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I shop weekly for groceries at Smart and Final in Southern CA. Does anyone know if you can earn 3 points spend (6 points spend on preferred) at Smart and Final?
Good morning everyone. I have the Barclaycard NFL card. It was my first cc when I was rebuilding. I chose it at the time because they pulled TU and my EX report had an embarrassing ultility paid CO that had years of reported lates. This card only offers 2 pts on NFL purchases and 1 pt on everything else. I love football but I never spend $ on NFL except once at Christmas when I used the card to buy my grandson some gear. I started out with a $500 cl and now it's $5K. I use it every month and spend each month approximately $450 and always PIF. Does anyone know if Barclay's does product changes? I have read that they do not.
Regarding points for reward cards.
Please add to this thread of grocery stores that earn the maximum amount of grocery spend points. This thread is for all category rewards cards so please also list your rewards card. I have the Amex Everyday Card. If a grocery store is coded by the merchant as a warehouse or club store like Target, Costco or Walmart it will only earn 1 point. The challenge is determining how the stores code and apparenting Amex doesn't control that so they don't provide a comprehensive list. You just have to make a small purchase like I did at Smart and Final and wait to see if you earned only 1 point or more. This thread is not meant for 2 point all spend rewards cards. I'll start below.
Greetings: I had 106,000 remaining Etihad points (had already redeemed 240K) and I was in the middle of the last online transaction of redemption with the balance posted in the corner of my screen. It was 6/30, 3.30pm so I knew I had to use them before midnight. What I did not expect was that they made their *cut-off on Abu Dhabi time* which was 8 hours earlier (it was not mentioned in their reward info, BTW). As I pushed the purchase button, the screen started blinking and it said I had no miles to redeem. I tried to work this out via customer service but they won't bend so I am taking them to small claims court in NYC- Agony. They do have a NYC office so I can use that address to appeal and they will have to be in accord with NYC laws. However, since I can't ask for the miles back (no space on the small claims form for this) I am looking for a way to value the miles at MAXIMUM value. Does anyone here know the program well enough to orient me to how to value them using an honest valuation of them at max redemption value? Since they transfer 1:1 MR AmEx I could use that parameter as well (which is how I bought them originally). I would appreciate any suggestions or outline of how to value them, again at max redemption value $$$. I am willing to be perfectly straightforward about this but I don't want to give the value away. And I am pissed off in spades. Thanks so much, in advance. Lizzie
I intend to milk the SPG program for all that I can before it finally merges with Marriott. I know I'm not the only one, so I figured we could have a thread to track updates on merger news and the expected time frame. Please update the timeline below with news updates. TPG, one of the biggest shills for CCs out there ("blog" now owned by Bankrate), is pretty good with insider information on this type of topic: They are apparently looking to have a shared IT platform by the end of 2018, which is necessary before even beginning to think about merging loyalty programs. That means a minimum of 18 months before SPG might be killed off. They are also saying that both Amex and Chase have short-term contracts with SPG and Marriott and both are competing for better CC rewards. Marriott/SPG Merger Timeline late 2018: shared IT platform
Hi all, thanks to this forum and many other online research I was able to fix my credit score substantially. I had a medical collection that was holding me back and keeping my score in the 650’s, but just a couple months ago, thanks to whychat, I was able to take off the medical collection and get a significant bump in my score. Ever since, my score has been continually rising, and I’m at around 703. Some background; My credit age is about 8 years. I currently have no delinquencies or collections reporting. I have two cards one is a store card with $700 limit, and the other is a capital one secured card, which I’ve had for a little over two years.. unfortunately, the limit is entirely too low at just $650, it increased a year after I got it from the inital $350. My income is at around 25K and I rarely have monthly expenses. I currently live with family so I’m not paying rent, and I’m not financing a car. In December I applied for a Chase Freedom card and was not approved; this was before my collection was removed, and my credit was around 650 or so. I think I have a lot of anxiety over applying for new credit, but I know i need it. I know it would be good for me. So how do I get over the fear of being denied? I’ve been holding off to a point where there’s no reason they would deny me, meaning my credit is in the 800’s, and my income is pretty high. But I don’t know if that will be realistic. Should I hold off, or should I take the plunge? I’m not looking for a card that’s super exclusive or anything. Just something that would give me more freedom with my credit. A limit of just $2,000 would be beneficial, and maybe some perks and rewards? Any advice would be helpful!
Marriott has announced changes to its loyalty programs which now include SPG and Ritz. The changes extend to participation, how loyalty programs and points are earned, and to the participating credit cards (Chase and Amex). I'd like to get the collective wisdom of CB pros to understand the right plays and actions to take for greatest advantage. I've seen other related posts on this topic, but there is not one that seems to gather in all items; if I've missed a topic thread that already does so, please let me know. We travel now (mostly domestic, with 1-3 annual trips internationally), and will be doing more travel in the future. Goals for us are to: - Get value and rewards (cash and or points) for our spend and travel behavior / loyalty. - Get lounge access during trips Our CRA scores are all over 800, and there is not an issue meeting the spend requirements for premium cards. Currently, wife and I are both Marriott members (10 years), with gold elite status, and are both members of the SPG program. Our related CCs include: Chase Marriott Chase Sapphire Preferred Costco Visa Amex Blue Cash Preferred Questions: Which card(s) to get to leverage the changes and benefits: SPG card Ritz card Amex Platinum Chase Sapphire Reserve Thanks for your help.
I just logged in to Discover. $1,695.53 cash back from Apple Pay 10% promo. That was a nice little surprise! I've been very busy lately, so, I'm guessing this is old news.
Hey fellow credit addicts. So I have been reading a TON about MS lately and how some issuers freak out and close your card.. Thing is, I want to get my end of year Reward deals on a few cards and just maximize rewards in general on some other cards but am worried about AA. The issuers in question are: Barclays (Lol, probably most risky?), Capital One (read a couple account closures here lately although the OPs were not very informative as to what they did to cause it), and Discover. My CL on Barclay and CO are quite large, Discover under $5k. So any info on what issuers tend to be the most lenient with this especially as a one timer? To be specific I am looking to send money using PayPal to my partner, because from what I've read those two issuers code that as spend (I know Barclay does as my friend did this exactly to hit his 50,000 points on Arrival and boom, worked fine). I'm not sure how Cap1 Quicksilver codes this. another alternative is the whole gift card buying but I dont like doing that. Most important which lenders are known to take AA for this? Is sending money via PayPal even considered MS? Is there a better way to do it? Any info would be appreciated -- as well as any additional suggestions to hit spends and/or maximize rewards! Thanks all
I've been moving towards maximizing my UR points earning potential and have recently discovered the Chase shopping portal that can add 2 extra UR/$ spent at the office supply chains online. There are some relevant gift cards available here, for me (ex: Whole Foods) but a major one for my spend is missing. Do either of these stores stock Amazon gift cards In-Store? I've found a lot of articles about them previously selling them online, but now that's a bust. Do we have a thread on all of the available GCs available from these merchants? If so, I apologize as I obviously couldn't find it. I have not pulled the trigger on any of their higher fee VGCs, but if I land the C$R whale, these all of a sudden make a lot more sense as well.
What are your plans for Chase after full 5/24 implementation? I was considering a strategy with my wife where one of us doesn't open more than 4 cards over 24 months and the other apps for a lot of cards, but I'm not sure yet. Here's the plan for our current Chase cards: Me: Ink Plus-keep United MileagePlus Business-keep since it may open up more saver award space CSP-if I ever get back in with Citi, this is going to become a Freedom Unlimited Freedom-keep Marriott-keep for the free night Hyatt-keep for the free night British Airways-I will try to PC to a Freedom Unlimited for a few months. If that doesn't work, move the limit to my CSP and close the card. My wife: British Airways-try to PC to a Freedom Unlimited and if that doesn't work, move limit to Marriott Marriott-keep for the free night One thing we might consider if my wife not applying for too many cards for the next 24 months and then trying to get an IP and CSP. I think we need to wait just over a year at this point to get under that number.
I did a PC of my Citi Cash Returns to the HIlton Visa Signature and the customer service rep said that they don't offer the spending promotions for PCs. Does anyone have any experience with this? If I keep bothering them will they eventually give in?
Just curious, is this new or am I just now noticing it for the first time. The red lettering was red on Chase's website and I didn't think I've noticed the part about repeatedly opening accounts before. This pops up right before you finish a transfer. Not that anyone heeds it but it's the first I've seen it on the transfer page. "You can transfer points in 1,000 point increments to participating frequent travel program accounts belonging to you, your spouse, or domestic partner. If we suspect that you’ve engaged in fraudulent activity related to your credit card account or Ultimate Rewards, or that you've misused Ultimate Rewards in any way (for example by buying or selling points, moving or transferring points with or to an ineligible third party or account, or repeatedly opening or otherwise maintaining credit card accounts for the sole purpose of generating rewards) we may temporarily prohibit you from earning points or using points you've already earned. If we believe you've engaged in any of these acts, we'll close your credit card account and you'll lose all your points. Any points transferred become subject to the terms and conditions of the frequent travel program to which they are transferred. Violations of those terms and conditions may result in loss of transferred points/miles. By clicking 'Confirm & Submit' you are authorizing Chase to send your point transfer to the frequent travel program you have chosen and our points administrators. All point transfers are final."
This thread is for the best mileage / point signup and bonuses we can find and share. Post them here. We are taking over FT. Oscar Mike
Sorry if this is a repost... Interesting read I found today.{site}&utm_term={title}&utm_campaign=Outbrain%20-%201