part. I have not engaged with any conversation with the collection agency or Verizon. Now, 2.5yrs later it has gone to my credit report and dropped me from 727 to 642 in Experian. I am willing and financially able to pay a reasonable bill but I'm I don't know the best way to go about that. I also would like to do it in a way that helps my credit score. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, Thank you, George
  3. aye Board good afternoon, im looking for any advice any what so ever! i have an account from verizon fios that was open from my brother, at time i didnt know about it. but he had eventually told me.... long story short he cancelled acct got in his spouses name but i was charged a early termination fee..... but this just showed on my credit !! but he didnt have my social! anyway to dispute? agree to pay if they delete ? anything ??
  4. We talk about cell phone service for your business often here so I wanted to give everyone some tips to better your chances for approval. I will talk about the four major companies out there although there maybe smaller regional companies that could also be a option for your business. Verizon- hardest to get approved for with no deposit AT&T - close second for hardest Sprint and T-Mobile - I would say these two would be tied for easiest especially lately since both are in need for more customers. Verizon and AT&T have the best service nationally and generally would be the best choices but it all depends where you live and work and how much you travel for work. If you travel regionally or nationally you will want to stick with the top two. If you work locally any of the for depending upon coverage for that area should be fine. Price you get what you pay for. Let's go though what is needed for each carrier. Verizon- Any business can get approved for them as soon as they open for business but they will want a $400 deposit. After 6 months and a few trades reporting you will normally get the $125 deposit option. Unlike other companies their business sales reps don't really have any power to override the deposit options. What can help you though is 6 months of bills from another carrier under the business name but for a young company won't be possible. AT&T- Generally with a thin file and under a year in business they want a deposit. This can range from a $1k to $150 per line and yes that is $1000 per line! So here is the key to getting around this. You need to get in contact with a business account manager. Its a little tricky to get the contact info for them and the form they have online doesn't seem to work properly so the quickest way I found is Twitter. @attbusinesscare.. They are very quick to respond and will get a sales rep to contact you within a day or so. The account managers can basically get you setup with service no matter what credit says under a two year contract it's almost a given if things check out. If you want to finance the devices you will be sent though credit for review and often a manual review if your credit is weak. Again their managers can override this but it is done case by case depending upon their "feeling" of your business. This is where its important to have things like a website, Facebook page, twitter account etc and also answering the phone under the business name when people call. The account manager I was dealing with mentioned my website and facebook page so I know they checked. Also just being nice and professional with these people go a long way. Sprint- Generally they are fairly easy to get approved for if you have atleast a DNB or Experian file and you answer the phone. Some times they will want a deposit and you may have a account spending limit assigned. Again if they want a deposit or you want to avoid the trouble contact their national sales team. They have a contact form on their website and they will assign a business sales rep to handle things for you. Again same thing here they can push approvals though with no deposits. If they really want to. T-Mobile-is a right there with Sprint especially lately with a big push for new customers. For the most part unless you go into store you will be assigned a local sales rep and they can really push things though for you with little effort if they want to. I'm not seeing many request for deposits with them lately but also their service in most areas is sub par unless you live in a major urban area. They also have the best pricing on service. With all the carriers besides Verizon a good sales rep can get you setup with service no matter what. Also they can often get you better prices on equipment and even service. A couple tips for all carriers maybe even Verizon... You want to set up at least two lines of service, if they really push the insurance or other items just take them sine you can always cancel them the day you get your phones or any time down the road. This means more money for them and they will work harder to make sure they get it done for you. Another good tip is to throw out their competitors names like Verizon if your dealing with AT&T and say they got you approved and so on again makes them work harder. Again make sure your business basics are in place.
  5. This is from Illinois. The account went chargeoff in Summer 2012. I've been willing to pay it for a long time so long as I can have it removed from my credit. Any advice on how to go forward? Thanks for any help! The text from the letter is quoted below.
  6. Hi guys, First, I love this forum and the dedication to the science of credit report hacking here, and some incredible success stories... So I just got an alert from EX that Verizon added a fresh TL with a KD (screenshot). It looks like this is from an old account 2 addresses ago, and I wasn't getting the notices via mail/email. I'm ready to aggressively do whatever I can to have this TL *deleted* from my account, but I want to take the right steps in the right order. I just read this guy's Verizon success story here, and this is very encouraging (though, it looks like a lot of work!). Since this was just posted today, I haven't contacted Verizon or made a payment yet. I wasn't sure if I should do that immediately. Any feedback is appreciated!
  7. ALCON, I was PCS'd (received new orders to a new location) to Fort Lewis back in December 2012, when I got there I got a new mobile carrier plan with Verizon. I used them for less than 2 weeks, then cancelled with them due to their horrible coverage I was getting in the building I worked out of. They told me that I would be getting my final bill in the mail a few months down the road and that I had until then to pay it. I never received any mail from Verizon. Fast forward 6 more months later, and I deployed to Afghanistan in June 2013. During my deployment here, I wanted to increase my credit limit with USAA, they came back on the phone and denied my request. They said that there was a "delinquency" on my account and I should check my credit score. Keep in mind I have really good credit, no blemishes or anything.. Sure enough there was Verizon on my credit report of $240ish for RIDICULOUS charges, i.e. overage of minutes, overage of data, etc. Really Verizon? $240 for two weeks? I called Verizon to ask them what I needed to do to be able to get rid of this on my credit report, they then told me that they had transferred the debt to Diversified Consultants? I then called them spoke to their representatives. I asked them where my final bill from Verizon was sent to, they then gave me the WRONG ADDRESS. This is the reason why I didn't get any mail from Verizon from DEC12-JUN13. I almost lost my bearing. They offered me payments plans, reduced rates, etc. I knew better and told them that I would be willing to stoop to their level to pay the ENTIRE balance if they would DELETE it off my credit report, EVEN though the charges were B.S. They declined my offer. I've written letters to BBB, FTC, FCC, etc. and it feels like it's getting nowhere with their blanket "We have received your complaint and are doing everything we can to resolve the issue". I did get a response.. I got a letter from Verizon through BBB from their Executive Offices. In the letter the person denied my requests of what I should actually be paying.. (Came up to about less than $80) and said that they would NOT take the delinquency status off my report. I'm so stressed out, my unit here is garbage, crazy stuff goes on all the time, and this is the last thing I'm wanting to have to deal with while I'm deployed.. One of my privates in my squad has a $650 issue with Verizon as well, and he's in a similar boat that I'm in. If anyone has been in the same issue that I'm in, I kindly request your advice and help. I want to get the matter resolved in the fastest and easiest way possible. The last thing I need to be doing is marching into a corporate building when I get back and losing my mind. Thank you for your help, SGT "Foxtrotmylima"
  8. Hi all, My first post after doing about a week's worth of research. I recently pulled my CR for the first time in 7-8 years. I've had my head in the sand, a hear no evil/se no evil kind of approach. But, that doesn't make it go away, being responsible and being addicted to this board does. I have multiple accounts that are in collections, settled, old, etc. It's a mess. I've just had almost all of the old addresses/numbers removed from my 3 CRs though, a good first step. I'm taking one account at a time, atleast till I get my learning curve rounded out. I'd be very appreciative if anyone could help me with the best plan of action with this first account? It's a Verizon. Facts: -Opened 02/12. -Settled it 05/13 for like 75%, so I could reopen service. -reporting to all 3. -Was never reported late 30,60,120. Basically I'd just like to get the paid acct off my CR. Ive read about sending a DV letter. Any thoughts? And srry for such a newbie question but I'm learning.
  9. Perhaps they consider it acceptable, but my bank does not. The wording in the first half is so mealy-mouthed, it makes my account which was paid in full (Not settled) well over a year ago look as if there's still payment pending. After a long phone conversation that ended up with a legal rep on the phone with me, this is the ONLY letter they send, they refuse to provide a payment date or date satisfied, and won't budge on it. Just an FYI, if you're looking for a PIF from Verizon now, this is as close as you will get. Oh, and it will take 24-48 hours.
  10. Hi All First time poster, long time lurker. I sent pre hipaa letters to Transunion and Equifax (the accounts aren't on EX) for 5 of my 12 medical collections. I received a letter from TU THE NEXT WEEK saying that they are all removed. Still waiting on EQ. I didn't want to send too many at once, so I'm going to wait 60 days and send TU another pre hipaa for the rest. Anyone see potential issues with that? I've read a lot, but I want to make sure I didn't miss anything. I also have some paid charge offs that I sent goodwill emails for yesterday: Chase, Credit One, and Capital One. I've seen success stories on these, but not any in the past few months. Has this worked for anyone recently? I'll update if I hear anything from them...crickets so far, but I forgot to include my # (good job, dork) in the email. Hopefully they'll email me or look at my account because I know they have it. Other than that, I have a paid Verizon charge off that I've disputed twice to no avail and an unpaid utility that's only on Experian. I'm going to try to goodwill Verizon and dispute the utility. Side note: I've had pretty good success having new collection accounts that pop on removed if I dispute them right away (I have credit monitoring).
  11. I have four CO's I want to dispute. They are: Comenity Bank/Maurices, GE Money Bank/Belk, KCA Financial Services (Windstream), and Verizon Wireless. I identify KCA Financial as being the only CA. (All of these are paid CO's and due to fall of late 2014, early 2015.) The jackattack is only used for CA right? (Have disputed with CRA's and came back verified.) Is jack attack and 1-2 punch the same thing? What method should I begin using for dealing with OC? (OC TL's have been disputed and came back verified by all three CRA's) Should I begin asking CRA's how they verified or should I ask for verification from the OC? Thanks! User7890
  12. About a month ago I sent Verizon a debt validation request on an account I did not know existed that showed up on my credit report. I have attached copies of the original letter I sent, as well as the response I received today. In the response Verizon is, I am assuming, claiming that my debt validation request may not have been signed and sent by me, and are requesting me to contact them via telephone. Now I have some suspicions that this may be an attempt at cutting off snail mail communication with them, and I am not sure how to respond to the letter. I am hoping that someone can help me. I am going to hold off on calling them for now. Thanks for any help in advance. Here is the response from Verizon: SEE BELOW FOR LETTER SANS BAR CODING And here is the original letter I sent:
  13. Hello everyone I hope someone can help me with this. I have 11 collection on my Experian account 10 are medical so I will be using Whychat's credit confusion. The other account is VERIZON GRRRR!!! This is what's on my credit report. Date opened 02/2005 Reported Since 07/2010 balance 48.00 status paid/closed Status Detailed This item was updated from our processing of your dispute in Jun 2013 (I did a online dispute) Okay..... I am really confused they don't give a date this will come off my report. Also this was opened in 2005 that is passed the 7 years...
  14. Received a collection letter from AFNI today for a Verizon bill for $31.29. I know I've never had wireless with Verizon, but I don't know if I've ever had landline or something else with them. The letter doesn't say what service I supposedly didn't pay for. Has anyone had experience with this agency? They offered to settle for $25.00. The letter also states they won't sue me because of the age of the debt. The letter does not say anything about disputing the validity of the debt within the standard 30 days. Right out the gate, they are already lying because they stated, "we are making another attempt to contact you"; yet they have never contacted me previously. They have 3 addresses for themselves, a postal box and street address in IL and a postal box address in TX. How should I handle this? They are not on my credit report at the moment. I'm so close to a clean report, the last thing I need is this one turning up.
  15. Dept of Defense is requesting their money back (Bonus) after medically discharging me for my injuries in service. I'm tired of them and frustrated that they are doing this... What can I do? Should I pay or find an attorney?
  16. Hi everyone! I have my first apparent GW success under my belt (Capital One), raising EQ to 700 per myFico earlier today. I am stoked! I still have several items keeping me from having clean credit. One is a paid medical collection (Oh how I wish I had found this board two years ago...) <-- haven't done anything yet. One is a paid after charge-off / collection with Verizon. <-- sent a GW but no result yet My mortgage (oooof!) has 4 30-day lates <-- GW is in the mail An old car lease had 3 30-day lates. I have a new lease with the same company but haven't tried GW yet. So if you were in my shoes, what would you attack next? And using what method? Thank you, wise ones, for any advice you can impart upon a n00b like me!
  17. Good evening members- I am going through my credit report working to get things paid off so that i can prep myself for purchasing a home within the next 24-36 months. While reviewing my report I came across some accounts that at one point in time were charged-off because of unemployment, but have since been paid completely off and are still showing as either Paid, was charge-off or Payment after charge-off/collection.This account was for an automobile that I had financed through GMAC and furniture purchased from a company called USA Discounters. Then I came across 2 other accounts from Verizon for home services (cable and phone) that I know I never had, but when I called Verizon to dispute the accounts not only would they not give me any information but all they would tell me is that it was my name on the account but when I asked what month the birthday was listed on the account or what the last 4 of the SSN was none of it matched my information not to mention the accounts were opened after I left the state. But Verizon whats me to provide all types of verification on my end. I will pay for what belongs to me but I am not going to shell out almost $800 for accounts that I am sure are not mine. 1. After an account is paid, the status should reflect PAID and nothing else, correct? 2. Is there anything I can do to update that on my credit report, so that it shows neutral? 3. How do I deal with Verizon without sending them all of my personal information to make them prove the accounts belong to me? Are there any credit veterans that can give me some advice on handling the situations or point me in the direction of some credit letters here on creditboards that have been used?
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