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Found 8 results

  1. I am currently rebuilding my credit and recently got approved by Barclays with a small limit. I need a larger limit but how do I increase my chances that they will comply and how long do I need to wait before asking?
  2. I started rebuilding with no baddies and got a Capital One Quicksilver One with a $300 CLI. Then I got an ERC baddie with a four year old DOFD after I got the credit card. My FAKOs went from medium to poor immediately. I'd like to get a modest CLI increase so my card will be useful for car, truck and equipment rentals. Increasing the limit to $400 would be all I need, $500 would be perfect. How do I go about increasing my CLI? Should I not bother until my baddie is removed? What is an EO?
  3. Hey y'all, I've been reading for a while and I'm beginning my credit journey and I had a few questions. I have about 8 collections from about two years ago which I was going to do a pay for delete on many of them. Since they aren't that much. I have saved about a little under 6k with about 2800 in cc debt and was wondering what would be a better option. Pay down the CC debt and get a secured card for 3k from cap one or BOA or another provider. Or should I get a secured card at 5k? Which do you think would benefit me more. I had low utilization until I had two car accidents which made me need to pay my deductible. Any help would be great in my battle to increase my score. Current scores are all within the 580 range on all three cra, Don't have fico as of yet. Below you'll find my current limits and such. Card Type Limit Used unsec cap one 1300 1200 unsec citi best buy 550 340 unsec credit one 1075 1075 Macys Store Card 100 95
  4. Got an e-mail for my Chase Freedom card I've had since 2006 (was originally a Starbucks Duetto Card, it auto-converted about 5 years ago to the Freedom)... it had a $2,000 limit ever since I opened it, but in the e-mail they were inviting me to go for a CLI "with no credit report check". I clicked the link they provided, logged on, entered my annual income, and BAM! Approved for an increase to $3,000!!! I currently have fairly high utilization on this card (above 50%), but a perfect payment history over the 8 years I've had it. Anyone else have similar success with Chase recently?
  5. Okay, I did an app spree OCT 31 and NOV 1st. During that time, I received double digit credit limits on 4 new credit cards. So, I figured, why not request a CLI on the one Capital One card that I already have. Going through the normal customer service was a joke, as they used my credit report from 2 months prior through an automated program and declined my request. I ended up going through the Capital One Executive Office and requested a $12K limit (up from $550). They asked if I would accept a partial approval. PAUSE. At this point, I'm thinking, they may do $10K or even $5K, so I say Yes. PLAY. It took them 2 weeks to get back to me with an approval for $1500 on a 754 FICO score...WTF!!!??? So, perhaps my advice would be, if you are confident that you should get what you ask for, don't agree to accept a partial approval. Who knows, they may have approved more.
  6. Soooooooo...a few weeks ago I had posted regarding the 3-5 day message from NFCU regarding a limit increase to my card that is already pretty high util due to some unexpected circumstances that required flights home for my family. I had only asked for $500 in hopes of not seeming too greedy and the next morning after receiving the message I noticed that my limit was in fact increased from $4500 to $5000 The card has since been paid off in full finally and for the heck of it I figured I'd ask for a larger increase. Lo and behold I received immediate approval for an increase to $7000!!! This is pretty high for me considering most of my cards are retail store accounts with small under $1k limits. Working on paying the rest of them off and letting them age and using them for small purchases just to keep the accounts active. Because I'm in the process of moving all of my accounts and financial business over to NFCU I also decided to app for the Overdraft Protection (I think it's what everyone calls NavCheck?) and was immediately approved for the $3k I asked for. My scores are still waaaaaaaaaaaaay below where I want them but hopefully as I pay more and more things off over the next year they'll keep getting higher and higher and I'll be able to app for a home loan with NFCU in Spring of 2015. To anyone struggling with rebuilding credit: I'm right there with you. I haven't had any BK or anything like that but I've made some stupid financial decisions and stretched my limits and had a couple late payments and temporary unemployment so I'm currently sitting in the 590's across the board. But I'm starting to see the light at the end of the financial destruction tunnel thanks to NFCU lol don't give up!!!
  7. I checked my credit score seven months ago and it was in the low 500's. At that time I was over 120 days behind on my student loan payments and my total student loan debt was around $40,000. I have since paid off the past-due portion of my student loans but the balance remains about the same. The loans are now in deferment since I am enrolled in a graduate program. I have taken on additional student loans as well. Today I checked my score and it was in the upper 700's. I am very suprised by this. Is it possible that paying off the past-due debt and placing my loans in deferment could have had such a dramatic effect? Will my score go back down once the loans are out of deferment? I also had a maxed out credit card that has since been paid off. Perhaps that had more to do with it? Thanks in advance for your input.
  8. Scored a nice CLI from Discover. Last jump was from $34 to $6k in November, followed by an auto CLI to $6750 in late January or early February. Asked for an increase today... approved to $10k -- woot! I appreciate this more than normal because my credit portfolio is SO heavy with GECRB that I need the diversification.
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