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  1. So I sent this letter to the BBB and I'm curious what you opinions are...so here it is. I am writing this in hopes that your office will help expedite a resolution to the following issue. In the summer of 2013, I received a debt collection letter from a third party claiming to be attempting to collect a debt from me on behalf of LVNV Funding/Resurgent Capital Services LP I have several concerns involving LVNV Funding LLC/Resurgent Capital Services LP. The account that this refers to is listed on all three of my credit bureaus. I am sure that your office is familiar with this company as my research indicates, many consumers, with similar problems. Please see my complaints listed below. 1.) No notice of account acquisition or "Dunning letter". To this day I have not received any notice from LVNV Funding LLC that they own this debt and intend to commence collection efforts. Yet they're reporting this monthly and have been for years now. This is a violation of the law. See FDCPA 15 USC 1692e Section 807 (10)&(11) In response, I educated myself on my rights and sent them a debt validation letter. I allowed thirty days for a response and still have not received any communication from them. 2.) LVNV Funding is not licensed to collect debt in the state of Maine (where I reside). Although, this company hires third party collections agencies, they're(LVNV Funding LLC) still required to be licensed as well. Which also is a violation of the law. See Maine Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Title 32 Chapter 109a §11031 Sub chapter 3 (1), Subchapter §11013 2 B(1) and G. See also FDCPA 15 USC Section 1692e Section 807 (2)a & (10). 3.) The next violation is greatly debated. However, having read FTC opinion letters I believe that violations have occurred here as well. LVNV Funding is reporting themselves as a Factoring company. This is an intentional misrepresentation of their company as they purchase accounts already in default. Deceptive practices are prohibited and unfair.I believe this falls under US Code Title 18, Part I, Chapter 42, Section 894 Should LVNV Funding LLC persists as a Factoring Company, I would respectfully request the following 1) Please provide evidence and documented proof that you are in fact legitimately factoring this alleged account. 2) Provide documentation from the Original Creditor that proves that in fact this account was factored to your company while in good standing. 3) Provide documentation/proof that this account complies with U.C.C. Article 9, Secured Transactions, and complies with FDIC rules and Regulations regarding factoring of open-ended credit. 4) Provide evidence of LNVN Funding LLC compliance with FCBA, TILA and FDIC rules and regulations. I also want to take the liberty to mention that I received a letter from a third party who was collecting for LVNV Funding and I requested debt validation from them but never received a response. Within a month's time, I received a letter from a different third party seeking to collect on the same debt for an amount that was nearly double the amount from the last third party. This conduct seems very suspicious. As a result of my complaint, I would be satisfied with having this account be deleted from the three credit bureaus and not be re-sold or pursued any longer. Otherwise, I will contact an attorney with my concerns. The above referenced legal breaches are of extreme importance to me and my family and is causing me long-term, damaging effects, including interfering with my attempts to obtain a home loan. I appreciate your willingness to consider my concerns and help me in resolving this matter. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks for your imput
  2. LVNV is on 2 of my reports for and old Providian account. It will age off in a few of months. It is, without a shadow of doubt, well beyond the SOL. I am in CA and always have been. I sent LVNV Whychats "letter to collection agency validation/dispute/cease and desist" letter, certified mail, to LVNV in January. After I confirmed receipt, I sent an itemized dispute to the CRAs listing the incorrect line items. I never heard from LVNV. They verified the account with the CRAs. I just received a dunning letter from FNCB listing LVNV as the owner. It has the typical 30 day language. It also tells me I can request all the information I already requested from LVNV. It does NOT note that the debt is past SOL. It does offer me a settlement. I assume I want to dispute and request validation. Should I also lecture them on the SOL? Should I also enclose the letter I already sent to LVNV? And copy LVNV on the whole thing? Can I also file a complaint with the CFPB? Against both companies? I appreciate any assistance on this.
  3. My scores just went from poor to fair two weeks ago. Last week I got two dunning letters (old overdraft and internet bill). AAARG!! Should I respond, or ignore and dispute if it shows up? The overdraft was never on my credit, but the internet bill was with a different CA, and was deleted in a dispute. I've read where a few people have responded to dunnings and were reported by the CA shortly after. I'd like to avoid that, and I don't have the money to pay either.
  4. Hey everyone, I have been on CB in the credit section for a few months trying to fix my credit and help my bofriend with his too. He just recieved a dunning letter from a local CA for an outsanding medical bill for $500. This is not yet reporting on his CR. I am trying to gather information but want to make sure that I am on the right track... From what I am reading it seems that I need to respond with WhyChat's DV right away: http://www.whychat.5u.com/ltrcavalhipaa.html I copied it word for word (based on advice on here) and inserted the neccessary minimal changes. Do I need to use the special font/paper to avoid the electronic scanning or is that only for CRAs? Also, they got his work number (We already opted out and disputed old addresses months ago, with some not being removed). They have been calling him at work and I told him to not talk to them but he would like to have them stop - should I include cease and desist language specific to contacting at work in addition to the language that is already included? Thanks for all your help!
  5. Just received a dunning letter fro Firstsource Advantage LLC for my Carmax Repossession from 11/2011. Carmax lists my debt at $5194.00 CA is saying its $7327.39 and is offering me a settlement of $5128.89 if I pay by 5/30. CA is not on credit reports yet and I'm applying for a mortgage in 4/2014. I really don't want this to hit my reports and I can come up with $3200.00. Do you think they will accept a 60% $3116.00 offer on original debt?
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