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Found 9 results

  1. I have an entry on Chexsystems that is almost five years old. It actually doesn't even belong to me, but rather to my father with whom I share my name. The last four digits of the SSN on the report don't even closely match mine. However, Chexsystems is steadfast in their refusal to remove it. To that end, I have had to circumvent Chexsystems and open my accounts at banks that do not subscribe to that silly service. In my experience, there are many credit unions that do not pull Chexsystems, including NASA FCU, PSECU, PenFed, Navy Federal, Apple FCU are just a few. I know Dept. of Commerce FCU unquestionably pulls Chexsystems, as does Alliant FCU, SECU, Georgia's Own, Congressional Federal and Dept. of Agriculture FCU. Additionally, I've found from experience that Chase and Citi uses Chexsystems, but SunTrust, TD, USAA and WF do not. I have come to realize, much to my satisfaction and surely to their chagrin, that Chexsystems' relevance and influence in the banking industry is slowly eroding. I hope this helps those of you who are stuck under the thumb of Chexsystems.
  2. I know we have a Chex forum, and I've gotten help from there on a more Chex-specific issue, but this is more about FCRA and CRAs, in general. I want to file a complaint with the CFPB, but before I do, I thought I'd check with the pros. I disputed a misspelling of my first name (it's missing a letter) on my Chex report, and this is how they replied: (Let's say my name is Suzie Qewe.) "In addition, our records indicate that the disputed name Suie Qewe was provided by you in previous contact with us. Therefore, it has been retained in your consumer file. Should you wish ChexSystems to pursue this matter further, we must first receive a notarized statement confirming that this address does not belong to and has not been used by you. Once we have received this notarized statement, we will be happy to review the situation further and will inform you of any actions taken." Keep in mind that the sentence combines reference to a misspelled name and "address"...this makes no sense. And if I am the one who allegedly "furnished" this data to them, don't I have a duty to correct?? I included a copy of my TXDL, so they were looking at proof of identity. Do my creditors send notarized statements when THEY correct furnished data...?? (Nevermind the fact that I know how to spell my name, so I seriously doubt I furnished this data.)
  3. Hello!! Ok so here is my dilemma. Not sure if this is the right forum. I’m 25 years old and just discovered what Chexsystem is. I lost my job and my checking account became overdrawn for $420 dollars. Half of which are fees from TD Bank. I contacted TD immediately after I received my first paycheck and they said they were in the process of closing my account it was on day 61; so I just missed it by a day!! Grrrrr! I begged and pleaded ask to speak to supervisors and all I got was there is nothing we could do. So, I hopped online and back on this board and after reading through everything I went the next day which was this past Tuesday and opened up 4 checking accounts Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citizens Bank and local Credit Union. I didn’t want to take any chances on when they would report me to Chexsystems so I just went the very next day. From what I’ve read once you’re in ChexSystems you can’t open a checking account for 5 years! That’s crazy! There is no way I could go 5 years. The reason I opened 4 is because I saw where some accounts were closed because the bank did a Chexsystems sweep, so I figure out of 4 I have a better chance of having at least one stay open. My other reasons are because I need to establish credit; so I want to get secured credit cards with all these banks and start utilizing. My credit file was blank up until last year. I have 2 collections, one medical and one is from an AT&T bill and I am assuming now the one from TD bank will appear soon. I just started working with Credit saint credit repair (heard good things about them and good BBB rating) I’m not that savvy in contacting the bureaus myself. OK so basically I just need a game plan at this point on how to establish my credit from this point on and rebuild. I REALLY hate I let these stupid 3 things even get on my file! Please help and sorry for the long rant!
  4. Hi I just applied for the bank Simple.com online and was declined. The Reasons from chexsystems were as followed: Credit Score: 0532 Score Date: 7/30/2014 5:25:52 PM The key factors that adversely affected your score are as follows: ASSET OWNERSHIP HISTORY CURRENT ADDRESS CHANGE HISTORY DDA CLOSURE PAYMENT HISTORY DDA CLOSURE(S) 1 previous inquiries by 1 Fl(s) My credit score has never been this low before and I just had a credit report done 2 years ago and it didn't say any of these things. So i'm curious what these mean. I know I have a bad bank account with a Small bank in another state that I had but Im working on paying that off. we recently moved but at the end of our lease so im confused on the current address change history. Any help on what all of these mean would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  5. So I have reviewed various sources of info about the process of disputing an item in Chexsystems and am confused about 1) how many letters to write and 2) if more than one letter, what should I be requesting at each step. If I feel I have legit dispute should the first letter I send just ask for verification of the negative information? Meaning I would not provide any evidence to dispute at this stage. Assuming the Chexsystem can verify the item I then ask fo reivestigation? Use the Chexsystem pdf or write my own letter? Thanks
  6. I have been lurking in this forum for a while, just signed up because I was to forward this information to you folks who could use it I have two corporations. for the purpose of this post I will call one Corporation A and the other Corporation B Personally I am on chex systems from monthly bank fees adding up after I stopped using the account 3 years ago. Last year in June when I formed Corporation A (a C-Corp) and received an EIN from the IRS, I applied with B of A online for a corporate account. It was approved. They called and asked me to come in to do the signature cards (I sent the articles, etc online by pdf when applying) Three Months Later they closed the accounts after an internal review (was not overdrawn and had a $9,000 balance). Took 21 days to get the money from the account. ****Sneaky feeling it was from a report Wells Fargo made on me personally --This Year I formed Corporation B (a C-Corp) and received an EIN from the IRS, I applied for a Redwood Credit Union account in branch and was approved. They did not ask for my social security number when I went into the branch. Just my license. Have had NO PROBLEMS what so ever and just out of curiosity, I pulled up the pdf application from redwood credit union for business accounts. It says that they Please See Image From my Blog with RCU Application Screen Shot
  7. If you request your file at Chexsystems, do they do a softpull or hardpull on credit?
  8. I've had several problems with Chexsystems and looked into opening a second chance bank account with Andrews Fed Credit Union and PNC. Both banks supposedly have the best second chance programs, but what isn't advertised are the exclusions. #1 - Yes, you can get open up a 2nd-chance bank account with those institutions as long as the total amount(s) reported by Chexsystems is less than $500. There is no room for leniency; a dollar over and you're out of luck. But I must say, the new account rep was friendly, non-judgemental and advised to just send money towards the accounts listed because at least it shows that you are trying to rectify your past actions, and perhaps some banks will look at that favorably. #2 - New account reps use automated software to open these accounts but those new accounts still get run through their fraud dept. If you are listed on the proprietary EWS - early warning system, then they will close the account typically within 14 to 30 days. Only the larger banks are using this system now because they charge so darn much. I guess that why so many people get that letter about a closure after they've successfully opened the account. Such a waste of time going to open these advertised accounts only to find out they have exclusions. #3 - By now, everyone probably knows to refute anything listed on Chexsystems, but did you know much of that information is created out of thin air? Chexsystem has 2 bank accounts listed on their in my name, but not only have I never had accounts at those banks, but both banks verified to me that there is no such account. There has never been an account listed in my name at those banks; There is no account with those numbers at the bank(s); No one knows where Chexsystems got this information and they have the nerve to still have it listed??
  9. I had a BOA checking and savings acct from Aug 2007 through April 2009. I had over $10,000 between the 2 acct's. I used alot of the funds to pay some accts off from my previous marraige, buy some stuff, but never came close to a $0 balance. Due to the way they input these transactions from largest to smallest, the way they held my direct deposits until they charged me ODF's ($500-$600 at a time ) I ended up paying over $4600 in ODF's in a year period. I even took out $4,000 in loans to cover the difference. They "force closed" the acct in July 2009. They're adamant that I still owe them $848.00, even though due to the time frame, it shouldve been rolled up in the CAL last year. I was in Afghanistan at the time, and didnt receive a check, or notification from the Class Action. I called and expained it to the Office of CEO Rep and she assigned it to their fraud dept and to another rep. After a few minutes, that rep gave in, said she would waive the $700+ in ODF's, but I still have a $140+ in true $ that need to be paid. I said I dont agree, but pay if they would remove the erroneous $ amount from Chexsystems, which he said quickly refused. She only said she would update to new $ amount once paid, which would be purple to do, since it rolls off Chexsystems next year. She said she would update their system to show this new balance. It was their ODF's that caused the neg balance and closed the acct. Without the ODF's, i still would have had over $5 grand in the acct, and not have had to take out $4,000 in loans. BOA hasnt reported to any CRA's yet, though they said its getting ready to. I challenged with the SoL, which stumbled her. She gave me the # to their "dispute" dept and it was left at that yesterday. Thinking I should dispute with Chexsystems since they're updating the $ amount in BOA system. Any ideas which type of dispute to use? What's should be my next step?
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