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  1. I've spent the past 4 hours hammering the johnny-come-lately payday loan scammer who made the woeful error of calling me from a local spoof at 3:49pm CDT. FTC...CHECK CFPB (including .wav files of voicemails)...CHECK Family who can expect a call to "locate me" any minute now...CHECK, CHECK But the part at the end of this story floored me. I mistakenly answer the first call and can tell it's a call center. I quickly wiggled out of it before he could launch into his routine, because I truly was on another call. He calls back 30 minutes later...I let it go to voicemail. None left. Nineteen minutes pass; call #3. Half hour passes; call #4. FOUR MINUTES later comes call #5...and voicemail #1. (Guess who's getting served tomorrow...?!) AND...he left a toll-free number with his extension. I call him right back and go right into MY "routine" as soon as I told him my name. ME: Mr. Castillo, do you have something to write with? Good. I'd like you to meet me at my attorney's office tomorrow to serve me. Her name is ________ ___________, and I'll spell it for you. That's __ __ __ __ * ...are you writing this down...?? HIM: Um...well...let me transfer you to a claims agent who can explain the situation to you... ME: You can't tell me the info...? Your voicemail sounded rather authoritative -- actually, Mr. Castillo, it sounded overtly threatening -- so I'm quite sure you can handle this yourself. HIM: Well, don't you wanna know what the claim is about?? ME: No, I don't. From your tone, I am clearly in a lot of trouble. You haven't mentioned that this was an attempt to collect a debt, either, so I assume you're calling about criminal charges. My attorney will take it from here, but I'll meet you there tomorrow. Take down this address... (he fumbles through paper...) She's a federal and state felony defense attorney, and her office is the entire 24th floor of 987 Main St., Hou...are you getting this on paper, Mr. Castillo...?? (he repeats the address so far...) Good. And I'll see you there at 1pm. Please don't be late, because she play tennis with District Attorney D@v0n And3rs0n at 3pm. HIM: Well, let me get you over to a claims agent to discuss this first... ME: NO. I've told you where to find me. Your voicemail said you needed to verify an address for processing & serving a "claim" tomorrow. And ALL further communication WILL go through my attorney. DO NOT EVER call this CELLULAR NUMBER AGAIN. Do you understand me, Mr. Castillo? HIM: (He places me on hold to shut me up; muzak commences; I promptly hang up.) Now I'll be a MONKEY'S UNCLE if he didn't call me back in 90 seconds...called THREE times (those were calls #5, 6 & 7 inside of 90 minutes!) trying to force me to pick up...and then left a ridiculously aggressive message and said his next call would be to my "references" if I didn't call him back immediately. Now I have to confess that, for those 90 seconds between hanging up on him after he was squirming and stammering and confused as H3LL...I felt sorry for the putz. I know his buddies were sitting next to him in that rinkydink cubefarm ...laughing their butts off at him. But when he lost his mind -- conceded to his assaulted pride -- and CALLED ME BACK..........?!?!??! Meh. I got over it. Interesting tidbit: I've filed CFPB complaints against companies whose addresses I didn't know in the past, and they fell flat because the company isn't "registered" with the CFPB. This one actually pre-populated when I filled in the "company" field -- but the CFPB doesn't have their address, either, it would appear. Looks like someone is already watching these nimrods. SEVEN calls & 2 voicemails in 90 minutes...? Harass much...?! ETA -- Post #1000 for me!! Yaaaay!
  2. Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Richard Cordray at The Clearing House HINT: She was more entertained by talking with the speechwriter than reading the finished product.
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