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Found 4 results

  1. Since I've seen the light from this board and MyFico.com I now understand that to really help your chances in the future to increase one's current credit line limits it's best to try to run as much through your CC's as possible everyday instead of just using your bank debit card, cash or writing checks. One poster on this board or Myfico (i forgot which one( stated he was running $10-$15K a month on a $5K limit card using this strategy without the cash advances though I think. My question is two fold. To help with mass usage of my credit cards (on all my personal and different businesses I own for day to day, monthly and yearly expenses) will CASH ADVANCES help or hurt me in the eyes of the credit card companies in regards to helping me increase my credit limits? Basically do CC companies see someone that takes cash advances differently then someone that spends the exact same amount on some product or service? Like they're in need of the cash and more of a risk to them. For example instead of paying a contractor for work they do for you with a check you could pay them in cash through a CC cash advance. Yes, you'd get hit with a 2-3% fee. But you would get to run more transactions through your credit cards and thus in theory you would use your CC's more instead of just for purchases of products or services. Again from everything I've read, besides keeping your CC at a zero balance and then leave $2 on one card every month. For maximum chances to increase your credit lines the more transactions the CC companies see you do every month the more likely they are in the future to give you a CLI but also a bigger one correct? Please chime in with your first hand experiences with this. Thanks so much. I'm finally finalizing my Christmas Breaking Bad marathon (watching Season 5 episode 12) so all his cash has got me thinking cash!
  2. Hey Everyone. Happy holidays. Barclays gave me a credit line increase on there own for 650.00. I have had the card for 7 months. Started at 1,000. I called and asked for 10k and was declined. I have no baddies on my TU. Can I call to recon that decision? Let me know.
  3. Hey guys, I've only been following this board about 3 weeks and already I've learned so much! Been a Capital One member for almost 3 years following BK Ch 7. I have two credit cards with them both for same period of time with credit lines of $500 and $300 respectively. After some bumps early on, I got it together and paid all bills on time and always more than minimum, keeping utilization around 10% or less. Recently(about a month ago) received a 2K CLI on the $500 card(without asking) but nothing on the card that has had $300 limit? So I applied for increase on their website thinking this would be easy. Got a "denial" letter due to "too many inquiries"-mind you these were from a new auto loan and home loan apps and the same inquiries were there when the other CLI was granted on other card? Called customer service x2, both times they said "nothing we can do, this is our policy try again in 6 months". Been reading these blogs and came across the email address to Mr. Fairbanks CEO of Capital One. I emailed their office on Saturday 8/23/2014. On Wednesday 8/27 one of the Exec staff called to acknowledge receipt of my request and letter, they asked me a few more financial questions and what amount I hoped for. I told them it would be great to get 2K like other card. They said they would submit to underwriting and I would hear something in about 5-10 days. I just happened to check my account yesterday and there it was! A 2K limit increase on my other card! I am super happy! I know have 4K between my two Capital One cards and can handle an emergency. So yes, it's true, they do work with you and they listen in the Capital One exec office! I would have never known without this blog! Thanks everyone!
  4. I want to say thank you to all CBers current & past. Have learned a lot reading back threads. Finally decided to pull the trigger with FNBO gave them a call and 2 minutes later went from 1500 to 6500 on my AMEX issued by them. Was surprised by the amount as FNBO is a pretty conservative bank. This is my first big CLI since I re-entered the credit world in 2009 after a BK-7 that I let dismiss in 2005. For those of you who want the particulars here they are: Soft pulled EX, 5 HP showing 2 in past year, have had the this account for 1 yr 3 weeks, AAOA 5.1 yrs, 13 open accounts, EX does not show my BK-7 they let it drop after 7 yrs, no other negatives on CR.
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