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Ok, I am getting down to the brass knuckles.. Have three stubborn OC chargeoffs from 2008/9, one paid in settlement to a CA, the other 2 no DoV from Collector/JDB... I believe that prior validation to the CRA Experian was cursory, at best. I know that one account originated from an early 2000's purchase of Wells Fargo credit card that I would doubt that they have a copy of ten years after the bulk purchase. My question is, what are the total lines of information in an experian CRA TL and which lines are they required to fill out- ALL??? for example, it does not list a line for date of first delinquency, does not list dates of chargeoffs, last activity, amount of last payment, etc. Is there an open field of lines where I can request that that be filled in, hoping of course that they won't be able to , and if they cannot do it, can I request removal? What is the remedy to a 623 that they cannot answer in full... are they obliged to have a copy of the credit agreement if they write in when the account was opened? should recent balance reflect the charge off date and balance? so many fields say not reported or they are missing entirely (such as to who the account was sold, etc)... can I send them a laundry list of information that I have since I am a compulsive saver of paper that they might not have( date of last payment and amount, for example)