I have mentioned in the past that I defaulted on some internet pay day loans. This was approx 10 years ago, maybe a little sooner. I had dealt with these calls for the last few years and then when I found this board last year I played harball back and they all basically stopped. Every once in a while I would get a call but over the last week I am getting crushed. They are also calling every person that I know, may have known, people that I might know in the future. My ex GF from 11 years ago was called and they told her they are going to serve her because she is connected to my fraud. I have not talked to her is nearly 11 years which is 3 years before I took out these loans. She was freaking out and I tried to explain to her the scam they run.
I guess I am just writing this to vent and to see if anyone else is getting a recent surge in calls. I am wondering if there is a new "company" in town that are going after people harder than the previous.
I have received 13 calls in the last days. They have called from unlisted, private, local spoofed number, and long distance number.