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  1. I recently received a collections letter from Convergent Outsourcing, Inc. located in Renton, WA. It was addressed to me using my previously married name and I remarried 20+ years ago. It states that I owe some bank, which I am familiar with, over $800.00 and with interest the total amount owed is almost $4,000.00 but their client is willing to settle for around $775. I am not giving exact amounts here. I have 30 days of receipt of the letter to respond. I have no knowledge of any such debt so did a bit of investigating on the internet and these folks at Convergent seem to be a bunch of real bottom feeders. I dealt with a genuine debt three years ago which had timed out and If I had only known the CORRECT statute of limitations on credit card debt, I was told that it would have been thrown out of court!!. I chose to cite the WRONG statue when I had both right in front of me. This cost me a refinance on my home to pay it off. So, I need some advice on how to handle this one. I checked Equifax and Transunion. Nothing. My credit looks good. I've sent for my Experian credit report this morning so I can check it. After doing some checking up on what underhanded things this "licensed" collections company is up to, I am thinking that possibly they collected bits and pieces of information about me (I used to have a debt and paid it off, my old name, current address etc, created a phony creditor) and are trying to get me to fall for it. I am pretty familiar with what not to say to these people in a letter. I have many, many letters to refer to from the settlement. My question is, since I believe this is just a scam, is there any danger in NOT responding in any way? Should I report them to someone and whom? Should I send the usual "I have not knowledge of this debt, I have not held a credit account in my name in 10 years, since this letter shows a name that is not mine (currently) this is not my debt, please cease and desist? Should I cite the statute of limitations that applies in my state? I feel that there is a slight chance that this could be a very old debt from when I was married before but all of that was taken care of in my divorce in 1991. It would be timed out and the collection agency would be doing something unlawful by trying to collect I believe.
  2. Backstory, current situation, and question regarding my approach: I am 27 years old. When I was 21, I had a legal issue come up that caused me to lose my job. In the aftermath of this, I received a 20k judgement, had a brand new car repo'd (5 months after buying it), and my credit went to hell. I stopped paying on everything. Student loans, small 20 dollar store credits, etc. I ignored all of it. I started making pretty decent money as a web applications architect.. bought everything for cash (cars, motorcycles, boats). I sold them off. My terrible lifestyle finally came to a halt 12 months ago. I almost took my own life.. but thats another story. Life is great now! I'm very happy. Time to fix this mess I put myself in. I currently have 18-22 negative items on my report (depending on which you pull).. some are duplicates.. 9 of them are the same 2 student loans over and over again. I have a 10k tax lien as I haven't filed taxes for 6 years. I still have the 20k judgement from when I was 21, which was "officially" entered into the system in 2011. I'm not sure why it took 3-4 years for it to make it there. I have another 1500 judgement. I have one 7k collection for a repo'd vehicle. Everything else are smaller little things here/there. I hired a CPA last week, to the tune of 1000, to get my six years of tax returns handled. This will result in me entering into a monthly payment plan with the IRS. At least I'm going to avoid garnishment. I'm hoping I can have that lien removed.. but who knows. I have gone down the negatives on my credit reports, with the exception of student loans/judgements, and called every creditor. I have made lump sum payment arrangements starting 8/30/2013. I made small 20-30 dollar payments to each one to "get the ball rolling", but the remainders are occurring 8/30/2013 and 9/15/2013, respectively. This should take care of almost everything on my credit report, except IRS/Judgements/Student Loans/leftover repo gap. I started at a new job 3 months ago on a 90 day contractor to hire. I was hired officially two weeks ago at an annual salary of 110,000. I'm taking my ~6000 (after 3k in taxes, ugh) monthly salary and putting everything not already owed to utilities/rent towards this debt. I estimate, except for the IRS, my 7k leftover gap for the repo'd vehicle, and my larger judgement, to have this all paid off within the next 6 weeks. Is this a good approach? Some of these items are 6 years old. But they all seem to have "bounced" around between creditors.. and have been re-entered on my report as early as this year. The car was from 2007. I signed up for Lexington Law a month ago and have been letting them send off "remove this stuff" letters. I'm hoping this helps. I do have a few duplicates on my record. I know very little about these matters. I've always made great money, usually as a contractor, and spent until there was nothing left. I'm slowly learning how to budget.. I've taken full responsibility and am working towards paying these items off. I just don't know if I'm taking the best approach. Sorry for rambling. I started reading through all the newbie/starter questions and I just want a straight answer. Should I be using various tactics here? Payment in exchange for deletion? NDA etc? I drive an old beater vehicle I bought at auction for 5k.. and it is nearing the end of its life. My FICO (Experian) is 526. Am I crazy to think I could be "purchase a new car" material within the next few months? My girlfriend issued out an additional card on one of her 1k credit cards. For some reason this is reporting to my credit score as positive every month. I'm paying the bill for her as a result. So that is one good thing!
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