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Found 9 results

  1. Does anybody know if Synchrony Bank policy on maximum credit limits for PayPal MasterCard has changed? I could have sworn people were calling the underwriters and getting $25k. I tried the telephone luv button and got nowhere so tried submitting a normal CLI request. I don't remember if it asked me for the desired CL, but if it did I would have asked for $25k. Today I get a letter stating my request for CLI is declined because "the amount requested exceeds the amount of increase our bank policy allows." WTF does that mean now?
  2. If you want to contribute, ONLY use plain vanilla generic FICO® 8 like myFICO, Barclays or Walmart, what we refer to as Eq08, Ex08 or TU08. Do not use Bankcard or Auto Enhanced versions. If you have 2 FICO® 8 scores, average them, with 3, use the mid score like with mortgages. e.g. BobWang Mid-Score 833, Avg CL $20k
  3. I'm in the process of getting a HELOC and I want to know if that limit will weigh on what the CCC decides to give for a new CL?
  4. My DW has a new JCB Marukai 3% card, but she was given only a $2,500 limit and they would not reconsider and indicated you must wait six months before applying for a CLI. We overpaid the current balance, and when you login, it now says available credit is ~$4,000. Does anyone have experience with this card and know whether a $3,000 charge would be approved at this point? I know that for Capital One account in the same situation, it would not be approved.
  5. I emailed Navy Fed 2 days after getting approval and asked for higher limit, the email came back saying I need to apply. Is there another way back door to Navy Fed
  6. So, I blame CB for even considering applying for another CC so soon after I just got approved for my AmEx BCP (with $20,000 CL). But, here goes. I need a good 0% APR card to transfer some prior balances (roughly, $9,000). I narrowed my choices to the following three cards. As you can see, there are pros and cons with each card. Any advice is highly appreciated. As for my stats, my CK score is 757. $100k income. Other major cards: BofA Visa (2006) ($17,000 CL), BofA MasterCard (2008) ($10,000 CL), Chase MileagePlus Explorer Visa Signature (February 2013) ($11,000 CL), and now AmEx BCP (October 2013) ($20,000 CL). Chase Slate Chase Slate is currently offering 0% APR for 15 months and 0% BT fee for the first 60 days. Pros Decent 0% APR length. No balance transfer fees for balances transferred during the first two months. I also currently have Chase MileagePlus Explorer Visa Signature. After the 15 months are up, I can theoretically close the Slate card, after transferring the CL to the MileagePlus. I really like my MielagePlus and would like the CL on it to grow over the next few years. Cons The 0% APR length is considerably shorter than the other two cards. Plus, I do have the other card from Chase (with $11,000 CL). Will I get a lower starting CL if I already have a card with Chase? Citi Simplicity Citi Simplicity is currently offering 0% APR for 21 months (with 11.99% APR after that). This is a targeted offer. The BT fee is 3%. Pros Really good 0% APR length. I do not have any other Citi card (although I previously had one, but it was closed for non-use five years or so ago). I also heard good things about starting CLs with Citi. Cons Balance transfer fee. Although 3% is not bad, it is not as good as Slate’s no transfer fee. Barclaycard Rewards MasterCard – Excellent Credit CK currently has an offer for this card with 0% APR for the first 24 months!! The balance transfer fee is 4%. Never had a Barclays card before, but know that they are a solid institution – at least abroad. Pros Amazing 0% APR length. Would be a good card to establish history with Barclays, if I want to later get their Arrival World MasterCard. Cons Higher BT fees than the other two. Plus, I hear they are stingy with their starting CLs (or even approvals). Appreciate any thoughts on the above.
  7. Scored a nice CLI from Discover. Last jump was from $34 to $6k in November, followed by an auto CLI to $6750 in late January or early February. Asked for an increase today... approved to $10k -- woot! I appreciate this more than normal because my credit portfolio is SO heavy with GECRB that I need the diversification.
  8. I'm going to be applying for some credit cards soon. Currently I only have one card at a $10k limit through one CLI requested a while ago. Based on the scores in my signature, is it likely, unlikely, or tossup of whether I can get approved for $20k limits right off the bat? (I just made up the $20k number, can I go higher?) Should I risk it or go for a lower limit? What limit should I go for? What's the max CL for an app that normal people with good credit can get approved for?
  9. Hi guys, two questions... Whats the number of secured credit cards and credit limit I should get before their boost diminishes and I start getting dinged for too many inquiries and average age of credit? Here's why I'm asking, I'm trying to rebuild from a credit score of 500. My average age is 6 years and most of my debt is five year old defaulted student loans and medical bills in collections, added recently. I just opened a $300 credit card after not having one for 5 years. What boost to my credit score can I expect to see immediately and as I make full monthly payments on $30 charges? What would happen if I applied for and received a second and third credit card and so on? For instance, I've heard that I should see an immediate boost of 20 points and that my score will raise 5 points with every on time,fully paid, under 10% utilization, payment? First, is there any truth to this, secondly, if so how long will that boost last, and thirdly, how would opening multiple accounts in this way affect my credit? Second question, in order to diversify, how likely can I qualify for a secured installment loan at my credit union using my car as collateral, and request a similar amount? For instance if my car blue books at $1000, what are the chances that I can get a secured loan of $1000, 24 months repayment, even with my credit score of 500?
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