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  1. I was looking at my credit reports today, and I noticed something odd on my EQ report. My date of birth has the wrong month. I was born in October (10) and EQ has my birth month as January (01). It is clear what happened, whoever input my data simply transposed the digits, turning a 10 into a 01. That being said, it might also not be that simple of an error. Perhaps there is a tradeline that has January (wrong month) in my DOB and EQ updated my information on that tradeline's reported DOB. Either way, this seems like an opportunity. Correct me if I am wrong, but if tradelines are disputed based on a "not mine" approach, could a mismatch in DOB be significant?
  2. Been away from CB for a long time... but I could once again use some help on something. I moved to Washington state briefly for work during 2012, and during that time my wife experienced a medical episode that required an ER visit. The total bill rang out to around $7,500. I was mailing small payments to the hospital each month (which they agreed to) to pay it off. We didn't have any kind of plan for that sort of bill to pop up suddenly, and at the time, using our emergency fund didn't seem appropriate if we could pay it off over time. However, in the chaos of moving back OUT of Washington state, I forgot a payment, and they instantly forwarded the account to collections. The hospital account was in my wife's name ONLY. I screwed up and didn't deal with it. Few months later... *I* got a collections notice with MY name on it from the same people. I rushed to pull reports, and found they reported a new collections account on TU and EX. Dangit. I called at once and demanded to know what was going on. The rep. stated that because Washington is a community property state, my wife's bills are my bills. However, I tried to be coy with the guy and said that while I know who (my wife's name) is... why was he under the impression she's my wife. He couldn't really answer that. I asked if he had any proof that she's my wife, and he turned it around and asked if I could prove that she isn't. He wasn't very nice, as none of them are... so I basically told the guy that this wasn't my responsibility and he should remove it at once. I also asked why he thinks that I live in Washington, but he couldn't answer that. I maintained my Nevada mailing address, and ALL credit correspondence went to the NV address for the nine months I was in WA, so I thought maybe I could dance around that some more, but he didn't budge much on anything. Few days later both TU and EX report the account as "disputed by consumer..." The account is roughly $5,200 which is the $7,500 original bill minus roughly what we paid. If they've added anything at all, it has been very minimal based on my calculations. My question for the group is... what do you think the best approach is to getting this deleted from my reports? We have the cash to pay them (full balance), but based on the previous experience I fear they are not the kind to delete after payment. I JUST had my old paid/settled baddies from 2007 drop off my reports... I don't want this to linger for 7 more years. Should I hire an attorney? Should I dispute with the credit agencies first? I'm lost on this one. Thanks in advance guys... I appreciate you all.
  3. Hi, So, I pulled my credit report from Experian and there is an account listed in collections. It says the original creditor is Comcast. The "date opened" is 07/2013 and "reported since" is 02/2014. It also says under "Your Statement:" "Account information disputed by consumer (Meets requirement of the Fair Credit Reporting Act). Well, I didn't open an account with Comcast in 2013 and I've never disputed it. I may have had an account with Comcast about 4 or 5 years ago (I don't remember if it was in my name) but this must be somebody else's account? I went to the collection company's website and entered my Social Security #, and sure enough there it was. So I have two questions: 1) Is it possible this is from that old account? 2) What would be the best way to go about correcting this? I'm thinking I should contact Experian and ask them when/who/how it was disputed and then contact the collections agency and ask them what this is about? I'm also pretty sure I've never received any mail or phone calls from the collection agency. Any ideas or advice would be very appreciated. Thanks!
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