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Found 5 results

  1. I have two hard pulls on my credit report from the SAME company, on two consecutive days! I did not approve of this? How do I get it removed? Thanks
  2. Good Morning All, Anyone have any info or experience with E-TAIL NETWORK INC? I saw a hard inquiry on my credit report from them this morning. Thanks
  3. Received an email alert from Experian that I had a significant change to my credit report. Logged into Experian and found out that I had a hard inquiry from Bank of America for what was described as "bank credit cards." I called the BOFA number listed on the inquiry and explained that I had no business relationship with BOFA, hadn't applied for any credit, and wanted to know the purpose for this inquiry. The rep denied that BOFA had done the inquiry and confirmed my last activity with them was 13 years ago. I have no open accounts, to include bank accounts with them period. The account I did have was discharged 13 years ago in a bankruptcy. Any idea what is going on? Has anyone else had this happen? I've sent Experian a letter disputing this inquiry but I'm really concerned that someone might be trying to pull some identity theft stuff. I found where some people had mentioned that BOFA does a hard inquiry when a bank account is opened, but again, I did no such thing. Any help would be appreciated.I If nothing else, I'm posting this in case they do it to other people as well.
  4. I got Jefferson Capital Services deleted from my credit report last month. Now I see they have softed my credit report a couple of weeks ago. I have several JDBs softing my credit report on a regular bases. How can I get these sniffers off my report? Mind you I have not received a statement from them. So I don't know what they are doing. 2 of them hard pulled. I opted out around mid-April.
  5. Right when I could see the light at the end of the tunnel... I'm almost completely done with my cleaning up my credit, but Experian is a killing me. 2 weeks ago I sent "delete as obsolete" letters to TU and EX for the last of my baddies as it was within 2-3 mos. of DoFD . EQ was done successfully online. A week later the account had been deleted from my TU, and today 3/18/13 I received the official response letter from TU indicating the account had been deleted. I just did my daily monitoring pull to see if by some miracle it dropped from EX, but it hadn't which I expected, and I planned on calling anyway. Business Name PLATINUM PARTNERS & AS Inquiry Date 3/18/2013 Business Type Other Collection Agencies I have never received any letters or phone calls from this agency, nor have I even heard of this agency, let alone had any correspondance with them. How should I approach this? Should I dispute with EX asap online, over phone, or in letter? Should I send a letter requesting removal directly to the CA citing Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 1681b©? I've read the horror stories about disputing a unauthorized inquiry only to have it re-verify or lead to bigger headaches. Up until now my clean up and reestablish has been relatively headache free, so I definitely do not want to approach this wrong and set myself back a couple more months, or worse years, but I'm definitely itchin to bring the pain to whomever I must Thanks in advance for any input or advice.
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