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  1. So I am back from boot Camp and stationed in Japan and during the time I was securing a new auto loan for my wife I missed two payments on our existing auto loan and are trying to buy a house so Im hoping this goodwill letter will remove the two lates that are the only two I have had out of the almost 3 years I've had the auto loan which is now paid off in full! Please any comments will be beneficial. THANK YOU CB FOR THE TEMPLATES! August 18, 2014 Regarding: Account No. XXXXX Hughes Federal Credit Union ATTN : Collections Department 951 E. Hermans Rd Tucson, AZ 85706 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing a letter about my experience with Hughes Federal Credit Union that is a mixture of a grateful "thank-you" and a pressing request concerning a Hughes Federal Credit Union auto loan in my credit file that I would like to have revised. I was very fortunate to have received the Hughes Federal auto loan December 1st, 2011 several years before I enlisted in the United States Navy on June 5th 2013. On October 15th my now wife informed me of one of the most special moments of our life, and that is we were expecting a beautiful little girl. We were then engaged on January 10th 2014 in Kauai and I eventually headed to Boot Camp on February 5th ,2014 in order to serve my country and prepare for a financially stable future for my soon to be wife and future daughter named Aria. I went on to graduate from Boot Camp April 5th 2014, was able to get married during my Tech school on April 19th 2014 and my daughter was born on May 24th 2014. I then graduated Tech school on May 31st, and unfortunately had to leave my family behind for the time being while I left to Japan on June 15th 2014 where I am currently stationed. I became disorganized with respect to, as you saw, making two timely payments with Hughes Federal credit union. I fully recognize my responsibility with respect to payable accounts and have worked diligently to rehabilitate my relationship with Hughes Federal credit union. This account is now paid off in full and hope you understand my full gratitude for working with the accompanying Lender. To be honest, this year has been very much chaotic, stressful, and at times slightly overwhelming but rewarding in ways I couldn’t have ever imagined. Through the entirety of my time with Hughes Federal credit union I have always made my payments an absolute priority, and during the time in which I was having to prepare to leave my family in order to go overseas and securing a new car for my wife there was a brief period of confusion and I hope you understand I have done everything possible to amend this situation and do the right thing. Thankfully, responsible credit management is reflected in my credit records which -- excluding the Hughes Federal late entry -- are excellent. I wish to thank you for renewing your confidence in me and for giving me a second chance at a relationship with you, that I intend on growing and am determined to keep spotless. We are about to shop for a mortgage, and it has come to my attention that the late notations from Hughes Federal credit union may preclude me from taking full advantage of the very lowest interest rates now available. Since those notations do not reflect my overall excellent history with Hughes Federal, I am requesting that you give me a second chance at a positive credit rating by revising the auto loan. Your customer service representative suggested that I write you for a "goodwill adjustment." I sincerely hope that there is redemption at Hughes Federal Credit Union, and I beg you for such consideration. Please let me know if any additional documentation would assist in reaching a positive outcome, and I thank you again for the time you have spent reading this letter. Very hopefully yours, NAME ADDRESS
  2. Hello, I had posted this over at a military-specific forum, and some of the folks there suggested I post here for additional insight. I'm in the process of re-enlisting. My packet is completed, and I'm due to enter a critical rating in the Navy Reserves. I have served before, and left to build a civilian career and a family. The career has given me a decent income, and the family has given me the need to have a dependent waiver put in at CNRC for approval. The waiver was an absolute non-issue, since the family income is good, and the debt is low. My credit record had one negative entry, a bankruptcy from nine years ago. Since then, the payment history shows as excellent, with no misses or lates. Since I'm finalizing my packet this coming week, I decided to see what my actual FICO credit score was. In running the report, I saw a new account (as of February 2014) that I didn't recognize - an open collection account for 400.00 (a cellular phone account). After almost losing my lunch, I reached out to the collector and got as much information on the account as possible, then put in a dispute with them. I then contacted the original creditor, which was able to confirm the amount and nature of the account, but nothing further. The address matched mine, but the account was one I never opened. Once I verified that I hadn't completely lost the plot and dropped the ball on a responsibility, I put in a dispute with all three credit reporting bureaus. My fear is that this fresh account will end my re-enlistment. Other than that entry, I'm a strong candidate thanks to fitting in a critical rating (which requires TS clearance - though I imagine this dispute will be cleared in my favor by the time I have my interview) which is significantly undermanned thanks to my civilian work history and education. My question is, how can I mitigate the entry? It has impacted my FICO score by approximately 40 points, but most importantly, without explanation, it looks like I just didn't pay a bill and wasn't responsible. I know there is a comment/explanation field on the dependent waiver form, but I'm not sure that anyone will take into account the nature of the entry, and the fact that it is in dispute and is not a valid debt. My income shows that the issue isn't that I cannot pay the debt - I absolutely pay all my bills on time, as my payment history shows. I am just at a loss of how to get the message to the approval authority, so that they understand that this is out of character and is simply not my collection. For the first time in my life, I feel absolutely defeated, and anticipate the worst. Re-entering the military concurrent with an established civilian career was something I've intended to do for years, and the time was right. I really appreciate any advice/experience the community can provide.
  3. ALCON, I was PCS'd (received new orders to a new location) to Fort Lewis back in December 2012, when I got there I got a new mobile carrier plan with Verizon. I used them for less than 2 weeks, then cancelled with them due to their horrible coverage I was getting in the building I worked out of. They told me that I would be getting my final bill in the mail a few months down the road and that I had until then to pay it. I never received any mail from Verizon. Fast forward 6 more months later, and I deployed to Afghanistan in June 2013. During my deployment here, I wanted to increase my credit limit with USAA, they came back on the phone and denied my request. They said that there was a "delinquency" on my account and I should check my credit score. Keep in mind I have really good credit, no blemishes or anything.. Sure enough there was Verizon on my credit report of $240ish for RIDICULOUS charges, i.e. overage of minutes, overage of data, etc. Really Verizon? $240 for two weeks? I called Verizon to ask them what I needed to do to be able to get rid of this on my credit report, they then told me that they had transferred the debt to Diversified Consultants? I then called them spoke to their representatives. I asked them where my final bill from Verizon was sent to, they then gave me the WRONG ADDRESS. This is the reason why I didn't get any mail from Verizon from DEC12-JUN13. I almost lost my bearing. They offered me payments plans, reduced rates, etc. I knew better and told them that I would be willing to stoop to their level to pay the ENTIRE balance if they would DELETE it off my credit report, EVEN though the charges were B.S. They declined my offer. I've written letters to BBB, FTC, FCC, etc. and it feels like it's getting nowhere with their blanket "We have received your complaint and are doing everything we can to resolve the issue". I did get a response.. I got a letter from Verizon through BBB from their Executive Offices. In the letter the person denied my requests of what I should actually be paying.. (Came up to about less than $80) and said that they would NOT take the delinquency status off my report. I'm so stressed out, my unit here is garbage, crazy stuff goes on all the time, and this is the last thing I'm wanting to have to deal with while I'm deployed.. One of my privates in my squad has a $650 issue with Verizon as well, and he's in a similar boat that I'm in. If anyone has been in the same issue that I'm in, I kindly request your advice and help. I want to get the matter resolved in the fastest and easiest way possible. The last thing I need to be doing is marching into a corporate building when I get back and losing my mind. Thank you for your help, SGT "Foxtrotmylima"
  4. Hello everyone, I posted this in the mortgage loan/ foreclosure but thought I would here also. Ok, DH is active duty military, he purchased a condo in HI in 2006. It's a VA loan guarantee and financed through Countrywide, but because of military obligations we had to move to GA. We were able to rent it out for a few months but the tenant also left because of military obligations and we were never able to rent it out after that. Bank of America took over in 2008 and new we weren't able to make payments. They also know we are active duty. We tried short sale and had a buyer but BOA held up paper work and the buyer changed his mind. We haven't made a payment since 2008 ( the loan defaulted while living in GA) because of another military obligation, we moved NC over a year ago. Also, the condo association has a lien on it, but it's not on DH's report, but BOA is though. Today, we received a dunning letter from a debt collector attorney. The letter has the typical dispute the validity of the debt in 30 days wording, and also a threat of lawsuit/default. It also says: "Please contact the undersigned immediately if the following applies to you or any other party to the subject mortgage loan at this time as you may be entitled to relief under the Service Members Civil Relief Act if you're a member of the United States Military". We would really like some direction on this, any help is really appreciated. If you're not clear on anything please ask and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. TIA
  5. Good evening members- I am going through my credit report working to get things paid off so that i can prep myself for purchasing a home within the next 24-36 months. While reviewing my report I came across some accounts that at one point in time were charged-off because of unemployment, but have since been paid completely off and are still showing as either Paid, was charge-off or Payment after charge-off/collection.This account was for an automobile that I had financed through GMAC and furniture purchased from a company called USA Discounters. Then I came across 2 other accounts from Verizon for home services (cable and phone) that I know I never had, but when I called Verizon to dispute the accounts not only would they not give me any information but all they would tell me is that it was my name on the account but when I asked what month the birthday was listed on the account or what the last 4 of the SSN was none of it matched my information not to mention the accounts were opened after I left the state. But Verizon whats me to provide all types of verification on my end. I will pay for what belongs to me but I am not going to shell out almost $800 for accounts that I am sure are not mine. 1. After an account is paid, the status should reflect PAID and nothing else, correct? 2. Is there anything I can do to update that on my credit report, so that it shows neutral? 3. How do I deal with Verizon without sending them all of my personal information to make them prove the accounts belong to me? Are there any credit veterans that can give me some advice on handling the situations or point me in the direction of some credit letters here on creditboards that have been used?
  6. I have sent DV letters to all of my OC/CA's and have begun to recieve responses. (part one of the ONE, TWO punch) I am ready for part Two! Below is a copy of my Verification Request to the CRA's. I would love any critique and I have two questions... #1 Do I need to send a copy of a photo ID with current address with the VR letter? #2 Does each Trade Line need one or more disputes for the CRA's to justify an investigation? Thanks, Afrogpilot Afrogpilot 5150 Van Halen Dr. Anywhere, USA 99999 Equifax Information Services LLC Consumer Services 1550 Peachtree St NE Atlanta, GA 30309-2402 January 25, 2013 To whom it may concern, This letter is a formal complaint that you may be reporting inaccurate credit information on my credit report. Reporting of inaccurate credit information would be a Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. You have included in my credit profile, possibly inaccurate information from the trade lines listed below. I am very distressed due the damaging effects of inaccurate information on my good credit standing. As you are no doubt aware, credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only accurate credit information. No doubt the inclusion of inaccurate information is probably a mistake by Equfax or the reporting creditor. Due to the possible mistakes on my credit report, I may have been denied credit during prequalification for a mortgage. This is a highly embarassing situation and it has a negative impact my family. Any information in my credit report that cannot be verified as true and accurate must be deleted from my report. The following trade lines may contain information that is inaccurate; therefore, all information in the trade lines must be verified. If the information is found to be unverifiable or inaccurate it must be deleted from my report as soon as possible: First National Collection Bureau, acct# XXX EOS/CCA, acct# XXX1 EOS/CCA, acct# XXX2 Trojan Professional Services, acct# XXX Enhanced Recovery Corp, acct# XXX Credit Management, acct# XXX Capital One Bank USA Na, acct# XXX1 Capital One Bank USA Na, acct# XXX2 LVNV Funding LLC, acct# XXX Mortgage Service Center-PHH, acct# XXX Please verify all the information in these trade lines, delete any inaccurate information or fraudulent trade lines from my report and send me a copy of my updated credit report as soon as possible. Sincerely, Afrogpilot SSN# 123-45-6789
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