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Found 6 results

  1. Had a collection with Midland pop up for an old Orchard Bank card. Account was outside SOL, sent FOAD letter. Below is the response I received: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dear David, The purpose of this letter is to advise you that you did not provide sufficient information to investigate your dispute of the credit reporting of your above-referenced account pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We understand you are disputing the accuracy of our records concerning the above referenced account. After reviewing the information you provided, as well our own account notes, and information provided by the previous creditor, we are unable to determine the nature of your dispute, and consequently deny that our records are incorrect. In order to further investigate your dispute, we need additional information to help verify the basis of your dispute. Including a complete explanation of your dispute would be helpful. Further, copies of any documentation you may have to support your dispute. In the interim, we have requested that the three major credit bureaus change the status of this account to “Disputed”. Examples of documentation we need or which would be helpful include the following: Paid in Full or Account Settled: a) a copy of the front and back of payment instrument with copy of settlement offer or statement showing balance and account number; a copy of the paid in full or settlement letter showing account number. Fraud or Identity Theft: a) a copy of a police report; Federal Trade Commission Fraud Affadavit that has been filled out (which can be obtained at www.ftc.gov/idtheft); or c) notarized fraud affidavit. Balance Discrepancy: a) copy of contract that states rates for time frame of disputed service; a copy of bills or statements that show amount owed or rates; c) a more detailed explanation of disputed charges. In the meantime, as requested by you, we will no longer be contacting you regarding this account by phone or mail unless it is to further respond to a dispute by you under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The account may still be reported on your credit report as unpaid. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So at this point, not sure what to do next. In the past, if one of these pesky ghosts popped up, a good slap always sent them scurrying back into the gutter. This time, Midland did as they said, and updated the listing with the three CRAs. Any suggestions? Thanks, Dave
  2. I received this card after my BK discharged (3/12) and it has been sitting at the $300 CL since then. I logged into my acct yesterday after hubby said they increased one of his cards and low and behold I see they also gave me an increase to $750 . I thought this card would never see an increase. Now if they can just give me an increase on my two credit steps cards
  3. I have a collection of $440 from Portfolio Recovery on all three CRAs. I think this is an old Orchard card. DOFD should be September 2006 (by my records). In an attempt to resolve, I recently sent Portfolio a DV on 5/1 (CMRRR received 5/6). I subsequently sent them a 'estoppel by silence/restated demand for validation' with a 15 day expectation of response and received nothing in return (mailed on 6/7). I'm not sure what's next since they seem to be ignoring me completely. Should I dispute with CRAs, then request method of validation followed by an ITS? Should I try a BBB complaint? Appreciate any advice from those who've had luck with this one. I've read a lot of posts on Portfolio and haven't found much that parallels my situation.
  4. Looking for input on this account. HSBC Bank account (formerly an old Orchard card) is reporting on EX & TU as closed/charge off. Account opening date on EX & TU is May 2006. I disputed the HSBC entry as obsolete (my records indicate DOFD was September 2006, so should drop off September 2013). I disputed both EX & TU as obsolete in hopes this would fall off early. Transunion dispute results are back and they updated as follows: Account Sale Info: ACCOUNT SOLD TO PORTFOLIO RECOVRY Remarks: ACCT INFO DISPUTED BY CONSUMR; PURCHASED BY ANOTHER LENDER; TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER OFFICE Estimated month and year that this item will be removed: 07/2014 I'm still awaiting EX's response to my dispute as obsolete. My question is, assuming EX responds in the same way, what should my next step be? Thanks in advance for suggestions.H Side note: Portfolio Recovery was reporting on all 3 for this account, but after dispute (they were reporting payments) it is off EX & TU and I expect it off of EQ any day now per their response.
  5. So - Capone wants to charge a $74 annual fee for a bs Orchard conversion. Unfortunately this is my oldest (positive) card. Since the line will remain in my AAOA calculation, it shouldn't hurt me to close it correct? (it has zero balance BTW)
  6. Yes, this past statement, there is the starting of the transition.. links to FAQ pages and whatnot.. and my payments done through my Orchard account are showing up on bank statement as Capital one not Orchard / HSBC. I have always loved my Orchard card.. no A/F ..... no Foreign Transaction fee....and 2% cash back. The limit has never been huge ($4200 at present and I've had the card forever).. but it's always been one of my better rewards cards. I am not looking forward to the transition to Crap 1 ..................... I have gotten ridden of all of their cards (except for this Orchard card) .................... and paid off my car loan early and swore I would never deal with them (personal reasons).. it ticks me off to be stuck with another of their products. Yes I want to close it................. especially if they don't put me into one of their better products.
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