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  1. Not sure if I'm posting in the right section. I worked for a credit repair company for the past 2 years. They did credit repair for $800.00 - $1500.00 per client. I have beening teaching people for the last 4 months how to get all accounts removed from their credit report for $200.00 from all three bureaus. If anyone is interested please contact me.
  2. I've recently returned to CB, I was an avid reader/contributor back in 2007 and 2008. I'm looking to buy a house in the next 12 months, so I'd thought I get re-acquainted. Thanks to everyone who posts here. As always, truly amazing bunch of folks on these boards. I have three private student loans from Sallie Mae that were all reporting lates beginning in September of 2010 through April of 2011. One had 180 days late, three times, the other two 150 days late three times. I entered a payment agreement in February and they agreed to not report any additional lates if I made three payments on time. Well all those lates were killing my credit score and don't look too pretty on manual review. I disputed two of the three private loans online with Experian. I also disputed 3 other Sallie Mae loans that had been closed, due to a consolidation of all my subsidized loans (and unsubsidized) loans. I disputed the last three because they read "Closed/Transferred, payment deferred." Payment isn't deferred...the balance was paid in full and moved to another loan, new terms, etc. Well the results came in yesterday (Wednesday) and all the lates were removed from the two private loans that I had disputed. WOW. Now, I am worried, because I had sent a CM letter on Tuesday to the Consumer Advocate asking for these loans to be reported correctly. Specifically the lates jump from 60 days in November 2010 to 120 days in December 2010. I was thinking at the very least get that fixed and then those 150 and 180 will be reduced. HOWEVER armed with my letter, can the advocate put the late payments BACK on my report? I cannot see my Transunion and Equifax report to know what is reporting there. I use ScoreSense and I can pull the tri-report in 10 days. Freaking out and hoping I haven't shot myself in the foot here. Patience, patience, patience. Why didn't I just wait one more day?
  3. I have multiple disputes for incorrect information being reported. How long do I wait before sending the next dispute to the CRA so it doesn't look like I just decided to have a dispute party? Days, week, month?
  4. So far I have been fairly successful in repairing my credit. The PsychDoc Transcripts have been VERY HELPFUL. However, I am a bit confused as to what I can accomplish as far as disputing inaccuracies is concerned. I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before I just can't seem to find the answer! My question is; If the payment amount reported and the date the account was opened is inaccurate on my report, can I request that the CRA remove the negative reporting associated with these accounts? I have 3 "30 Day Lates" that I'm desperate to get removed. If so, do I have to dispute this information with the OC first? My fear is that they will update the information as soon as they receive the letter and I'll be back to square one. FCRA 628; states that "a person shall not furnish and information relating to a consumer to any CRA if the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the information is inaccurate" FCRA 628 (1)( states that " A person shall not furnish information relating to a consumer to any consumer reporting agency if (i) the person has been notified by the consumer, at the address specified by the person for such notices, that specific information is inaccurate; and (ii) the information is, in fact, inaccurate THIS IS WHERE I'M CONFUSED... A person who clearly and conspicuously specifies to the consumer an address for notices referred to in subparagraph ( shall not be subject to subparagraph (A); however, nothing in subparagraph ( shall require a person to specify such an address. A correspondence address is indicated on my CR for the OC. Does this mean that they can report inaccurately and there is nothing I can do about it.
  5. Hi Everyone, I am in the midst of my credit repair journey (lots of derogs resulting from a job loss in 2007). All of my remaining negatives fall off my credit reports between March-September of this year, but I'd love to see if I can get them removed sooner. I'll post my other negatives in other threads, but I'd like to keep this thread dedicated to LVNV Funding & Capital One. I have a collection account with LVNV stemming from an old Capital One charge-off credit card. The card was charged off in 2008 (according to the CRA, I have no documentation from the OC about this) and apparently sold to LVNV. I don't remember receiving anything from the CA, but they've continued to report to my credit report every month. The accounts are past SOL in my state (6 years), and will fall off in May (I know, why bother, right? because I'd love to buy a house this year, so the sooner I can get these guys off, the better). I did an initial dispute letter through the CRAs, which LVNV and Cap One verified. LVNV then increased my balance owing by $500 (interest, I assume) and knocked me with another KD marking on my report. Of course, I received nothing in writing from them. Since the two tradelines are linked to the same account, I'd love to discuss good methods for disputing both. Here's how LVNV is reporting to the CRAs: LVNV FUNDING LLCPO Box 10497 Ste 110, Ms 576 Greenville, SC-296030497 (866) 464-1183 Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Status: COLLECTION ACCOUNT Account Owner: Individual Account. High Credit: $1,675 Type of Account : Open Credit Limit: $0 Term Duration: Terms Frequency: Date Opened: 03/17/2008 Balance: $3,571 Date Reported: 02/11/2014 Amount Past Due: $3,571 Date of Last Payment: Actual Payment Amount: Scheduled Payment Amount: Date of Last Activity: N/A Date Major Delinquency First Reported: 05/2008 Months Reviewed: 37 Creditor Classification: Financial Activity Designator: N/A Charge Off Amount: Deferred Payment Start Date: Balloon Payment Amount: Balloon Payment Date: Date Closed: Type of Loan: Factoring Company Account (debt buyer) Date of First Delinquency: 08/2007 Comments: Consumer disputes this account information, Collection account And here's the CRA tradeline for the original charged-off Capital One Account CAPITAL ONEPO Box 30281 Salt Lake City, UT-841300281 Account Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX Status: CHARGE-OFF Account Owner: Individual Account. High Credit: Type of Account : Revolving Credit Limit: $1,000 Term Duration: Terms Frequency: Monthly (due every month) Date Opened: 10/29/2004 Balance: $0 Date Reported: 01/13/2014 Amount Past Due: Date of Last Payment: 07/2007 Actual Payment Amount: Scheduled Payment Amount: Date of Last Activity: N/A Date Major Delinquency First Reported: 03/2008 Months Reviewed: 41 Creditor Classification: Activity Designator: Transfer/Sold Charge Off Amount: Deferred Payment Start Date: Balloon Payment Amount: Balloon Payment Date: Date Closed: Type of Loan: Credit Card Date of First Delinquency: 08/2007 Comments: Paid charge off Does anyone have a good, tested method for disputing these guys? I've heard many have had success with filing a BBB complaint for LVNV (due to them reporting as a factoring company). I'm also considering Whychat's SOL method. I'm just not sure which route is the best to take. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I currently have open disputes with EQ & TU for incorrect reporting on some TL's (not as obsolete). I haven't disputed them yet with EX because I was trying to get old addresses removed. They won't delete the old addresses, so I sent them another request to delete them. I doubt EX will delete the old addresses.. although the 2nd request hasn't been processed yet (that I know of). EX is the only CRA with earlier 7 year dates on the same accounts disputed for inaccuracies with EQ & TU. My question is, since I have a lot of different things going on with the CRA's, should I wait until I hear back from all of them to do an obsolete with EX in hopes they remove (3 - 4 months early)? Or, should I go ahead and dispute the same way I did with the EX & TU for the inaccuracies and then save the obsoletes for later? Thanks!
  7. Four score and seven disputes ago our creditors brought forth on this continent, a new tradeline, conceived in my wallet, and dedicated to the proposition that all charge offs are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great dispute war, testing whether that tradeline, or any tradeline so conceived and so full of errors, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that we call the Internet. We have come to dedicate a portion of our sanity, as a final resting place for those who here gave up their credit scores so that that my wallet might live on. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget how many times we told Capital One to F-off. It is for us the credit poor, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task of destroying Experian -- that we here highly resolve that these tradelines not have died in vain -- that this nation, under CFPB, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that the credit scores of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not continue to vanish from the earth. Sir Abraham Funkiehouse
  8. Am I the only one having issues with Chexsystems fax number??? I have been trying for the past few days to send my dispute!! The fax number that they have on file (602) 659-2127 doesn't even ring! I even called customer service an spoke with a few reps who informed that the trouble may be "due to backup" and was instructed to re-try "every 15 minutes." I have been trying for the past three business days. Anyone having or had a similar experience?
  9. http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2013/08/certegy.shtm The FTC’s complaint alleges, among other things, that Certegy did not follow proper dispute procedures. The complaint further alleges that Certegy failed to follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the information it provided to its merchant clients, as required by the FCRA. In addition to the allegations described above, the complaint alleges that Certegy violated the FCRA by failing to create a streamlined process for consumers to obtain free annual reports that they are entitled to; and establish and implement reasonable written policies and procedures regarding the accuracy and integrity of information it furnishes to other CRAs. This is the first Commission action alleging violations of the Furnisher Rule, which went into effect on July 1, 2010. The settlement requires Certegy to comply with the Furnisher Rule, as well as the requirement to maintain a streamlined process so that consumers can request their free annual reports.
  10. Hi all: I joined credit boards a few days ago and have been fascinated with the wealth of knowledge on the boards. Thanks to all who take the time to assist, comment and give their opinion. I just pulled my credit report at have TU: 696, Ex: 683, Eq: 696 on 8/7 but then 708 on 8/12 from another source. Questions: 1. Is it possible to have a credit score jump 12 points in 5 days? 2. I have a few issues: a. ratio of debt to limits is too high. I have paid down to about 30% on each card. I am thinking of applying for a credit card or two to establish more trade lines, I only have 7 open accounts today including a mortgage and 2 student loans and increase debt to limit ratio. Got an invite from Discover but honestly would get more use from a Starwood card. Should I try with these scores( they seem on the edge)? Or wait a while? b. 4-30 days late from chase mortgage in 2008. None since - does it make sense to try a good will? I read in another post that that was a long shot c. I have a paid collections account from NCO last reported 2010. I was thinking of asking for verification/validation. Can anyone verify if that collections account can only appear for 7 years after last 180 days report from the OC? If so, it seems in order to keep this on, they would have to verify OC and last 180 days report..difficult. d. I have a paid judgement from 2008. (2008 was a tough year for me) - anything to do here? I feel realistically, I am stuck. Any suggestions would be welcome Thanks in advance for any advice
  11. Hello everyone, I lost my job about 4 years ago so I decided to go back to school and take on freelance work in order to build on my skills. Within a year of being laid off, I couldn't keep up with the minimum payments. Most of my credit cards had unemployment insurance and although I called within a month of being laid off the insurance never kicked in. I was so nervous about my situation that I completely withdrew, stopped opening the bills and allowed all 5 of my credit cards to go to collection agencies and my student loans to default. BAD! VERY BAD! I've been working for the past year and ready to pick up the pieces. Immediately after getting a job I called the Students Loans and set up payment arrangements. I have 1 sallie mae private loan and a couple of joint government SL. I'm paying ridiculous fees on them but I will get into that later. I'm writing this post because I'm ready to clean up the mess and I want your help/experience as I go through the process. Here is my plan for this month: - Pull all three credit reports (paid) - - Dispute Debt Validity with CA (they are all reporting as closed on report) - Ask CB to delete inaccurate information (multiple agencies for one card) Next: - Negotiate pay out with CA for deletion HELP - QUESTIONS Where do you recommend I get my paid Transunion and Equifax credit reports from? (I use Experian credit monitoring service) A long time ago I place a fraud-alert on my Equifax report and they have blocked me from getting and online report ever since. Anyone else experience this?
  12. I am writing because my husband defaulted on his Wold Mark timeshare and they repossessed the points on his credit. One reporting agency is not reporting the World Mark loan at all, One reports it as a paid repossession with a $0 balance and one is reporting it as involuntary repossession with a balance of close to $16,000. We contacted the agency reporting it differently twice and both times World Mark states that it is reported correctly. We then attempted contacting World Mark again and they said the only record they have is that my husbands account is closed with no record of a balance but they can't change how it is reported. We are stuck and don't know what route to take next becuase if it states a $0 balance we could buy a house but without that line stating $0 we won't be able to buy for 7 to 10 years after they stop updating the report and if WM want's to be a pain they could do it yearly. I understand my husband was in the wrong but if they repossessed the points and re-sold them without a loss then we should no loger be liable. Anyone that could please give me a direction to go at this point I feel like we are stuck. We have contacted the company directly, the reporting agencie, and did a conference call with an underwriter and they were not helpful at all and we once more got no where. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Can EX update a baddie - remove the late, and not delete the TL from a closed account even if I requested them to delete? Account was IIB (of course) If so, does this happen often or are people still able to get TLs deleted when there are erroneous lates, dates, etc?
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