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Found 7 results

  1. I'm going to make this a short and sweet summary found the forums in 1/11 1st card since '08 in 2/11 ($400 MC by HSBC) 1st discover card in 11/11 ($1k) then had 3 fights: cap one (charge off): failed Public Storage (public collection?): tie [they will fall off next year so meh] LVNV/Resurgent (CA for cap one): WON! in 3/12 MC $400 -> $520 in 5/12 Discover $1k -> $1350 in the last year i have gained a minimum of 50 pts on all 3 8 days ago i was approved for a $900 amazon.com store card 3 days ago i got my very first car! a 2008 Prius touring package #6 it's been a long road & i thank everyone for the advice & encouragement.
  2. Hi I'm new to this forum and wonder which bank or financial institution is using Equifax for used car loan. Im asking because my EQ is perfect not like Experian where i have 2 charge offs and score of 630 low limit util; 3% EQ 738 util: 3% low card limit clean record one installment from 2007 paid on time
  3. After 2 years, today I finally got the new Outback that I've been dreaming of. With all the tools that I've learned here, I was able to go into the dealership feeling confident, thanks to my good credit. I went in with a credit union pre-approval, but ended up getting 1.49% financing through the dealership. This is the first time I've negotiated on my own, and it felt great! CBers, you are all the absolute best, cheers to you!
  4. I've been lurking on the forums for a little while now and thanks to the wealth of knowledge available here, I've been able to re-establish positive credit. I think I've gotten a decent grasp on basic credit issues as it relates to credit cards and mortgages, but I cannot for the life of me understand automotive financing. It's the last frontier and I'm unable to conquer it. Here's the story... One year ago I filed Chapter 7. Since then I've been able to remove most baddies leaving only 2 paid state tax liens from 2007-08 and one IIB deposit account (currently showing $0 - discharge balance was $200). I have 5 store cards, 3 bank cards, au on 3 bank card accounts, and one closed/ paid/ never late auto loan reporting. My highest limit is $14k. Inquiries are TU 4, EX 2, and EQ 18 (left over from a little report poisoning from a previous creditor). My utilization is 35%. My debt-to-income ratio is 21%. My AAOA is 2.85 years. My FICOs average 655. My annual income is over 50k. I have opened credit union and bank accounts based on who they pull and what credit products they offer and applied accordingly. In other words, more sniping, less shotgunning. All are in good standing with no overdrafts, nsf's, etc. In all honesty, none of them have a lot of money in them either, but they all see regular activity. I have been declined on vehicle apps six times. The first three I chose specific vehicles. Thinking that the vehicle may have been the issue, on the last three I did not app with a specific vehicle - same result. None of the loan apps have been over 19,000 with a couple as low as 7500. Now, I'm sure, just from past buying experience, that I can walk into a dealership and get financing. But, the purpose of improving credit is to improve your bargaining position, at least in my mind. I haven't really been denied for the basics like too many inquiries, too much credit, too many new accounts, escalating debt, etc. They have mentioned insufficient credit history (I have positive tradelines dating back to 2004) and past delinquency. When searching the forums, I see the approvals/ denials are all over the place from 525 FICO approvals to 725 FICO denials. I know that each case is unique, but others must be just as confused as I am. Anyone have any insight as to where I may be going wrong? Also, I purposely posted this in the general credit forum as opposed to automotive financing thinking that at some point in our journey we all pass this way - reaching the point where we're ready to finance another vehicle.
  5. Hello, I am new here so I hope I am posting in the right forum. In 2 days I will be purchasing a car from CarMax. I was approved for a load through, Drive Financial. I was approved with a rate of 24.99%. I know this is REALLY REALLY high, but my credit is poor right now, and I am doing what I can to fix it, but as we all know it takes time. Now I see NUMEROUS amounts of horrible feedback from this company, and to be honest they are the only one that will finance me at the time. Is there anyone that has had a good experience with them? any advice? Also Can someone help me understand the process that we go through when we get a loan through a dealership. When we leave with the car is the loan actually approved? Or are the numbers we get a "estimate" of what we will be paying? What is the likelihood of them asking me to bring the car back. What makes them even get to that point? Sorry lots questions here, I guess I am looking for some answers to calm my nerves alittle. Thanks for the feedback in advance.
  6. My husband and I have moved to Australia. He had a loan on a car in Illinois, and the car is worth maybe 1/4-1/2 of the remaining loan value of $15,000. A friend of ours returned the car to the credit union with a note saying that he is defaulting on the loan (it's only his name on the loan.) The bank emailed him and said that they would like to talk (to work out a payment plan I'm guessing), and that returning the car doesn't absolve him from the loan. He wants to default on it...and no longer pay the remaining balance. What is the best way to go about this given that we now live 10,000 miles away. Thank you in advance for any advice!
  7. Hi, I recently payed off a car loan it was less then $3000. I was never late on payments as it reflects on my credit report. 3 weeks ago it was paid off by me, the dealer mention it will be marked as paid in full, and closed will this hurt my score?
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