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  1. Verified 3/8/2012, 4:27PM EST 800-955-1455 This number gets you DIRECTLY to their executive office level.
  2. I just got a Midland tradeline deleted from my credit reports. I first submitted a DV and Midland quickly validated (the debt was legit). I called Midland to settle* -- I offered to pay in full ($200) if Midland agreed to delete the tradeline from my 3 credit reports. They refused, saying they would only update the tradeline to paid in full. I ended up walking into a brick and mortar T-Mobile store and asking to check on the status of an old account I had with them. The T-Mobile agent told me the account had been sold to a CA, but I asked if he could call customer service and see if I could pay the account right there in full. After a quick call, corporate agreed, and I walked out with a paid in full receipt showing my account number, phone number, address, and name on the account. I faxed a letter and receipt to Midland disputing the charges as already paid in full to T-Mobile and demanding they delete the their three reported negative tradelines from my credit report. I was denied via mail. I called Midland and asked them to explain the denial. I again explained my dispute verbally. After a few minutes on hold, Midland's customer service representative told me they agreed with my dispute and were going to be deleting the tradelines. The entire process took 15 days. A few takeaways: I read tons of horror stories about Midland on these boards. If you can afford it, I think (when trying to delete T-Mobile related tradelines with Midlands) this method is the easiest way to do it. After Midland agreed to delete, I filed a dispute with the three CRA and it speeds up the process of the change showing up on your credit report. *Many people say not to call their consumer support, but if you let them know you are recording the conversation and you're knowledgable about your FCRA rights, I have always found disputing faster via phone.
  3. Hi all, My first post after doing about a week's worth of research. I recently pulled my CR for the first time in 7-8 years. I've had my head in the sand, a hear no evil/se no evil kind of approach. But, that doesn't make it go away, being responsible and being addicted to this board does. I have multiple accounts that are in collections, settled, old, etc. It's a mess. I've just had almost all of the old addresses/numbers removed from my 3 CRs though, a good first step. I'm taking one account at a time, atleast till I get my learning curve rounded out. I'd be very appreciative if anyone could help me with the best plan of action with this first account? It's a Verizon. Facts: -Opened 02/12. -Settled it 05/13 for like 75%, so I could reopen service. -reporting to all 3. -Was never reported late 30,60,120. Basically I'd just like to get the paid acct off my CR. Ive read about sending a DV letter. Any thoughts? And srry for such a newbie question but I'm learning.
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